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World Bank cancels Bangladesh bridge loan over corruption

lol..as usual some govt officials took bribe and they are blaming India..what a gullible people bangladeshis are... :lol: :lol: :lol:

i bet next govt(Awami or BNP,both same) will take pro indian stand in few instances and they will become "Indian Stooge" just like this one.but what they forgot is that they are the one who choose this govt,not we... :lol: :lol:
Malaysian loan at 8% is a pipe dream. This will never happen> who cares about that stupid padma bridge? that bridge is basically being built to keep the awami leaguers happy in that BAL region of Faridpur, as far as i can, this bridge is never built. Thank you World Bank for exposing BAL and this is the last nail to the coffin of Bangladesh Awami League. Go BNP!
Sunday, July 1, 2012Front Page

News Analysis
Pride lost, and to be gained
Make all WB documents public


Inam Ahmed
We all could feel what was coming -- cancellation of the Padma Bridge loan. But none of us probably sensed it could come in such a damning way with so much of economic and political ramifications.

Bangladesh has never in its lifetime faced such a situation nor has the World Bank since its birth in 1944 cancelled a single infrastructure project of such size because of 'credible evidence corroborated by a variety of sources which points to a high-level corruption conspiracy'.

We are all smarting from the blow.

The bridge was dreamt up long time ago. We have heard of its necessity from the time when General Ershad ruled in the 1980s. Sporadic talk was heard later on as well. But finally the ball started rolling when the Awami League government swept into power. Things went pretty fast and the World Bank agreed to be the lead financier and ADB, JICA and IDB lined up.

The terms were very favourable to us as the soft loan wing of the Bank, International Development Agency (IDA), would provide the fund. The interest rate was really low at 0.85 percent.

It was even thought that some funds would be available from the donors in the outgoing financial year. The construction of the bridge would start sometime around last October, it was figured out.

Then the clouds gathered on the horizon.

The World Bank's vice-president made a sudden trip to Dhaka and met Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to convey the message that the bank had evidence of corruption in appointing a Canadian consulting firm. A month later the bank wrote to the government about corruption in selecting pre-qualified bidders for the bridge construction. Then former communications minister Syed Abul Hossain's name came up in the scam.

After some initial defensive statements, the government asked the Anti-corruption Commission (ACC) to probe and the commission, unsurprisingly, gave a clean chit to Abul.

But the Bank kept on insisting that corruption had taken place. In its latest statement it has, however, mentioned 'high-level corruption conspiracy among Bangladeshi government officials'.

The government seems to be hiding behind a smokescreen of definitional difference. The government's position is that corruption does not happen unless money changes hands, as it says in this case has not happened. But this logic defies the precept of circumstantial evidence. Should a thief be let go if he is caught outside a window preparing to break in just because he did not actually break in?

This is hollow logic.

There was a last ditch attempt to put the project back on track. But for that the Bank attached three important conditions which are worth analyzing here.

First, the Bank asked for an investigation and for that wanted the government to place all public officials suspected of involvement in the corruption scheme “ON LEAVE” from government employment until the investigation is completed.

This is a common procedure everywhere when an official is being investigated. In many countries the officials actually step aside until completion of inquiry on their own volition for the sake of fairness of the probe. This only benefits the person because no question can then be asked about the inquiry process. At the extreme level of it, we have seen the German president stepping aside in recent times when an inquiry was launched against him.

But the government did not want to comply with this demand for no good reasons.

Secondly, the Bank wanted the appointment of a special inquiry team “WITHIN THE ACC” to handle the investigation. There was nothing wrong with this demand considering the enormity and complex nature of the allegation. It should not be handled with a business as usual approach. This special cell would have been all staffed with ACC officials and no Bank interference was to be had. Yet the government did not want to set up the cell.

The third demand was that the government agree to provide “FULL AND ADEQUATE ACCESS' to all investigative information to a panel appointed by the World Bank comprised of internationally recognized experts so that the panel can give guidance to the lenders on the progress, adequacy and fairness of the investigation.

There was again nothing unusual with the demand as this panel was not to interfere with the probe but to provide the donors with information on how the investigation was being conducted. It was to assure donors that the probe was credible.

If there was no corruption involved, we see no problem in accepting this term. This is the way that the government could have a credible investigation and prove its innocence and claims beyond any doubt to the world. It would have earned the government applause from all sides. Even political diatribes from the opposition could have been effectively stopped by such transparency.

But the government did not agree to this as well because it said this could not be allowed on legal grounds. The Bank however thinks otherwise as it feels this panel could be formed within the ambit of Bangladeshi laws and procedures.

