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Workers claim Chinese Factory in Pakistan firing people who ask to be given time to pray

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Thanks for tagging me. You know there is something called 'long distance love'. Two people from far away begin a romance. The huge distance prevents regular contact. Once in six months two days on the weekend are spent floating on air. But then they decide to live together. Few months down the road both are pulling their hair out in frustration because now they find out that they share little in common. Love turns sour. Contempt sets in maturing to hatred.

This is exactly what happened between Pakistan and USA. In early 1960s the 'love' between USA and Pakistan was intense. You just look at the rapturous reception afforded to President Ayub Khan in Washington or how the first lady Kennedy was touted in Pakistan. There were small American 'colonies' near Tarbela, Mangla, Kharian, Badebher [USAF airbase] etc building dams and cantonments in a eerie similarity to how Chinese have moved to Pakistan and set up shop. US manufactuerers tripped to enter Pakistan like General Motors, US engineers shared their [NASA] missile technology at Sonmiaini, nuclear technology through 'Atoms for Peace' programme. Pakistan was touted as a critical US ally in CENTO.

Then. Then it began to go sour. Contempt set in which turned to hatred which today you can see as both sides despise each other. Will the same happen here with the Chinese? Yes. And faster. Because Americans still belonged to a Abrahamic civilization with concept of god etc. The Chinese by comparison are aliens. Athiest beasts. And as more Pakistni's engage and become familiar you will see both sides began to grind. When they grind the friction will give off hate. This is inevitable as uber-athiests meet uber-Islamists.

And it's the begining. We alread heard about the forced prostitution and now this. Drip by drip hate will set in. By bye to "higher then mountains and deeper then oceans". Or sorry that will still be around but that catchprase will be used to express the hatred. In the meantime.


So true. Now Pakistan should kick out Chinese out of Pakistan as quick as possible to avoid further damage. As a martial race of South Asia, the handsome PM should announce a policy to expropriate the stupid Chinese's property to compensate the damage Chinese cause to Pakistan, it's perfectly fair, the pirate IMF treat Pakistan even nicer than the "higher then mountains and deeper then oceans" fly from another side of Himalaya. The Himalaya is just too high, otherwise Pakistani would know Chinese are in fact aliens 7000 years ago since the very beginning of great Indus Valley era, May God bless Himalaya mountains exist for ever!

So true. Now Pakistan should kick out Chinese out of Pakistan as quick as possible to avoid further damage. As a martial race of South Asia, the handsome PM should announce a policy to expropriate the stupid Chinese's property to compensate the damage Chinese cause to Pakistan, it's perfectly fair, the pirate IMF treat Pakistan even nicer than the "higher then mountains and deeper then oceans" fly from another side of Himalaya. The Himalaya is just too high, otherwise Pakistani would know Chinese are in fact aliens 7000 years ago since the very beginning of great Indus Valley era, May God bless Himalaya mountains exist for ever!

You don't need to get sore about it. As I have already said I have no issues with Chinese [I told you about my son] but what I said carries within it facts based on the sad reality. That this relationship is going to go unstuck as others have. Most Pakistan are way too backward thinking, insular and all too often Islamists and NOT nationalists.
You don't need to get sore about it. As I have already said I have no issues with Chinese [I told you about my son] but what I said carries within it facts based on the sad reality. That this relationship is going to go unstuck as others have. Most Pakistan are way too backward thinking, insular and all too often Islamists and NOT nationalists.

Depends really in the 60s we had more cards and allies now not so much you have idiots here thinking the Turks can do the same as the PRC does I am not saying to butt kiss the PRC here however we no longer have any other superpower on our backs USA fughetboutit they pissed at us for screwing over them in Afghanistan since the 2000s and with Huge Indian diaspora and their lobby any reaaprochment will be not met Russia again still close to India and Putin still kinda butthurt about the 80s still you could sense it the awam may be stupid and insular thinking the state and armed forces know better as @Mangus Ortus Novem says the state has to be preserved at all costs
On a side note, Pakistan can also study the way Malaysia/BD/Indonesia like Muslim countries are dealing with such kind sensitive topics too..Every problem has a solution if some one has intent to take it in a positive way!!!

