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Women's so called march should we allow it or not or has Freedom of speech gone to far

This facade of marching for female rights has nothing to do with actual issues and problems being faced by women in our societies. Unless the society doesn't come up with indigenous effort and solutions to address these problems, these imitated borrowed ideas will only bring harm, degeneration and nothing else.

At best these are sponsored foreign interferences, most probably organizers making money out of making mockery of misery of genuine victims. The opposition to marches like these stems out of one's feeling to protect their own culture and most of the participants of these marches are gullible people who fail to understand the real agenda.

Just to give an example of how people can fall for this @jamahir he is anti nato western what not but here indirectly he is supporting their agenda.

You have a point. TBH I am not much aware about the issues women face in Pakistan (and I assume they are similar to those in India). In fact my point was off topic.

On topic, yes there are lot of people doing "behti ganga mein haath dhona". Last week I was speaking with a supposed Instagram influencer well known in the gender equality space, for a collaboration with our company on some matter. I used a word which offended her (and I had no clue even then or now that the word is offensive). She went on to lecture me for 5 minutes about how it was insensitive. It was very revealing, how much outrage she felt at something that wasn't remotely meant to be offensive, on a person (me) she knew nothing about. It makes conversation quite difficult with such people.
You are simply avoiding answering.

I believe you are a pervert. There is nothing more to answer here

He is the same as you. Right-wing. All right-wingers are birds of the same feather. He doesn't like Communists and other progressives and so do you. He doesn't like female freedom and so do you. It is no surprise then that Modi government is collaborating with the Afghan Taliban. If Lal Masjid comes to power in Pakistan you may even become their PDF representative or even their IT Cell chief.

You are a person of very very low IQ. So it doesn't matter if you put me equal to fanta bottle or lal masjid

I thought you did in post# 24 :

Nope. Still don't care
I believe you are a pervert. There is nothing more to answer here

You are a person of very very low IQ. So it doesn't matter if you put me equal to fanta bottle or lal masjid

Nope. Still don't care

I quote all your statements all together because you simply are like a stubborn five-year-old boy who has been spoilt by wrong environment. I don't care much about this IQ thing but you are a stubborn anti-intellectual.
I.R.A., if you consider at length you will find that NATO's actual agenda is not liberation of females but in case of Eastern societies installing puppet regimes which obey NATO that includes oppression of the female. For example, Morsi in Egypt or attempt to install the "Muslim" Brotherhood in Libya and Syria or the Hindutvadi one they already have installed in India ( please read in post# 23 about what BJP's Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi says about the females ). In Pakistan's context NATO would be most happy to see Lal Masjid types rule the country. It was Lal Masjid thugs who stoned the 2020 Aurat March.

You are mistaken .............. who is funding all this? Common people? Pakistani government? ........ No ..... then who? Clerics? These are western funded schemes and agendas.

You have a point. TBH I am not much aware about the issues women face in Pakistan (and I assume they are similar to those in India). In fact my point was off topic.

On topic, yes there are lot of people doing "behti ganga mein haath dhona". Last week I was speaking with a supposed Instagram influencer well known in the gender equality space, for a collaboration with our company on some matter. I used a word which offended her (and I had no clue even then or now that the word is offensive). She went on to lecture me for 5 minutes about how it was insensitive. It was very revealing, how much outrage she felt at something that wasn't remotely meant to be offensive, on a person (me) she knew nothing about. It makes conversation quite difficult with such people.

Same issues ranging from domestic violence, rapes, sexual abuse, exploitation, inheritance, no easy access to education to being sold out etc etc etc.


The actual issue is okay let them have their march ........... but where does it end? You never know what they actually want and what actually is offensive to them.

About the women ruling / governing ........... even if they do, it would be men behind the scenes making all the moves, somehow they emotionally are not fit for the role. Not built for it.
You are mistaken .............. who is funding all this? Common people? Pakistani government? ........ No ..... then who? Clerics? These are western funded schemes and agendas.

This seems to me a self-funded movement. Consider these people in many places in the Western-bloc - from Europe to the Americas to South Korea etc - who formed the Occupy movement in their countries. This movement started in New York as the Occupy Wall Street in 2011. It was a people's movement and they carried banners and dressed themselves up and marched through the streets and gathered in the financial areas. They contributed from their own finances as well as formed small self-financed groups. If you know you are going to join a progressive movement in groups what does it take to paint a slogan on a box's cardboard cover or organize with your friends to find a small amount to have five cloth and stick banners printed or have the slogans printed on clothes ? If the anti-Western-government Occupy movement could do it in 2011 why can't the Aurat March in 2020 and 2022 ? :)
1. The Afghan Taliban also claim to run an Islamic governance but the Afghan females don't think so and they are kicking and burning the burqas in public in defiance. What would you advise the Afghan females ?

2. What are these Islamic teachings you speak of and how are these women wrong and our brother Areesh right ?

Are you Muslim?
Don't depend upon any other sources, which could lure your to different, get knowledge from the roots/source. IN-SHAA-ALLAH you will be on a righteous path.
Rather than following discussing the topic with Areesh, me and referring to any group sect, just read Quran and Ahadees, comprehend both sources.

