Coward Niazi may have been decorated by the British during Burma campaign when he was only a Lieutenant. However it is easy to follow orders and command a platoon. Fighting a war as leader of nearly one lakh soldiers is a different matter. Anyone who has read Hamoodur Rahman report will understand that Lt Gen Niazi was no tiger. In fact he was an incompetent cowardly general who was, is and will remain a black sheep responsible for the most ignominious defeat of the Pakistan Army.
We need another coward Niazi like we need a hole in the head.
Justice Hamood ur Rahman (Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Pakistan) Commission was formed by ZAB to investigate reasons of the East Pakistan debacle. Commission included Justice Sh. Anwarul Haq & Justice Tufail Abdur Rahman, with retired Lt Gen Altaf Qadir as military advisor.
The report was result of diligent interviews of 300 witnesses and analysis of hundreds of classified army communications between GHQ and East Pakistan Command. The conclusions are therefore based on facts.
Report was also highly critical of the role played by ZAB and the Peoples Party Thus, even though ordered by ZA Bhutto himself; the final report submitted submitted in October 1974 was kept under wraps for 26 years until declassified by Musharraf in December 2000.