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World War III prediction and scenarios

Russia and China on the same side? Ever heard of the Sino-Soviet split? There is not gonna be a war. And if there is - the winner will be the one who doesn't participate.

The Sino-Soviet split from 40 years ago?
Thanks for letting me know! But I think nukes will mostly used by China,Pakistan and India against the other side. I don't think US and Russia will get into a full-scale nuclear war. That would lead to extinction of Human race.
2 quick points

1. No one can become sole superpower without eliminating American military dominance, which is simply NOT possible without engaging America in a full scale war. It's actually impossible even to engage US in fully scale military conflict without using Nukes let alone winning a war.

2. A full scale Nuclear conflict between China, India & Pakistan in more than enough to cause a deadly Nuclear winter which will surely wipe out everyone on Asia. So China is
NOT gonna become a sole super power as you have said in case of such a possible scenario.
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So Pakistan alone will invade and defeat India? Let's be fair.

Yeah let's be fair as you said India will alone fight with Pakistan and China in the beginning. Wake up from your dreams. India can only have a fight with one of these and I can't guess whom will win.
1. No one can become sole superpower without eliminating American military dominance, which is simply NOT possible without engaging America in a full scale war. It's actually impossible even to engage US in fully scale military conflict without using Nukes let alone winning a war.
US will invade Russia and China and fail. And everything else will follow.

2. A full scale Nuclear conflict between China, India & Pakistan in more than enough to cause a deadly Nuclear winter which will surely wipe out everyone on Asia. So China is NOT gonna become a sole super power as you have said in case of such a possible scenario.
Nuclear winter is just a theory. I think all three countries are willing to sacrifice half of their population.

Yeah let's be fair as you said India will alone fight with Pakistan and China in the beginning. Wake up from your dreams
Will be able to hold its own in the begining. I never said what you implied.
Whole world on one side and all militant organisations like let, hafiz,lakhwi and country supporting them on other side.
It will just for a little while. Until more Chinese troops come into picture.

That's what you see in your dreams. Little While? The 2 you mentioned are not Afghanistan or any other little country. The 2 you mentioned are also Nuclear power don't forget that. China, India and Pakistan armies are one of the bestest armies and India can't fight the 2 you mentioned at once. It can only fight with one at once and don't know who would be the winner.
The non muslims aren't dumb enough (anymore) to go to war against each other when nukes are in the equation. The only side that will lose is musalmans..because the next number of wars will all be regional and will be against Islamic terrorism or because of Islamic terrorism.
The non muslims aren't dumb enough (anymore) to go to war against each other when nukes are in the equation. The only side that will lose is musalmans..because the next number of wars will all be regional and will be against Islamic terrorism or because of Islamic terrorism.

There are many regional enemies in the world and the war if happens would be regional or will based on previous fights.
The non muslims aren't dumb enough (anymore) to go to war against each other when nukes are in the equation. The only side that will lose is musalmans..because the next number of war will be regional and will be against Islamic terrorism or because of Islamic terrorism.
There will be mass conversions to Islam after the war. Now don't go off topic chaddhi.
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