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Women's so called march should we allow it or not or has Freedom of speech gone to far

I am not going anywhere

But when pictures from this clown show would be posted then I would sure tag you so that you can check out all the women and their skin from those pictures. Don't worry :tup:

Clown show ? I can see the hate dripping from your posts for these women and I suppose women in general.
Clown show ? I can see the hate dripping from your posts for these women and I suppose women in general.

I can see a pervert talking to me in this thread

Anyways you would get all the pictures of this clown fest so that you can check out all the women participating in it. Don't worry
I can see a pervert talking to me in this thread

Anyways you would get all the pictures of this clown fest so that you can check out all the women participating in it. Don't worry

You first check out post# 2.
I asked you not to come up with your regular comeback. Be a thoughtful person for a change.

Dear, you could go ahead with your narrative as per India's cultural/social values and free to create a separate thread for discussion.

Here we are discussing Pakistan's issues in reference to our religion/culture/society. Your thoughts and opinions are not welcomed in Pakistan.
Dear, you could go ahead with your narrative as per India's cultural/social values and free to create a separate thread for discussion.

Here we are discussing Pakistan's issues in reference to our religion/culture/society. Your thoughts and opinions are not welcomed in Pakistan.

His opinions are not wanted in India either

He because of his useless ideology is a dhobi ka kutta. Na ghar ka na ghat ka
It’s important to let people voice their opinion as long as they are not harming anyone or breaking laws.
Plus it gives me an opportunity to pop down and see any nice looking ladies who fancy being my wife number 2,3 and 4.

Make sure your wife number 1 doesn't see this message otherwise you will be found in 2 3 or 4 pieces :lol:.
Dear, you could go ahead with your narrative as per India's cultural/social values and free to create a separate thread for discussion.

Here we are discussing Pakistan's issues in reference to our religion/culture/society. Your thoughts and opinions are not welcomed in Pakistan.

But these are Pakistani women, and humans. Don't we discuss human, and female, issues in other parts of the world ? Why are you being so defensive about societal elements that these women are marching to change ? Are you with them or with Areesh ?

Nope what ?

His opinions are not wanted in India either

He because of his useless ideology is a dhobi ka kutta. Na ghar ka na ghat ka

You say that because your opinions and of Lal Masjid are the same as from Fanta Bottle Yogi Adityanath in India :
He believes women need male protection from birth to death and their ‘energy/power’ should be regulated or controlled, lest it become worthless and destructive.
He adds the shastras say that a woman is protected in her childhood by her father, by her husband in her youth and by her son in her old age — so that way a woman is not capable of being left free or independent.

Lastly, it is you with fondness for dogs. I am a cat person.
Nope means nope. Something that every pervert like you needs to understand

Then call Waz a pervert too. Will you ?

Don't care what that fanta bottle says

Eff him

But why ? His ideas about females are the same as yours. He would also be opposed to Aurat Marches.

Then I hope that cat is safe from you

At one point about a decade ago there were seven cats living in a shelter I had built for them on my terrace with even plant pots in front of the fencing of the shelter to protect against crows. They lived happily with me until they were killed by dogs when they went out, dogs maintained on the streets by callous and non-thoughtful people like you.
But these are Pakistani women, and humans. Don't we discuss human, and female, issues in other parts of the world ? Why are you being so defensive about societal elements that these women are marching to change ? Are you with them or with Areesh ?

Yes, these are Muslims and women from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
I am not defensive here but discussed in the light of my religious limits upon Muslims if such 'marches' go against the Islamic teachings that are all.
If there is an issue that is under discussion, a woman is wrong and your brother is right on perspective, to whom you will support? A woman or your brother. The same is here, Areesh's expressed perspectives seem more on the right side, so I supported him. If he will be wrong, I will not.
Not just March, we should hand over governance to women. We will be rid of wars, small male egos and procrastination in general. And when I say this, I am cognizant of the fact that we have had wars under female leaders too (e.g. Indira Gandhi and Margaret Thatcher). We need women leaders free from the clutches of men, and not acting like the men they have replaced.

