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World War III

Terminology misunderstanding. I only said Pakistan, making no context of East or West (and of course referring to West Pakistan, to be more precise). But now that you have brought that up, it offers too little for a case of self-collapse, it had Indian involvement all over it. Even RAW cites the creation of Bangladesh as the biggest achievement in the organization's history.

For 'your' statements regarding things are more or less coming to the same level as with regards to East Pakistan, hence proves Indian involvement will be must. But, only this time there is just Pakistan and not an East wing of a country completely surrounded by a hostile state 10 times the size and resources.

Oh this time it is more you are more worst. This time your mainland is surrounded by hostile states with Afghanistan, Latest iran, India and US is in your backyard.

As we see Pakistan based terrorists being caught everywhere within India we do not have problem in returning the favour. we faced it for 21 years you guys are infants in terms of facing the blasts. just a single year.

with the policy to cut a huge nation at 1000 parts you should have thought how much cuts a huge nation can lay on you.
Oh this time it is more you are more worst. This time your mainland is surrounded by hostile states with Afghanistan, Latest iran, India and US is in your backyard.

As we see Pakistan based terrorists being caught everywhere within India we do not have problem in returning the favour. we faced it for 21 years you guys are infants in terms of facing the blasts. just a single year.

with the policy to cut a huge nation at 1000 parts you should have thought how much cuts a huge nation can lay on you.

The US has already tried convincing the Pakistan security establishment of threats other than India in the region, and have failed. Truth be told, Pakistan has only 1 true hostile state against it (i.e. India). Although I would rate Afghanistan as second but that is still peanuts compared to India, and any hostility coming in from Afghanistan, is so conveniently, Indian. Iran and US are no hostiles (if you're comparing these against India), if needed an active, simple dialogue would be sufficient under most scenarios with these two.

What 21 years of blasts? Are you actually, seriously comparing the number of suicide blasts in Pakistan in recent years with India? Who's the infant here?

BTW, we only have 4 provinces (now 5 i.e. Gilgit Baltistan). Realistically we can't have much more parts anyway. But a 'huge nation' can have several cuts, if not 1000 so to speak.
The US has already tried convincing the Pakistan security establishment of threats other than India in the region, and have failed. Truth be told, Pakistan has only 1 true hostile state against it (i.e. India). Although I would rate Afghanistan as second but that is still peanuts compared to India, and any hostility coming in from Afghanistan, is so conveniently, Indian. Iran and US are no hostiles (if you're comparing these against India), if needed an active, simple dialogue would be sufficient under most scenarios with these two.

What 21 years of blasts? Are you actually, seriously comparing the number of suicide blasts in Pakistan in recent years with India? Who's the infant here?

BTW, we only have 4 provinces (now 5 i.e. Gilgit Baltistan). Realistically we can't have much more parts anyway. But a 'huge nation' can have several cuts, if not 1000 so to speak.

Personally I think Pakistan is just paranoid over India,,of course every time Pakistan tries to grab Kashmir India is going to slap Pakistan down, but as far as India wanting Pakistan, India dont need another 172 million people that even more poor, backward and violent then the 1.3 billon they already have.
The US has already tried convincing the Pakistan security establishment of threats other than India in the region, and have failed. Truth be told, Pakistan has only 1 true hostile state against it (i.e. India). Although I would rate Afghanistan as second but that is still peanuts compared to India, and any hostility coming in from Afghanistan, is so conveniently, Indian. Iran and US are no hostiles (if you're comparing these against India), if needed an active, simple dialogue would be sufficient under most scenarios with these two.

What 21 years of blasts? Are you actually, seriously comparing the number of suicide blasts in Pakistan in recent years with India? Who's the infant here?

BTW, we only have 4 provinces (now 5 i.e. Gilgit Baltistan). Realistically we can't have much more parts anyway. But a 'huge nation' can have several cuts, if not 1000 so to speak.

Personally I dont think India wants a war with Pakistan and Pakistan sure does not want a war with India...

Manpower and Ground Forces

As of 2005, India has the second
largest military manpower in the world - at 3,773,300 personell, next
only to China. Pakistan’s manpower of 1,449,000 personell, although
smaller in numbers, is proportionally higher than India in terms of
their population ratios. Pakistan’s ground forces are equipped with
American or Chinese weapons like FIM 92 Stinger SAMs, BGM-71 TOW anti-tank missiles, T-82 tanks and other equipments. Indian ground forces are equipped with mostly home-made and Soviet technologies like IR guided 9K35 Strela-10 SAMs, 3rd Gen IR guided Nag
anti-tank missiles, UAVs and a large inventory of tanks and support
vehicles. In terms of both numbers and equipments, Indian military
dominates the Pakistani ground forces.

Comparison of Air Forces

As of 2006, Indian Air Force (IAF) has
over 170,000 personnel and 3,382 aircrafts, of which 1,330 are combat
aircrafts operating off 61 airbases - making it the fourth largest air
force in the world. India’s strike fighters consist of Russian and
French aircrafts like Mikoyan MiG-29, Dassault Mirage 2000, Sukhoi Su-30
- the last one developed under dual licensing by HAL, India’s aerospace
industry in Bangalore. In addition to these, Indian Air Force also owns
ground attack aircrafts, reconnaissance aircrafts, UAVs and support
helicopters - a majority of them either of Soviet or French origin.
Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has about 530 combat aircrafts and 65,000
active personnel, operating out of 9 airbases. Its strike fighters
consist of US, Chinese and ageing French fighters like F-16 Fighting Falcon, JF-17 Thunder and Dassault Mirage ROSE-III. It also has transport aircrafts like Lockheed Martin C-130 and Airbus A310, however unlike India, there are no UAVs or reconnaissance aircrafts in the Pakistani Air Force
The Final Verdict

