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Women parliamentarians from Afghanistan write a letter to Pakistani women parliamentarians

Heck if they surrender to the Taliban I am all smiles.
Wont happen..
They will fight it out
But at local level this is what we are seeing
Talis took over all afghanistan except major cities without any major violence

But cities will be different there will be violence and blood shed

May be khandahar will fall without much violencw but rest cities will
Remeber kabul has more population then next 20 cities combined

Khandahar, kunduz and herat are completely sorrunded and can fall any day

Afterwards kabul will have one life line through jalabad..if that goes it will be under seige

Now how will kabul fall... Where they be fighting if yes...expect huge outflux of refugees we are talking in millions
Wont happen..
They will fight it out
But at local level this is what we are seeing
Talis took over all afghanistan except major cities without any major violence

But cities will be different there will be violence and blood shed

May be khandahar will fall without much violencw but rest cities will
Remeber kabul has more population then next 20 cities combined

Khandahar, kunduz and herat are completely sorrunded and can fall any day

Afterwards kabul will have one life line through jalabad..if that goes it will be under seige

Now how will kabul fall... Where they be fighting if yes...expect huge outflux of refugees we are talking in millions

so basically a form of siege warfare maybe about to begin should peace talks fail? Hope both sides come to some kind of sustainable compromise, perhaps starting with an interim government before the final ISAF withdrawal at the end of August. The Afghan people and the world can’t handle another massive refugee crisis.
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It is indeed astonishing that most of those who are rooting for Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, won't have the same savages as rulers in Pakistan. Last time someone tried to implement their "Islamic system" on us forcefully, we fought a war with those cavemen for 15 years.

As Pakistanis, we need to stay neutral and let the Afghans find a solution on table. Takeover of one party over Kabul will never solve our problem.

Parliamentarians are corrupt individuals installed on quota system through dynastical feudal system.

In this way both Pakistan and Afghan parliament are the same. Why not have joint session? I can see Shireen Mozari calling for it.
Say it how it is. No more political correctness.

Afghans are worthless cowards. They spread terrorism in Pakistan and aid TTP. One elite girl gets kidnapped and Pakistan should get on its knees to repent. What is wrong with you people? Did our women in the parliament write letters when Afghans crossed the border to slaughter our children? Today Afghanistan is involved in aiding terrorists in Balochistan. Afghanistan openly supports PTM terrorists. Afghanistan claims large chunks of Pakistani land and its refugees are involved in criminal activities. Should we all write letters to the Afghan parliamentarians?

Unfortunately, for some reason members are valuing their own personal whims and wishes higher than Pakistan's national interest. Those that committed the incident is where the focus should be as well as why this has happened, who it benefits and who it hinders.
the Taliban seem to have upper hand if the news can be relied upon being not exaggerated.

so they might change their stance and statements or commitments to their liking.

neither Pakistan nor Saudis or Indians or Iranians can pressurize them to do something which they see fit.

Until this post they havent put kabul under seige. they have no means to enforce air block either so all foreigner. "maybe" allowed to vacate before final take down of kabul.

sadly northern alliance was bunch of thugs and drugloards only capable of raiding villages and never stood up to taliban. it survived due to American airpower the rate at which its men are deserting and changing sides might convince taliban to forget what they said about sharing and caring.

and they wont care what Pakistan says. heck Pakistan cant even contain a pashton nationalist movement which is not even militant.

to answer your question, if i could be allowed to bet then i will bet on turmoil and bloodshed from civil war in Afghanistan

Is it in Pakistan's interest to keep ANA and NDS in tact?
You say all that and I wonder what is the "Secular" in your user-name.
My user name also includes "nationalist" and national interest is all what matters to me. I don't agree with Taliban ideology but I don't give a damn as long as they are good for pakistan and it's strategic interest. As long as they will punish all those unthankful afghans who bark against pakistan and feed on pakistan at the same time. As long as they will keep the filthy indians out of afghanistan and block their route to central Asia. My fellow secularist @IndusPakistan agree with me.
Indian Muslims like you can stoop low as much as you want to please your RSS masters.
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