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World War III


Oct 6, 2009
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The Planned World War 3 - A Play in Numerous Acts

World War Three in Brief

A Three World War scenario was developed several decades ago (see Conspiratorial History). Two World Wars have already been achieved, and the Third and final World War envisions an attack on Iraq, Iran and/or Syria as being the trigger to set the entire Middle East into fiery conflagration. Once America is firmly entrenched into the Middle East with the majority of her first-line units, North Korea is to attack South Korea. Then, with America's forces stretched well beyond the limit, China is to invade Taiwan. This will usher in the start of World War Three.

World War Definition:

What constitutes a 'world war'? How many countries need to be involved? And who decides at which point a number of regional skirmishes can be grouped together and called a World War? At the time, who called the official start of World War 1 and World War 2?

And have you noticed that although the term 'World War Three' is freely used in the alternative press and on the Internet, all the major news networks have stoically avoided using any phrase reminiscent of World War.

Since it's difficult to find a definition for an event which has only happened twice in modern history, here's my attempt at an answer to the question 'what constitutes a world war'?

A World War is a military conflict spanning more than 2 continents, in which at least 20 major countries participate in an attack against a common enemy, and which has the attention of the man-in-the-street due to the significant loss of life.​

With that definition, we can agree that WW1 and WW2 were in fact World Wars (both wars involved some degree of participation from most of the world's then existing countries: Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States and the Soviet Union). We can also agree that we are very close to achieving World War 3. The only requirement left to fulfill the start of WW3 is that of a military conflict spanning more than 2 continents. As soon as Israel attacks Palestine, or North Korea attacks South Korea or the US, or China invades Taiwan, we will have the next World War well underway.

World War 3 Timeline

These are, I believe, the stages of the planned Third World War:

Prelude - The events leading up to the start of World War Three, including Sept 11, 2001.

Act 1 - The Middle East. Widespread conflict to bring the entire region into the flames of war, possibly triggered by Iran or militants in Pakistan using North Korean supplied nuclear arms. The first Scene in this Act is the US Invasion of Iraq on March 20, 2003.

Act 2 - Israel at War -- Against her Arab neighbors, possibly Palestine. A Palestinian State will be established, so that all Israelis will be fully separated from Palestinians (listen out for mention of a 7-year treaty to be confirmed by a World Leader - probably Bush), only for Israel to viciously attack Palestine shortly thereafter.

Act 3 - Far East -- "Hair-raising nuclear confrontation that threatens mankind's existence" - Peter Lemesurier, author of The Armageddon Script, p. 223, written in 1981. Includes China invading Taiwan and a nuclear eruption on the Korean Peninsula.

Act 4 - Erosion of Confidence in 'The System' so severe citizens will be panicked into giving up liberties and Constitutional form of government. The plan calls for the dissolution of the US Constitution, triggered by a significant enough 'terrorist' attack. The ultimate intent is to introduce a global government and one-world religion.

Act 5 - The collapse of the US, and other Western economies and morals.

Act 6 - Significant population reduction using natural and man-made disasters.

Curtain. Who can tell how this war will end?

Both Biblical prophecy and the Illuminati plan state that Israel is the key. The Third World War is planned to begin when Israel goes to war against her Arab enemies. Then, and only then, will all the other elements begin to occur and they will do so in rapid succession. The plan is to have one disaster following another in such rapid succession that, before people can mentally and emotionally handle one disastrous news event, they will be hit with another. It is also accurate to say that until ALL of the elements for WW3 are in place, the plan will not commence.

While it would be naive to suggest a specific timeline for the events leading up to and including World War 3, we do know that the plans for World War 3 are well advanced, and our leaders involved in this secret plan are waiting only for the right signal before all-out war begins.

We are in the last stages of the preparation to so globalize the world that the Masonic New Age Christ (Antichrist) can appear to receive all the political and economic power of the world's rulers. This is the Illuminati plan and Biblical prophecy (Revelation 17:12-17).

In the words of Peter Lemesurier, author of The Armageddon Script:

"Their script is now written, subject only to last-minute editing and stage-directions. The stage itself, albeit in darkness, is almost ready. Down in the pit, the subterranean orchestra is already tuning up. The last-minute, walk-on parts are even now being filled. Most of the main actors, one suspects, have already taken up their roles. Soon it will be time for them to come on stage, ready for the curtain to rise. The time for action will have come."​
i can predict that far earlier! the ground has been chosen! and it is our bad luck that it is Indo-Pak region!
soon or later, we will have the WWIII, not preventable.
soon or later, we will have the WWIII, not preventable.

