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World unites to isolate Pakistan

ended up defending isolation..

IMO, you to review your above quoted opinion again & again and even if still did not understand then review it once more that who is really defending. TBH, it is always the claiming party that has to prove herself as burden lies upon the claimer.

Rest about Lahore and 1965, those days are long gone and no need to bring in such topic that does not relate here at all however, there was also a claim by IA will be having tea in Lahore Gymkhana but ended in defending and failed lastly.
Actually our strategy is working.. Every Pak member in this forum proves it..Like 1965 war.. You attacked for Kashmir ,ended up defending Lahore.. Same here attacked in world stages for Kashmir, ended up defending isolation..Nothing is going to haunt Modi..
chinese PM just bitch slapped your PM in his country..
that pain is going to last for a long time. if in doubt.. check out Chinese Comments .

Couldn't reply to your post as that thread was locked...Let me say here : I don't know much about Yousufzai Pashtun community but I will like to learn more about them as I belong to that community but the most funny thing is I just came to know about that, b4 I used to tell I m Muhajir (Urdu speaking, no doubt I still consider I m, hehe) and funny thing is I don't understand single alphabet of Pashto language...No body in my paternal and maternal family speak Pashto....

My story may be same like your ones...My forefathers also may have migrated from Afghanistan 5 or 6 centuries back and got settled in India, getting blend in local culture, leaving their own language and adopting Urdu...

I used to think Muhajir is also a caste...hahaha....Now I as got older got to know that I m Yousufzai...But I still love to be called both (Yousufzai and Urdu Speaking)...These are from now on my identity. And of course I belong to Sindh, Pakistan..
My forefathers also may have migrated from Afghanistan 5 or 6 centuries back and got settled in India, getting blend in local culture, leaving their own language and adopting Urdu...
Fake Yousafzai.......there are no known Yousafzai settlements in India 6 centuries back (1400-1500 AD)......almost all the Urdu speakers who claim to be descendants of Yousafzais, will tell you that their ancestors migrated to India in 18th century or at best 17th century.

The Pashtuns who settled in India, did not just adopt Urdu......they contributed to the development of Urdu language with their Pashto terminologies. https://defence.pk/threads/pashto-words-in-urdu.452502/
Fake Yousafzai.......there are no known Yousafzai settlements in India 6 centuries back (1400-1500 AD)......almost all the Urdu speakers who claim to be descendants of Yousafzais, will tell you that their ancestors migrated to India in 18th century or at best 17th century.

The Pashtuns who settled in India, did not just adopt Urdu......they contributed to the development of Urdu language with their Pashto terminologies. https://defence.pk/threads/pashto-words-in-urdu.452502/
Their are Yousafzai communities in India, when they arrived I have no idea, AQ Khan is an example of one, a Yousafzai from Bhopal.Kudos
Their are Yousafzai communities in India, when they arrived I have no idea, AQ Khan is an example of one, a Yousafzai from Bhopal.Kudos
AQ Khan is a descendant of Orakzais from Tirah (not Yousafzais) who settled in Bhopal in first decade of 18th century.
AQ Khan is a descendant of Orakzais from Tirah (not Yousafzais) who settled in Bhopal in first decade of 18th century.
I am pretty sure he stated he was a Yousafzai, but I could be wrong.
Its obvious you have not read his columns and writings.
I have actually read a lot of his columns pertaining to the nuclear weapons program but do forgive me for misplacing his tribal affiliations as it was not exactly top of the tree when it came to eye catching information.Kudos
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Actually our strategy is working.. Every Pak member in this forum proves it..Like 1965 war.. You attacked for Kashmir ,ended up defending Lahore.. Same here attacked in world stages for Kashmir, ended up defending isolation..Nothing is going to haunt Modi..

Musharaf latest comments in pakistani media telling that pakistan is being isolated

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