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Workers should remain united if British police arrest me | Altaf

If @darkinsky is calling a spade a spade, then why pick on him? It is unfortunate that while he is finding fault with AH, others are find fault with darkinsky.

I have been very critical of darkinsky myself, but in this instance criticism is entirely unwarranted. His criticism of other parties is actually genuine. Nobody is totally pure and moral. If MQM supporters want to reform their party, then of course power to them. I want MQM to be a party in mainstream, making tactical and strategic decisions via senior leadership, not a lone head honcho who is suspect in so many ways. Altaf is dead weight, and I'm sure many MQM people know it. He needs to be sidelined and MQM should step out of its shadow.

Sir, I don't have any personal differences with darkinsky, I was just being sarcastic in my initial comments and its he who started bashing me. Secondly, how he's calling spade a spade? Who's the boss in MQM right now and what does it mean if a person supports Altaf Hussain's MQM ??

What will happen when MQM will be left without AH is beyond? We cannot say for sure, we can only see when it will happen. Lets better talk about today? or Yesterday or beyond that? Do you ever realized how much destruction MQM has brought to Karachi in past 2 decades?

You either support a bad thing or you don't. Don't tell me you support a bad cause but since you don't like the mastermind you are not responsible of it at all, that's simple bullsh!t. Altaf has been running MQM since more than 2 decades like a gang and the list of his and his party's criminals is long. Everyone who's associated with this gang is helping Altaf Hussain directly one way or another because that fat fart is sitting in UK for 22 years relying upon these supporters in Karachi. If these people pull out their support what that old fat idiot can do while sitting in UK waiting for his arrest??
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This is an interesting aspect of South Asian political parties. Where the man makes the party and not the party ideals. Perhaps due to the fact that many of the founders are still alive and their own personal policies come into play. Be it PML(N), PTI or MQM. Even with the two dynasties in South Asia.. namely PPP and Congress the party's main feature comes down to the Bhutto and Gandhi clans. If you take them out of the picture, will those parties still be as united or successful? Perhaps then, there is chance for the MQM to break through these shackles of singular personality and define itself. Perhaps its time that Pakistanis break away from party songs with "Quaid-e-Awam Altaf Bhai" , "Khadim-e-Ala" and "Imran Khan" and stick to only MQM, PML(N) and PTI. Not only will that strenghten party structure, it will also ensure a continuity of policies regardless of personality groups within. However, what I state is a very tall order(of the magnitude of K-2 with similar hazards in climbing it)for Pakistanis.

To be fair, even though I completely hate MQM, they are the most stable of all.

The most weak in this regard are PPP and PML, who run on Bhutto and Sharif name. But they at least have a family clan to move forward with...but still they are the most person oriented.

Then comes PTI and MQM just ahead of them in first. In the absence of Imran Khan, we have seen some sort of mismanagement. Maybe it's just due to the party being a bit new to the main screen. Once it fully matures in another couple of years, we might see a better functional CEC etc (it is the second most functional CEC type organization in political parties after MQM).

MQM is the most structured. With the Sector incharges running the real show, the political figures and Rabta Committee, then Altaf Bhai. I sometimes think the true decisions are not done by Altaf, but by the members in Pakistan. Altaf bhai is just for gimmicks and jalsas, to get some sympathy type.
hahahaha, what a stupid question

i should be asking you after using millions of rupees and overseas funding why PTI still lost badly in punjab?

after buying every possible lota, after every desparate move you lost :omghaha:

MQM is not limited to karachi, it has reahed GB where PTI couldnt dream in those days

i have put you under ignore list so please stop quoting me

What a lame reply that was lol.. All baseless retard accusations with no proof whatsoever. I really am starting to feel why on earth I'm having a debate with you when all I'm going to get in reply is same old 3 - 4 baseless accusations which are already being debunked on this forum like gazillion times..

On the other hand, you're doing a good job, putting everyone, who bust you in your own style, in ignore list.. :lol:
This is it from me, off to bed..

Good night and yes - take it easy if altaf gets arrested before sun shines again in Pakistan.. :laugh:
MQM is the most structured. With the Sector incharges running the real show, the political figures and Rabta Committee, then Altaf Bhai. I sometimes think the true decisions are not done by Altaf, but by the members in Pakistan. Altaf bhai is just for gimmicks and jalsas, to get some sympathy type.
Not exactly, AH has his hands on the ghunda types within the party.
Aapas Ki Baat on Geo News - 6th July 2013 | Tune.pk at the very end 37:00
So according to your post Mustafa Kamal is that incredible that having him in party will make the party win from entire Pakistan? If that's true then why on earth MQM is still limited to Karachi only? Heck MQM even lost few seats in Karachi which were always MQM's seats traditionally. Your deluded Mustafa Kamal perhaps isn't that incredible, no?? :laugh:

Bhai MQM has got seat more than last election ... Except 250

MQM has tried hard to spread itself all over the country but propagandist are very strong that's why acceptability is being harder in rest of country .............
Bhai MQM has got seat more than last election ... Except 250

MQM has tried hard to spread itself all over the country but propagandist are very strong that's why acceptability is being harder in rest of country .............

there are few reasons for MQM not going national

1) very bad PR after 12th may, sheikh rasheed also pointed that out and said that before 12th may, many feudals were willings to join MQM because of good work by mustafa kamal, in order to win elections you need feudal support and MQM doesnt get feudal support because of their stance

2) in punjab and KPK they hate MQM infact i have even heard punjabis saying mohajirs are indians, so no surprises there, in KPK they call us jews
2) in punjab and KPK they hate MQM infact i have even heard punjabis saying mohajirs are indians, so no surprises there, in KPK they call us jews

Sadly I have personal experience on that aspect. But at the same time, the racist attitude against others is also prevalent in the other community. However, that is also the Problem with MQM...it cannot let go of the Muhajir tag.
I think England is going to regain its lost reputation with Pakistan by taking down the crook Altaf hussain and his criminal gang...

Sadly I have personal experience on that aspect. But at the same time, the racist attitude against others is also prevalent in the other community. However, that is also the Problem with MQM...it cannot let go of the Muhajir tag.

are you that @T-fraz guy? (something like that, a moderator too?)
there are few reasons for MQM not going national

1) very bad PR after 12th may, sheikh rasheed also pointed that out and said that before 12th may, many feudals were willings to join MQM because of good work by mustafa kamal, in order to win elections you need feudal support and MQM doesnt get feudal support because of their stance

2) in punjab and KPK they hate MQM infact i have even heard punjabis saying mohajirs are indians, so no surprises there, in KPK they call us jews

1) It was not feudals but common man who was impressed and would have considered voting for MQM. MQM decided to stick by Musharraf which was a mistake and it costed them dearly. Feudals are over exaggerated, MQM is stuck on them as there political slogan has always been about Mihajirs and middle class. Industralists are far more powerful and due to their influence pose a bigger threat.

2) MQM is disliked in Punjab not Mohajirs (there is a distinction). Can't really blame them after Altaf declared partition a blunder in India. Its not that others were forgiven Nawaz uttered Jag Punjabi Jag only once in his life, that too in start of his career yet decades later he is still blamed for it.
Sadly I have personal experience on that aspect. But at the same time, the racist attitude against others is also prevalent in the other community. However, that is also the Problem with MQM...it cannot let go of the Muhajir tag.

mohajir community is not one but many communities if you remove mohajir tag then tu UP me behari aur woh hyderabadi, many divisions
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