Depends really in the 60s we had more cards and allies now but so much you have idiots here thinking the Turks can do the same as the PRC does I am not saying to butt kiss the PRC here however we no longer have any other superpower on our backs USA fughetboutit they pissed at us for screwing over them in Afghanistan since the 2000s and with Huge Indian diaspora and their lobby any reaaprochment will be not met Russia again still close to India and Putin still kinda butthurt about the 80s still you could sense it the awam may be stupid and insular thinking the state and armed forces know better as @Mangus Ortus Novem says the state has to be preserved at all costs

That means, your leaders need to think about long term foreign policy...If India is your rival no 1 then it is a disaster in your foreign policy where you allowed space to India be close to US...Even at your current geo political situation, you can be best buddy of US if you play your cards well..
Pakistani nationals commit crimes in Hong Kong too but people don't try to paint it as if the Pakistani government is sending its criminals to China.

There are too many random enterpreneurs in China who got rich quick. They will never learn their limitations until they lose everything. Only a handful of Chinese companies can be truly international. Fact is, elimination of the weak and foolish is the only way to strengthen the herd.

I agree the mentality of people who got rich recently is not great. there are always exceptions
You don't need to get sore about it. As I have already said I have no issues with Chinese [I told you about my son] but what I said carries within it facts based on the sad reality. That this relationship is going to go unstuck as others have. Most Pakistan are way too backward thinking, insular and all too often Islamists and NOT nationalists.

I'm absolutely fine. We need understand that the state level relationship is very different from individual level since the entities interacts are "secular", that means the geopolitics are built more on reality less on ideology. So I don't worry the stability of China Pakistan relationship. Most Pakistani are breed and educated in a traditional way, I don't think it's a fault, it's choice of Pakistan politicians and its people, it's Pakistani's own unalienable identity, it's perfectly legal and normal. This also apply to Chinese or pretty much every ethnicity. The bottom line is, at individual level, if either side feel uncomfortable, just say bye and leave, there's no any necessity to argue or fight to prove that I'm right you're wrong.
One thing kind of puzzles me, China has mega projects and workers and engineers working all across the Muslim world, Arab Gulf regions, central Asian countries, middle east, north Africa.. all those projects move smoothly without troubles and setbacks, but only the ones in Pakistan every now and then we hit some blocks or very bad press, really don't know what's going on but it is very strange..
That isn't true...
In Africa many reports are made against Chinese Firms and their "Slave like" treatment of African workers...
Same for North Africa/ME... Like in Algeria where they speak about Chinese behavior toward local workers...
And so on...

But one thing Different with Pakistan... it's that contrary to those places...THEY ie Pakistan are free to speak when such thing happen...something no possible in those "Dictator/Restricted" countries...

The thing is...you know Chinese Firm behavior... It's the same they used FOR their own people back in the days... They are using what worked for them...thinking that outside ppl are the same...But they don't...and now...little by little they feel the backlash... Ppl speak...words get out...

Many in this Thread give "Excuses" to that behavior... WHILE THEY THEMSELVES don't like it...when it's in their countries...

That's called Hypocrisy...So don't be "surprised" when ppl doubt China words when it comes to other matters...
The wolf is not always outside...
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It's the media wants to create the trouble, some of your media is not China friendly, China never complains over those repeated terrorist attack on Chinese nationals and properties in Pakistan, becaude Chinese media always reports how brave Pakistanis tried to save Chinese in those attacks instead of reporting the loss and damages.

I've come to find that the local Pakistani often has sky high expectations which are often shattered.

And does not have the experiences/interactions that the overseas Pakistani has.
Chinese are the worst employers. Working for them is equivalent to selling your dignity, self respect and becoming a slave.

Anyways we've sold our souls to China now. They will squeeze us like lemons.
You guys are really pathetic.

Where are the mods on this thread ... These subtle jabs at religion are uncalled for.
This is a regularly occurring theme among chinese members over here.

And it will be the fault of chinese folks for adopting my way or highway approach... Just look at this thread.. Godless Pathetic isolate fools over here teaching us to forgo the important pillar of Islam.

