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Women parliamentarians from Afghanistan write a letter to Pakistani women parliamentarians


Jul 31, 2015
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Aren't you ladies a little premature in concluding the incident of the daughter already. The investigation is underway, let it conclude first. Talibans are Afghans, deal with them. Your society has been divided between these two factions for too long. Join together, both compromise, and grow stronger together. Also please write a letter to your own parliament to stop spewing venom against Pakistan.
What is wrong with the mods on this forum? Why remove my post? This is what I mean with apologetic behavior. Always appeasing the other side. Always this double agenda. Picking both sides. This policy won't work anymore. We have to say it how it is. Afghanistan is an enemy of Pakistan.

Enough is enough. We won't listen to these Kabuli thugs who claim our land and are responsible for instability in Pakistan. Afghani Northern Alliance bacha baaz have tried to terrorise Pakistani people. They have slaughtered our children in broad daylight. Countless terror attacks in Pakistan can be attributed to TTP who operate and seek support in Afghanistan.

This charm offensive by Kabuli women won't have any effect.
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Its all a drama.
She was kidnapped for 4 hours and found the same day.

these afgands got together, wrote a letter and had it posted over social media within the same time frame.

Write my word, even the said kidnapping is a drama, and the director /producer will be a gangu hndu-stani.
Why people think this is a drama when PM has officially stated this.

Arrest kidnappers of Afghan envoy’s daughter in 48 hours, orders PM

Read More at: https://www.dawn.com/news/1635729/arrest-kidnappers-of-afghan-envoys-daughter-in-48-hours-orders-pm
Lack of common sense and decency at display here unfortunately. Everything is a conspiracy against Pakistan. Somebody else's daughter is brutalized but this doesn't matter because she is Afghani. Let us regard them as subhumans and continue to brutalize them in the streets as well...

What is wrong with the mods on this forum? Why remove my post? This is what I mean with apologetic behavior. Always appeasing the other side. Always this double agenda. Picking both sides. This policy won't work anymore. We have to say it how it is. Afghanistan is an enemy of Pakistan.

Enough is enough. We won't listen to these Kabuli thugs who claim our land and are responsible for instability in Pakistan. Afghani Northern Alliance bacha baaz have tried to terrorise Pakistani people. They have slaughtered our children in broad daylight. Countless terror attacks in Pakistan can be attributed to TTP who operate and seek support in Afghanistan.

This charm offensive by Kabuli women won't have any effect.
There is time and place for all manner of discussion. This thread is about victimization of an Afghan girl in Pakistan. Members should stick to the topic on hand and not try to deflect in other directions. Have some shame.

Imagine if this had happened to your daughter. Don't do politics over every theme for the sake of it.

Same advice to others.
What a bunch of stupid women 😠😠
The real sons of the soil who fought for your country ,first drove Soviets our later Americans are terrorists according to you and you want afghans to live under the puppet government installed by invaders.
How you women can represent afghanistan when infact the parliament you are writing from is not a afghan one but a US installed one. You sided with the invaders and Taliban are bad guys according to you. Unlike you they rejected the US money,luxuries etc and opted for a real struggle for afghanistan. Taliban are ordinary afghans who on day work as a farmer and labourer and on night fight with your masters. Say thanks to pakistan for supporting such great people and say thanks to pakistan for liberating afghanistan from invaders.
Shame on you.
What a bunch of stupid women 😠😠
The real sons of the soil who fought for your country ,first drove Soviets our later Americans are terrorists according to you and you want afghans to live under the puppet government installed by invaders.
How you women can represent afghanistan when infact the parliament you are writing from is not a afghan one but a US installed one. You sided with the invaders and Taliban are bad guys according to you. Unlike you they rejected the US money,luxuries etc and opted for a real struggle for afghanistan. Taliban are ordinary afghans who on day work as a farmer and labourer and on night fight with your masters. Say thanks to pakistan for supporting such great people and say thanks to pakistan for liberating afghanistan from invaders.
Shame on you.
The pious Taliban were allies of the terroristic Al-Qaeda Network (ticking time bomb that exploded and another chapter of death and destruction followed in the region). Nobody is in the position to lecture the other about values and shame TBH.

Entire Afghanistan does not accept Taliban - you refuse to see the obvious for some reason.
The pious Taliban were allies of the terroristic Al-Qaeda Network (ticking time bomb that exploded and another chapter of death and destruction followed in the region). Nobody is in the position to lecture the other about values and shame TBH.

Entire Afghanistan does not accept Taliban - you refuse to see the obvious for some reason.
Your posts show you are indeed a legend :lol:
What a bunch of stupid women 😠😠
The real sons of the soil who fought for your country ,first drove Soviets our later Americans are terrorists according to you and you want afghans to live under the puppet government installed by invaders.
How you women can represent afghanistan when infact the parliament you are writing from is not a afghan one but a US installed one. You sided with the invaders and Taliban are bad guys according to you. Unlike you they rejected the US money,luxuries etc and opted for a real struggle for afghanistan. Taliban are ordinary afghans who on day work as a farmer and labourer and on night fight with your masters. Say thanks to pakistan for supporting such great people and say thanks to pakistan for liberating afghanistan from invaders.
Shame on you.

You say all that and I wonder what is the "Secular" in your user-name.
Where was their nonesense when a senior indian militery officer raped an Afghan women? Or when Afghan students were raped and attacked in India. Totally hypocrisy by Afghans. They are born to hate Pakistan.
What exactly is the Taliban gameplan here ? Are they planning to take Kabul by force ?

They stated earlier they do not want street fighting in the cities. Kabul is still home to the 'democratically elected' government besides embassies and many Afghan nationals who worked/work for the government and the Americans etc. Is there going to be major bloodshed and international incidents such as attacks on embassies in Kabul ? How many armed US military contractors are working there ? There must be a bunch of South African retied military security mercs as well as Russians and other private guys on guard duty too.

Full mad max craziness ? No ? The Taliban are looking for international legitimacy as a ruling regime ?
Lack of common sense and decency at display here unfortunately. Everything is a conspiracy against Pakistan. Somebody else's daughter is brutalized but this doesn't matter because she is Afghani. Let us regard them as subhumans and continue to brutalize them in the streets as well...

There is time and place for all manner of discussion. This thread is about victimization of an Afghan girl in Pakistan. Members should stick to the topic on hand and not try to deflect in other directions. Have some shame.

Imagine if this had happened to your daughter. Don't do politics over every theme for the sake of it.

Same advice to others.

Say it how it is. No more political correctness.

Afghans are worthless cowards. They spread terrorism in Pakistan and aid TTP. One elite girl gets kidnapped and Pakistan should get on its knees to repent. What is wrong with you people? Did our women in the parliament write letters when Afghans crossed the border to slaughter our children? Today Afghanistan is involved in aiding terrorists in Balochistan. Afghanistan openly supports PTM terrorists. Afghanistan claims large chunks of Pakistani land and its refugees are involved in criminal activities. Should we all write letters to the Afghan parliamentarians?
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