Both Pakistan and India are almost
evenly matched head to head in nuclear and missile fronts, however
India has strategic and technological superiority over the conventional
forces of Pakistan. Indian Navy is larger in fleet and personnel size
with a more varied range of ships including an aircraft carrier while
Pakistan’s Navy is smaller and has no aircraft carriers. Indian’s IAF
is equipped with highly capable fighters like 4.5th generation Su-30s and 4th gen Mirage 2000s which are technologically superior to Pakistan PAF’s F-16s and Mirage IIIs.
Additionally Indian pilots are better trained and more capable in air
combat than Pakistani forces as was demonstrated by its various wars with Pakistan or joint exercises with US and UK. In the area of
conventional ground forces both the Indian as well as Pakistani Army is well equipped and highly trained to survive in extremities of
topography and climate in combat conditions, like wars in the high

Pakistan’s defence budget for the year 2006-07 was $4.1 billion (~3% of GDP) in response to India’s hike in defence budget
of 2006-07 at $20.11 billion (~ 2.5% of GDP). Pakistan’s hike in
military budget would be partially funded by its government coffers and partially by borrowing whereas India’s military spending would be
entirely off its own funds. India’s ambitious budget prompted Pakistan
to up its own military budget, despite the country’s widespread poverty and socio-political problems. Apart from its GDP, Pakistani military also gets a considerable funding from United States. Considering that India has a far larger economy overall, its military budget is also several times larger, despite being a smaller share of India’s GDP.

India vs Pakistan - Evaluation on Military Strengths - Bharatstudent.com

talks cheap,,,reality can be tough.

This is the standard Rapture script which gives goosebumps to the evangelical Christians, which is why they support Israel so fervently.
The US has already tried convincing the Pakistan security establishment of threats other than India in the region, and have failed. Truth be told, Pakistan has only 1 true hostile state against it (i.e. India). Although I would rate Afghanistan as second but that is still peanuts compared to India, and any hostility coming in from Afghanistan, is so conveniently, Indian. Iran and US are no hostiles (if you're comparing these against India), if needed an active, simple dialogue would be sufficient under most scenarios with these two.

What 21 years of blasts? Are you actually, seriously comparing the number of suicide blasts in Pakistan in recent years with India? Who's the infant here?

BTW, we only have 4 provinces (now 5 i.e. Gilgit Baltistan). Realistically we can't have much more parts anyway. But a 'huge nation' can have several cuts, if not 1000 so to speak.

Exactly thats what i meant it would have been better if you would have thought that before using the policy of 1000 cuts about what a big nation with big resources can serve you as a payback.

Any ways we all know about the seriousness for the traditional ways of Pakistan to deal within the terrorism originating from it soil against India. we have seen it lately.

Times have changed the simple logic is try it out in India and expect 10 times multiplied result on your soil. Truth is bitter but at the end of the day this is the only way to stop you guys else it is simple drumming sometimes of insufficient proofs or something else..
Exactly thats what i meant it would have been better if you would have thought that before using the policy of 1000 cuts about what a big nation with big resources can serve you as a payback.

Any ways we all know about the seriousness for the traditional ways of Pakistan to deal within the terrorism originating from it soil against India. we have seen it lately.

Times have changed the simple logic is try it out in India and expect 10 times multiplied result on your soil. Truth is bitter but at the end of the day this is the only way to stop you guys else it is simple drumming sometimes of insufficient proofs or something else..

Yes the times have changed, and will keep on changing. Who knows? Maybe in the future, the '10 times multiplied result' could be the other way round.
Any country that tolerates or endorses terrorism should be treated as Pariah to the rest of the world,,,no trade, no travel,,,no excuses.....and retaliation for every attack every time.
Hi all I am new in here. Can someone tell me how to create an avtar
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for me the cold war was the 3rd world war

this will be the world war IV

important observations : the world is bipolar again, china has replaced the soviet union as the axis power

pakistan + the muslim block will support china

only india in asia will support amrika

result : collapse of india & Amrika into fragments & china becoming the sole hyper-power in the world :coffee:
It is not China who needs support. Its so called Axis which needs China's support. Nice predictions in all, though too early
I think World War IV started 911 and its between premitive backward people that want to live according to instructions they received in the middle ages and people that want to live in the modren world...in the end the modren world will win its just a matter of how many generations it will take and how many people are going to die.

I dont think its a war between the west and east or Muslims and NonMuslims,,,,,Muslims that want to the modren world will be more of a target then the west, we are see that in Pakistan now.
for me the cold war was the 3rd world war

this will be the world war IV

important observations : the world is bipolar again, china has replaced the soviet union as the axis power

pakistan + the muslim block will support china

only india in asia will support amrika

result : collapse of india & Amrika into fragments & china becoming the sole hyper-power in the world :coffee:

So who will Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand support?...I think they also belong to Asia.
Terminology misunderstanding. I only said Pakistan, making no context of East or West (and of course referring to West Pakistan, to be more precise). But now that you have brought that up, it offers too little for a case of self-collapse, it had Indian involvement all over it. Even RAW cites the creation of Bangladesh as the biggest achievement in the organization's history.
even mr jinnah was confident in unity of east and west :pakistan:.:D
try to imagine and visualize a pakistani like you on this forum (4-5-10 yrs later) trying to console himself by saying Balochistan was never a part of pakistan and he was talking of south pakistan only:rofl:.
slowly but SURELY i am starting to respect RAW .:bounce:.it took them 24 yrs to create bangladesh those guys are pretty consistent.
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