But as the situation stands today, the ramifications of the loan cancellation are many, right from turning the whole project uncertain to paying a high price to make it happen. In our next analysis we can dwell on them. But for now we know that we have lost a winning chance to prove our innocence.

However, we want to believe that the government was right in its claim of innocence. The Bank's statement has scarred Bangladesh as a nation and we want to clear the air. When the government is so firm that no corruption has taken place, it should seek out all legal avenues to challenge the World Bank in any arbitration. It should prove that everything was in order and lawful. This could now be the only way to restore our pride.

Finance Minister AMA Muhith has also rejected the World Bank's statement and reiterated that no corruption has taken place. We want to believe the finance minister and for that we want that the government make public all the documents that the World Bank has provided to claim alleged corruption. This is the only way that we can prove beyond any doubt that the Bank had been wrong.

We wait for that action from the government.
Indians are sole sponsor of the Awami League stooge regime and their activities. Indian govt, establishment, media and even Indians in this forum repeatedly defended Awami regime activities. Now this charge of corruption reaches all the way to Delhi.
Typical Awami league style is - in order to cover one anti state actand corruption they hatch even bigger one. In case of Padma bridge, in order to cover up corruption and failure they are hatching even bigger corruption scheme again with help of indian origin Samy Vellu. Samy Vellu corruption sheet is even bigger and sophisticated.
Another nail in the coffin of the utterly corrupt Awami League.

I remember that one of their manifesto pledges was that Padma bridge would be built during their tenure.

@ AL cannot make it.

@ "Bickho tumar nam ki ? Bickho says, Fole polichoy !".

@ What more proves AL wants ? Is it not enough !!! The main thing is that we are not getting the loan.

@ It is useless to argue with World Bank !!!!!!!! Sk Hasina is fighting with the whole world with this issue. She is likely to get another "Bamboo" !!!!!!!!!
Indians are sole sponsor of the Awami League stooge regime and their activities. Indian govt, establishment, media and even Indians in this forum repeatedly defended Awami regime activities. Now this charge of corruption reaches all the way to Delhi.
Typical Awami league style is - in order to cover one anti state actand corruption they hatch even bigger one. In case of Padma bridge, in order to cover up corruption and failure they are hatching even bigger corruption scheme again with help of indian origin Samy Vellu. Samy Vellu corruption sheet is even bigger and sophisticated.

you forgot a major point..even Indian voters gave vote in favor of Awami League..and the sesult was this.. :lol: :lol:

Awami League wins Bangladeshi polls - The National

please stop framing us for every blunder of Awami League..its your government made by your people..where was India in these???
for every blunder of Awami League..its your government made by your people..where was India in these???

India and Bangladesh- Embraceable you

Growing geopolitical interests push India to seek better relations nearer home

Jul 30th 2011 | DHAKA | from the print edition

NOT much noticed by outsiders, long-troubled ties between two neighbours sharing a long border have taken a substantial lurch for the better. Ever since 2008, when the Awami League, helped by bags of Indian cash and advice, triumphed in general elections in Bangladesh, relations with India have blossomed.


India and Bangladesh: Embraceable you | The Economist

Dhaka Conspiracy


[Indian military operation plan inside Bangladesh to rescue Awami regime and its top leaders]

Along with the letter, India had worked out a contingency plan to evacuate the prime minister, her cabinet and key figures of her Awami League party in the event of a coup. There was a military plan as well. Indian helicopter gunships would be launched from two airbases in West Bengal and Tripura into Dhaka to provide air cover for the operation. Landing zones and evacuation sites were identified in and around the capital for the air corridor.


some are trying to drag India which they have nothing to do it here

BAL failed end of story stop blaming WB ,
that guy blames the WB for corruption a link here i read
that so sweet and stupid corruption is every where but not like what BAL was trying to do

corruption can be in many ways not only involvement in money
many will think it is nothing but a serious shame for the country WB CANCEL THE MONEY it is every where all over the news shame on BAL

they making bad name for the Bangladesh and its people
....Now this charge of corruption reaches all the way to Delhi.

.....Typical Awami league style is - in order to cover one anti state actand corruption they hatch even bigger one. .

I agree that your foul and dirty mouth can not be stopped. I can only pray that your eyes are good enough. If so, you can rest your digits and have a look at NON - Awami corruption index :

Mrs.Zia, charged with Embezzlement. Used "Orphanage Trust" as a front. She considers bangladeshi's a bunch of fools to have created this Trust only on "Paper".
StAR - Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative - Corruption Cases - Khaleda Zia

Your Ex-Prime Minister Mrs.Zia , would be very proud of her two sons. Both of whom have been involved in corruption charges.