Else. if you are not Muslim, leave it - peace.
This seems to me a self-funded movement. Consider these people in many places in the Western-bloc - from Europe to the Americas to South Korea etc - who formed the Occupy movement in their countries. This movement started in New York as the Occupy Wall Street in 2011. It was a people's movement and they carried banners and dressed themselves up and marched through the streets and gathered in the financial areas. They contributed from their own finances as well as formed small self-financed groups. If you know you are going to join a progressive movement in groups what does it take to paint a slogan on a box's cardboard cover or organize with your friends to find a small amount to have five cloth and stick banners printed or have the slogans printed on clothes ? If the anti-Western-government Occupy movement could do it in 2011 why can't the Aurat March in 2020 and 2022 ? :)

It is not. You are comparing apples with oranges.

For any self funded movement to be successful it needs to be fighting for a cause which is popular and to which people can relate, their cause and the subliminal message(s) they spread is mostly unpopular in Pakistani society. This doesn't only involve placards, banners and handful of participants ........ the main goal is how to televise it and how to make sure it reaches every nook and corner, corporates and media houses are not some charity run organisations.

TLP is an example of self funded phenomenon in Pakistan. Or Tahir ul Qadri .......... by self funding I mean common people contributing money and sharing the cost.
Are you Muslim?
Don't depend upon any other sources, which could lure your to different, get knowledge from the roots/source. IN-SHAA-ALLAH you will be on a righteous path.
Rather than following discussing the topic with Areesh, me and referring to any group sect, just read Quran and Ahadees, comprehend both sources.

Else. if you are not Muslim, leave it - peace.

You are a member since 2008 so if after my eight years of membership and 24,200+ posts you don't know my identity then you will simply have to think where you are being incorrect.

It is not. You are comparing apples with oranges.

For any self funded movement to be successful it needs to be fighting for a cause which is popular and to which people can relate, their cause and the subliminal message(s) they spread is mostly unpopular in Pakistani society. This doesn't only involve placards, banners and handful of participants ........ the main goal is how to televise it and how to make sure it reaches every nook and corner, corporates and media houses are not some charity run organisations.

TLP is an example of self funded phenomenon in Pakistan. Or Tahir ul Qadri .......... by self funding I mean common people contributing money and sharing the cost.

Truly revolutionary causes need not be popular in society. Was the Occupy movement popular among the Western bloc governments, the wealthy, the military and the ultra-nationalists ? Were leftist movements initially popular in their societies among the masses ? In India for example the progressives including the Communists are not exactly popular so should it mean that the progressives are in the wrong ? You yourself gave the example of TLP and this popular movement started to glorify Mumtaz Qadri who was a criminal by any rational measure so should TLP be considered legitimate ?
Truly revolutionary causes need not be popular in society.

This particular one being discussed in this thread is nowhere near a revolutionary cause. ?????????

Was the Occupy movement popular among the Western bloc governments, the wealthy, the military and the ultra-nationalists ? Were leftist movements initially popular in their societies among the masses ? In India for example the progressives including the Communists are not exactly popular so should it mean that the progressives are in the wrong ? You yourself gave the example of TLP and this popular movement started to glorify Mumtaz Qadri who was a criminal by any rational measure so should TLP be considered legitimate ?

For any movement to become popular it needs to gather momentum and for that to happen it has to be appealing to general populace.

TLP appealed the religious side of people, no matter how illegitimate but it holds one the strong cards to blackmail and gather as much support as they can without worrying about the finances.
You are a member since 2008 so if after my eight years of membership and 24,200+ posts you don't know my identity then you will simply have to think where you are being incorrect.

Dear, I asked you a simple question ... I am not fond of uncovering the identities of people by analyzing what are their religion/casts, etc. and you are judging me on this scale.
That's why I said - peace.
I quote all your statements all together because you simply are like a stubborn five-year-old boy who has been spoilt by wrong environment. I don't care much about this IQ thing but you are a stubborn anti-intellectual.
Nope. You are still a low IQ delusional fellow who needs to wake the eff up
Nah. These idiots are not worth it

However you would surely check all the pictures of this march being a pervert you are

So much women skin for you to see

Mazai aa gaye low IQ communist kai :lol:
یہ بندہ ہمیشہ اپنی مروانے آ جاتا ہے۔ پتہ نہیں کیا مزہ آتا ہے اس کو
It’s important to let people voice their opinion as long as they are not harming anyone or breaking laws.
Plus it gives me an opportunity to pop down and see any nice looking ladies who fancy being my wife number 2,3 and 4.




Thank me later :enjoy:

anyone is open to march in democracy its free country . thier march will never destroy the country as TLP / JAMMATI /and other marches . its totally peaceful march .
TLP march was peaceful until state decided to use force against them. It was same as any Aurat march or 2014 PTI march (just to be clear I do not support TLP or their ideology)
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WE lazy men need to do something productive for once as well.

How about (Men only) Patriarchy march?

Special guest: Khalil-ur-rahman.


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