I am more of an optimist and view the situation to a group of neighbors who were previously armed with sticks. Armed as such they would rush to attack their opponents knowing that minimal or non lethal damage would be inflicted on them in the case of a retaliation. Now when these people are armed with shotguns they tend to shout frequently at each other and shoot off these guns in the air occassionally. However restraint from using the weapons are based on the fact that your neighbor is similarly armed and will assimilate you and your family as you do to his in the event that you use your weapon
for me the cold war was the 3rd world war

this will be the world war IV

important observations : the world is bipolar again, china has replaced the soviet union as the axis power

pakistan + the muslim block will support china

only india in asia will support amrika

result : collapse of india & Amrika into fragments & china becoming the sole hyper-power in the world :coffee:
for me the cold war was the 3rd world war

this will be the world war IV

important observations : the world is bipolar again, china has replaced the soviet union as the axis power

pakistan + the muslim block will support china

only india in asia will support amrika

result : collapse of india & Amrika into fragments & china becoming the sole hyper-power in the world :coffee:

Why did you give the United States of America an Indian name , "Amrika" ?? :rofl:

Isn't Pakistan into the pockets of the good ole US of A ? Your suggestion is argumentative if you take into account Saudi , Kuwait etc which are major roleplayers in the Muslim bloc and the fact that they are established allies of the US. The Muslim bloc is too fragmented to form a "one nation family" theoretically. China as an adversary to the USA militarily is thinking too far ahead. Right now the Chinese have one motto..economical expansion. Their advantage is that they really do not have any real enemies. Their ability to enter any part of the world and start trading is proof of that. :coffee:
only india in asia will support amrika

Come as it may, me know noth'in about no WW3. But I sure like the "Amrika"! :smitten:

Beats the h#ll out of "Chimerica".

I will be using this word from now on with your permission - or without your permission (you did see my "pre-naturalization" flag, don't you? :D)

Thx. :tup::tup:

in ( urdu , Farsi , arabic ) America is pronounced Amrika

got it ?

Thanks for clarifying that. I seriously did not know that. I know a few hindi ladies here who have the names Amrita and Amrika. Perhaps they are Urdu words . Since I cannot really speak hindi I wouldnt know if they are hindi as well hence my earlier post that it sounds hindi :cheers:
Come as it may, me know noth'in about no WW3. But I sure like the "Amrika"! :smitten:

Beats the h#ll out of "Chimerica".

I will be using this word from now on with your permission - or without your permission (you did see my "pre-naturalization" flag, don't you? :D)

Thx. :tup::tup:

With China's financial control of the USA perhaps Chimerica will be a better name :china::usflag:
for me the cold war was the 3rd world war

this will be the world war IV

important observations : the world is bipolar again, china has replaced the soviet union as the axis power

pakistan + the muslim block will support china

only india in asia will support amrika

result : collapse of india & Amrika :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:into fragments & china becoming the sole hyper-power in the world :coffee:

ab uth bhi jao subah ho gae.:coffee:
for me the cold war was the 3rd world war

this will be the world war IV

important observations : the world is bipolar again, china has replaced the soviet union as the axis power

pakistan + the muslim block will support china

only india in asia will support amrika

result : collapse of india & Amrika into fragments & china becoming the sole hyper-power in the world :coffee:

Will you like to name the muslim countries which will go against India to fight for Pakistan.

Let me give you hint
Saudi Arabia...

Its gettting hard for me to realize the country with whom we do not have the biz ties....
important observations : the world is bipolar again, china has replaced the soviet union as the axis power

China has not reached there yet. There is a long way to go. But yes, they are progressing. My take is, the world would not be bipolar rather it would be multipolar.

pakistan + the muslim block will support china

We can understand Pakistan would be supporting China in such a scenario. But I think other muslims nations will not support them. They all are US allies/stooges/puppets. You can take any example. At best they would stay neutral.

only india in asia will support amrika

May I know what are the source of your profecies??:lol:
IMO India will opt for staying neutral. Chossing one side in superpower conflict is way too dangerous. History has given us this example just in our backyard.

result : collapse of india & Amrika into fragments & china becoming the sole hyper-power in the world :coffee:

Well....Can you let me know when my manager would give me promotion? I am asking since you know all.
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WW-III will happen and that will be an end to half or even more of the humanity in the world :O
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