This facade of marching for female rights has nothing to do with actual issues and problems being faced by women in our societies. Unless the society doesn't come up with indigenous effort and solutions to address these problems, these imitated borrowed ideas will only bring harm, degeneration and nothing else.

At best these are sponsored foreign interferences, most probably organizers making money out of making mockery of misery of genuine victims. The opposition to marches like these stems out of one's feeling to protect their own culture and most of the participants of these marches are gullible people who fail to understand the real agenda.

Just to give an example of how people can fall for this @jamahir he is anti nato western what not but here indirectly he is supporting their agenda.
Then call Waz a pervert too. Will you ?

I am calling you a pervert because you are a pervert

But why ? His ideas about females are the same as yours. He would also be opposed to Aurat Marches.

Still don't care what that fanta bottle says or believes in

He is an islamophobe just like you

At one point about a decade ago there were seven cats living in a shelter I had built for them on my terrace with even plant pots in front of the fencing of the shelter to protect against crows. They lived happily with me until they were killed by dogs when they went out, dogs maintained on the streets by callous and non-thoughtful people like you.

Still nobody cares
It’s important to let people voice their opinion as long as they are not harming anyone or breaking laws.
Plus it gives me an opportunity to pop down and see any nice looking ladies who fancy being my wife number 2,3 and 4.
Hate the BLA supporting commies in this march but you are right
Let them act in clownish ways for a day it would change nothing
Yes, these are Muslims and women from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
I am not defensive here but discussed in the light of my religious limits upon Muslims if such 'marches' go against the Islamic teachings that are all.
If there is an issue that is under discussion, a woman is wrong and your brother is right on perspective, to whom you will support? A woman or your brother. The same is here, Areesh's expressed perspectives seem more on the right side, so I supported him. If he will be wrong, I will not.

1. The Afghan Taliban also claim to run an Islamic governance but the Afghan females don't think so and they are kicking and burning the burqas in public in defiance. What would you advise the Afghan females ?

2. What are these Islamic teachings you speak of and how are these women wrong and our brother Areesh right ?

This facade of marching for female rights has nothing to do with actual issues and problems being faced by women in our societies. Unless the society doesn't come up with indigenous effort and solutions to address these problems, these imitated borrowed ideas will only bring harm, degeneration and nothing else.

At best these are sponsored foreign interferences, most probably organizers making money out of making mockery of misery of genuine victims. The opposition to marches like these stems out of one's feeling to protect their own culture and most of the participants of these marches are gullible people who fail to understand the real agenda.

Just to give an example of how people can fall for this @jamahir he is anti nato western what not but here indirectly he is supporting their agenda.

I.R.A., if you consider at length you will find that NATO's actual agenda is not liberation of females but in case of Eastern societies installing puppet regimes which obey NATO that includes oppression of the female. For example, Morsi in Egypt or attempt to install the "Muslim" Brotherhood in Libya and Syria or the Hindutvadi one they already have installed in India ( please read in post# 23 about what BJP's Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi says about the females ). In Pakistan's context NATO would be most happy to see Lal Masjid types rule the country. It was Lal Masjid thugs who stoned the 2020 Aurat March.

am calling you a pervert because you are a pervert

You are simply avoiding answering. Please call Waz a pervert like you call me.

Still don't care what that fanta bottle says or believes in

He is the same as you. Right-wing. All right-wingers are birds of the same feather. He doesn't like Communists and other progressives and so do you. He doesn't like female freedom and so do you. It is no surprise then that Modi government is collaborating with the Afghan Taliban. If Lal Masjid comes to power in Pakistan you may even become their IT Cell chief.

He is an islamophobe just like you

No you are, Mr. Ritualist. :)

Still nobody cares

I thought you did in post# 24 :
Then I hope that cat is safe from you
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