Yehi almiyah Pakistan ka ahmed bhai
کیا کیا جا سکتا ھے آج کل چھوکریاں تھوڑا پڑھ لکھ جاتی ھیں تو ھوا مے اڑنے لگتی ھیں
اب پاکستانیوں سے شادی کر لینے میں حرج تو کوئی نہیں تھا یہ سب پیسے کی لالچ تھی اور پیسہ ایسی چیز ھے جس سے یا تو بھلائی کی جاسکتی ھے یا رج کے حرام توپی۔

ایک بات یاد رکھنا کہ پاکستانی ھی پاکستانی کے کام آ سکتا ھے وہ بھی تب جب نیت صاف ھو۔ ورنہ لڑکیوں کی کمی نہیں ھے پیسے والے کے لیے۔
یہ غیر ملکیوں مے 100 مے سے کوئی 5 ھی اصل ھوتے ھیں باقی سب فراڈ ھے اسی لیے پاکستانی لڑکیوں کو چاھیے کے پاکستانی پراڈکٹ پے گزارہ کریں
We need understand that the state level relationship is very different from individual level since the entities interacts are "secular", that means the geopolitics are built more on reality less on ideology
I understand. But the problem we have in Pakistan is twofold -

  • the people are not secular and are indeed vehemently ideological and expect that ideology [Islamism] to be applied by the state at home and in foreign policy. And large swathes are prepared to get vocal or even violent over it. Indeed I am sure you already are aware that Pakistan is kind of afflicted with terrorism. Who and what do you think is the cause of that terrorism. It certainly is not green party earth savers, Buddhists or gay right activists. It is Islamists who want the state to enforce Islam in policy - at home and abroad. For instance they expect Pakistan to do something about the Ughiurs. Because the state has not followed on their agenda many have taken the gun and declared the state a stooge of foreign powers [read USA] but this could turn on China anytime.

  • the pressure of this takes it's toll on government as no government can afford to look uncorned about these Islamists causes. The net result of this is often governments are decried as illigitmate and people resort to bombs and bullets. Result terrorism.
Therefore this issue while private will not remain private individual in Pakistan. It will have it's effect on the state. Ask the Americans and they will tell you this. Thus far mot Pakistani's view of Chinese is informed by formal announcements between officials of both states. But as we are seeing with deeper economic interaction under the CPEC more people to people contacts are taking place and the narrative of this will soon overtake what officials say in photo ops wit smiling government representatives from both sides shaking hands.

In Pakistan most do not believe in secularism and expect Islam to prevail in policies at home or abroad.
I understand. But the problem we have in Pakistan is twofold -

  • the people are not secular and are indeed vehemently ideological and expect that ideology [Islamism] to be applied by the state at home and in foreign policy. And large swathes are prepared to get vocal or even violent over it. Indeed I am sure you already are aware that Pakistan is kind of afflicted with terrorism. Who and what do you think is the cause of that terrorism. It certainly is not green party earth savers, Buddhists or gay right activists. It is Islamists who want the state to enforce Islam in policy - at home and abroad. For instance they expect Pakistan to do something about the Ughiurs. Because the state has not followed on their agenda many have taken the gun and declared the state a stooge of foreign powers [read USA] but this could turn on China anytime.

  • the pressure of this takes it's toll on government as no government can afford to look uncorned about these Islamists causes. The net result of this is often governments are decried as illigitmate and people resort to bombs and bullets. Result terrorism.
Therefore this issue while private will not remain private individual in Pakistan. It will have it's effect on the state. Ask the Americans and they will tell you this. Thus far mot Pakistani's view of Chinese is informed by formal announcements between officials of both states. But as we are seeing with deeper economic interaction under the CPEC more people to people contacts are taking place and the narrative of this will soon overtake what officials say in photo ops wit smiling government representatives from both sides shaking hands.

In Pakistan most do not believe in secularism and expect Islam to prevail in policies at home or abroad.

The Islamist issue is not Pakistan only, it's a world wide phenomenon. I'm sorry that I'm not smart enough to have any useful opinion on how to solve it. This need Muslim own efforts.
If you're working for a foreign or an international company in Pakistan then it's your own choice and no one is forcing you to work there. So embrace the applied rules and regulation and pray in your own free time or breaks. No one can take that away from you.
Praying in your employers time is never justified, not even in Pakistan.
thats so sweet . good job china . company pay them for work not praying
Finally someone who understands. When you sign a contract with an employer you are obligated to that contract based on labor laws of the country. In my current company, we have Muslim workers but there is no special room for them to pray five times a day.
You're paid to work not waste 15 mins x 5 times per day of lost productivity
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