The Youngest one, had forfeiture action initiated by US Dept of Justice. The reason being, he accepted BRIBES for contracts awarded by GoB to German and Chinese companies.

Bangladesh / United States: DOJ Files Forfeiture Action Against Arafat Rahman | Global Legal Monitor | Law Library of Congress | Library of Congress

and the eldest one, well he went one step ahead and dabbled his hands with Extortion.
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Khaleda Zia's son is refused bail
I agree that your foul and dirty mouth can not be stopped. I can only pray that your eyes are good enough. If so, you can rest your digits and have a look at NON - Awami corruption index :

Mrs.Zia, charged with Embezzlement. Used "Orphanage Trust" as a front. She considers bangladeshi's a bunch of fools to have created this Trust only on "Paper".
StAR - Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative - Corruption Cases - Khaleda Zia

Your Ex-Prime Minister Mrs.Zia , would be very proud of her two sons. Both of whom have been involved in corruption charges.

The Youngest one, had forfeiture action initiated by US Dept of Justice. The reason being, he accepted BRIBES for contracts awarded by GoB to German and Chinese companies.

Bangladesh / United States: DOJ Files Forfeiture Action Against Arafat Rahman | Global Legal Monitor | Law Library of Congress | Library of Congress

and the eldest one, well he went one step ahead and dabbled his hands with Extortion.
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Khaleda Zia's son is refused bail

Indians acting like Awami thugs and partner in Awami crime against Bangladesh. Others alleged corruption is NOT any justification or execuse for Awami League corruption that damged economy and development in gigantic proportion. If anyone committed corruption bring them to justice be that BNP or whomever. But Awami League even after evidence sent to Sheikh Hasina by WB, covered up all evidance and refused to take any action. Furthermore Awam League hatching even bigger corruption scheme and accusing and justifying their crime by accusing everyone under the sun.
India and Bangladesh- Embraceable you

Growing geopolitical interests push India to seek better relations nearer home

Jul 30th 2011 | DHAKA | from the print edition

NOT much noticed by outsiders, long-troubled ties between two neighbours sharing a long border have taken a substantial lurch for the better. Ever since 2008, when the Awami League, helped by bags of Indian cash and advice, triumphed in general elections in Bangladesh, relations with India have blossomed.


India and Bangladesh: Embraceable you | The Economist

Dhaka Conspiracy


[Indian military operation plan inside Bangladesh to rescue Awami regime and its top leaders]

Along with the letter, India had worked out a contingency plan to evacuate the prime minister, her cabinet and key figures of her Awami League party in the event of a coup. There was a military plan as well. Indian helicopter gunships would be launched from two airbases in West Bengal and Tripura into Dhaka to provide air cover for the operation. Landing zones and evacuation sites were identified in and around the capital for the air corridor.


Bangladesh: Coup bid against Sheikh Hasina foiled : Special Report - India Today

lol idune..did you even read that???after this article published,you BD govt sent a letter replying this article..the link is just below of the article..

Our article on Bangladesh and India: The government of Bangladesh responds | The Economist

and 2nd,everybody know which govt supported extremist elements and which govt has extremist allies..what India was trying to do is the right thing.they wanted to evacuate important figures so that histrory will not repeat itself(Seikh Mujibar killing).and Stumper already posted few links of past govt's "Clean Image"..stop trying to make fool of yourself.
Others alleged corruption is NOT any justification or execuse for Awami League corruption
Oh is it so .... and on another hand you do not blink a eye before dragging INDIA into this discussion, even though this is a corruption case involving Your country, WB and Canadian Firm.....This is justifiable to you? ..... Hypocrisy ... Eh mate ?
lol idune..did you even read that???after this article published,you BD govt sent a letter replying this article..the link is just below of the article..

Our article on Bangladesh and India: The government of Bangladesh responds | The Economist

and 2nd,everybody know which govt supported extremist elements and which govt has extremist allies..what India was trying to do is the right thing.they wanted to evacuate important figures so that histrory will not repeat itself(Seikh Mujibar killing).and Stumper already posted few links of past govt's "Clean Image"..stop trying to make fool of yourself.

Offcourse Awami League stooges who took indian money and support for winning election will deny and send letter. That does not mean anything but idiotic attitude like yours. India is even willing to do military intervention for Awami league stooges and you deny india is not partner in Awami League crimes? How convenient for indians!

india and Awami League and its activities are joined at hip in Delhi. Days for indian face saving are long gone.
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