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Women roaming alone in markets spread vulgarity: Pakistan clerics

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Mate, most of these "news" items are nothing but BS. If our society was so pro-mullah's, you'd have seen them sweeping the poles for the past three decades.

ITs really good to see the words of civil societies are heard over these barbarians.
Mate, most of these "news" items are nothing but BS. If our society was so pro-mullah's, you'd have seen them sweeping the poles for the past three decades.

I never said its pro-mullah's mate. Tribal regions are slowly integrated into main societies. U cant do it suddenly and fastly as it would evoke people's anger. So it has to done gradually. But in Pakistan, the tribal regions are being tried to take them backward more. These mullah's voices must be stopped, Those women's are just coming out of their zone. They must be educated, developed, but before even these women's can develop, its disgusting to see the anguish of mullah's. PA should arrest these people. half of pakistan's prob will dissappear
Mate, most of these "news" items are nothing but BS. If our society was so pro-mullah's, you'd have seen them sweeping the poles for the past three decades.
they dont need to win election, using guns and bombs to force you to negotiate with their demands. What if they say they will leave Karachi and lahori women alone, if KP is allowed their own way. You will do a cost benefit analysis, rationalize that KP women are better off that way,sizable population in KP sides with their worldview anyway, in the interest of peace and unity will you not shake hands?

Most punjabis/sindhis would though. :chilli:
As I said, none of the tribal women care, from any of the agencies. I know Mehsud/Wazir/Orakzai + all other assortment of "tribal" women and from settled areas, don't give a damn about what these zealots think or say. It's only when they are back in the agency that they follow a cautious approach, that too not because of our own people, but because of the "foreigner" brain-washed Arabs that infest our areas.

The real problem does not lie in the tribal belt. It lies more in settled areas of Punjab where these religious "organizations" funded by petro dollars are trying to change the thought patterns of regular-folk. That is what needs to be fixed and kept under surveillance.

I never said its pro-mullah's mate. Tribal regions are slowly integrated into main societies. U cant do it suddenly and fastly as it would evoke people's anger. So it has to done gradually. But in Pakistan, the tribal regions are being tried to take them backward more. These mullah's voices must be stopped, Those women's are just coming out of their zone. They must be educated, developed, but before even these women's can develop, its disgusting to see the anguish of mullah's. PA should arrest these people. half of pakistan's prob will dissappear
We have lived through that period, stop spreading misinformation just because your sect. do not match with set. of General Zia.

What sect? Who said anything about sect? Can Pakistanis not have a discussion without involving religion into every single thing?
Mate, most of these "news" items are nothing but BS. If our society was so pro-mullah's, you'd have seen them sweeping the poles for the past three decades.

Pakistani society is not pro mullah per se, but it is increasingly becoming more so from the base it started.
Seriously, Pakistani women do spend a lot.. God damn the "Breeze" shop, my sister introduced it to my wife........ and then those yak yak designers........... men not only pay with their pockets, but have to endure the horrible designs as well....... :pissed:

We are all brothers in arms when it comes to that kinda rip off :D
Women roaming alone in markets spread vulgarity: Pakistan clerics

Islamabad: Islamic clerics today barred women who are not accompanied by a close male relative from entering markets of Karak area in Pakistan's restive northwest.

A committee of 'ulema' or clerics in Karak district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province said only women accompanied by a "mehram" or close male relatives like a brother or son would be allowed into markets.

The clerics issued the directive during a meeting held at a mosque in Karak, TV news channels reported. The meeting, chaired by former Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam leader Hafiz Abne Amin, contended that women roaming alone in markets were "spreading vulgarity" in society.


The clerics met the local administration and police and asked them to implement the decision. However, officials refused to facilitate the implementation of the decision. The clerics asked shop-owners not to sell goods to women shopping alone in markets.

Mir Zaqeem, head of the Khattak Ittehad, told the media that the decision was made because "most unaccompanied women were becoming a source of spreading vulgarity, especially in the holy month of Ramzan".

He claimed a group of such women were involved in thefts and robberies.

He further said the presence of unaccompanied women in markets went against Pashtun culture and religious norms.

Women accompanied by male relatives would not be stopped from entering bazars, he said.

Women roaming alone in markets spread vulgarity: Pakistan clerics | NDTV.com

Women in Karak barred from leaving home without mehram


PESHAWAR: A committee of local clerics (ulema) in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's Karak district banned the entry in markets of women who are not accompanied by a mehram (close male member of the family -- specifically husband, brother, son, father etc).

The local clerics committee of Khattak Ittehad held a meeting at the Tehsil Masjid Karak, headed by former district amir of Jamiat-i-Ulema Islam Hafiz Abne Amin on Friday decided that women roaming in the city bazaars (markets) without male members of their family were a source of spreading vulgarity in the society and should be stopped.

The meeting which was also attended by Mualana Mir Zaqeem, Mualana Abdul Rehman and other clerics.

The clerics also met the local administration and the police to implement the decision but they had refused to facilitate the implementation of this decision.

When contacted, Mir Zaqeem who is the head of Khattak Ittehad, Karak city said that the decision was taken because most unaccompanied women were becoming a source of spreading vulgarity, especially in the holy month of Ramazan.

He added that a group of such women (without a mehram) were also involved in theft and robberies.

The Maulana further said that unaccompanied women in bazaars was not only against local Pakhtun culture but also against religious norms.

He added that those women who were accompanied by a mehram would not be stopped from coming to bazaars.

The clerics committee also requested local shopkeepers not to sell goods to women who are shopping alone in bazaars.

Reaction of civil society

Resident Director of Aurat Foundation Shabina Ayaz said that the decision of the ulema was a violation of fundamental human rights and was a denial of a woman's right to live on her own will.

She added that the state must act swiftly to ensure women rights.

She further said a few individuals should not have the authority to decide for 48 per cent womenfolk who had equal rights as any male member of the society in Pakistan.

Qamar Nasim the programme coordinator of a civil society organisation has termed the ban a gross violation of the women rights and demanded that authorities take action against the culprits invloved.

Nasim said a similar step was taken last year before Eid as well but due to pressure from the civil society the administration had the decision reversed.

The chief executive of Paiman Trust, Mussarat Qadeem is of the view that this order is morally, ethically and humanly an act of gross women right violation and an injustice with women.

If the jirgas and the local committees are so concerned about the women, they should come to their help and provide the daily needs to the destitute women at their doorsteps.

Women in Karak barred from leaving home without mehram - DAWN.COM

In defense of the female anatomy analyzing Mullahs I think they are right about something. Men will more likely to have impure thoughts even if they see a free roaming woman in burqah !!!

Men think about sex every 7 seconds? - Times Of India
Well as long as authorities did not help them. One of those stupid fatwas which no one cares about.
If males cant control their tool then a full circumcision needs to be advised.

Finish the fitna once for all.

I am also in favour of very strict punishment (not circumcision though) for rapists irrespective of what women wear but we should not underestimate this control or temptation things. we cover ourselves for a reason otherwise there was no need to wear clothes in hot summer if we had good control on ourselves .
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