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Women parliamentarians from Afghanistan write a letter to Pakistani women parliamentarians

It is indeed astonishing that most of those who are rooting for Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, won't have the same savages as rulers in Pakistan. Last time someone tried to implement their "Islamic system" on us forcefully, we fought a war with those cavemen for 15 years.

As Pakistanis, we need to stay neutral and let the Afghans find a solution on table. Takeover of one party over Kabul will never solve our problem.
Its all a drama.
She was kidnapped for 4 hours and found the same day.

these afgands got together, wrote a letter and had it posted over social media within the same time frame.

Write my word, even the said kidnapping is a drama, and the director /producer will be a gangu hndu-stani.
Tanzem sazi key liye idhar udhar nikli ab scene bigar gaya to Pakistan par ilzam laga dia
It is indeed astonishing that most of those who are rooting for Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, won't have the same savages as rulers in Pakistan. Last time someone tried to implement their "Islamic system" on us forcefully, we fought a war with those cavemen for 15 years.

As Pakistanis, we need to stay neutral and let the Afghans find a solution on table. Takeover of one party over Kabul will never solve our problem.
We want what is best for Pakistan what happens to Afghans is of secondary importance
I would ignore them. They will be in Pakistan, Islamabad providing their services in Afghan run brothels of G-9and F-10 sectors , in few months.
We want what is best for Pakistan what happens to Afghans is of secondary importance

I wish that was true. With an open border where thousands of people come and go everyday, this is not possible. Ultimately a stable Afghanistan would be in our interest.
Good point and worth pondering upon wrt all this news about the Taliban blitz and sweeping victories all over the place, in some cases there is video evidence corroborating those victories but there may be a lot of propaganda mixed in there too with these nuggets of truths.

A return to civil war and bloodshed does seem the likeliest option. They may spare Kabul an outright invasion given the potential dire international consequences of going full crazy and start taking foreign diplomats hostage and laying seige to embassies + summary executions of Afghans they deem traitors/collaborators (extreme worst case scenarios, some of it already happening wrt locals) but keep the pressure on everywhere else till the government folds.

Apart from Kabul city, is the govt actually in a position of military strength in the rest of the province ? If one reads just the news this seems almost like the ISIS' 2014 offensive when they took Mosul.
unfortunately its a rerun of Mousal. Taliban, Al qaeda, TTP , Al Mohajoroon, boko haram and Daesh etc share save savage ideology and romanticizing the Taliban with the belief that they have changed by becoming civilized is a wishful thinking.

the only change in them is that they have become more cunning and deceitful, they are willing to talk to buy time and at the same time consolidate their positions and never halt their attacks. talking to Iran, America, India and Russia might have been unthinkable but now they do it for their own benefit and in the meantime while they are holding talk with current regime they are busy assassinating its pilots and special forces and officers whenever they get the time.
Northern alliance is disappointingly weak and ready to desert and rout because its leadership has never recovered since the assassination of Ahmed Shah Mehsood. I have not heard of Gen Dostum either. he is a ruthless and cunning commander but he can switch sides even during the time of battle (a comment by NATO officers when they went to aid the northern Alliance just before the invasion). a strong Northern alliance may be the only thing which can keep taliban in check and convince it to be more open to the notion of mutual coexistence, international relations and giving living and space to all the communities it persecuted during its savage rule. if it gets its way in kabul as my fellow countrymen are wishing then Taliban movement might see spilling over into Pakistan as is feared by put state. this is why Pakistan is repeatedly asking taliban to honor their agreement but Kabul regime needs to show some strength and its leadership needs to rise up to the challenge so that Taliban dont think its just a walkover.

I am not holding my breath to be "shocked" one day when it is announced that they have formally united with Daesh and TTP to spread their ideology all across Afghanistan and then target Pakistan and Iran to purge the infidels.
I wish that was true. With an open border where thousands of people come and go everyday, this is not possible. Ultimately a stable Afghanistan would be in our interest.
A stavle Afghanistan that aids BLA is not in our interests what is in our interests is an Afghanistan that doesn't create problems for us or aid groups that harm us
I would ignore them. They will be in Pakistan, Islamabad providing their services in Afghan run brothels of G-9and F-10 sectors , in few months.
the Mohib guys mother and sisters used to be in G9 Karachi company flats back in the days. this is why he called Pakistan a brothel , he was not wrong after all.. 6 million Afghans came to Pakistan to seek refuge and their women made their name for it. I think it was called Glim Gim?
unfortunately its a rerun of Mousal. Taliban, Al qaeda, TTP , Al Mohajoroon, boko haram and Daesh etc share save savage ideology and romanticizing the Taliban with the belief that they have changed by becoming civilized is a wishful thinking.

the only change in them is that they have become more cunning and deceitful, they are willing to talk to buy time and at the same time consolidate their positions and never halt their attacks. talking to Iran, America, India and Russia might have been unthinkable but now they do it for their own benefit and in the meantime while they are holding talk with current regime they are busy assassinating its pilots and special forces and officers whenever they get the time.
Northern alliance is disappointingly weak and ready to desert and rout because its leadership has never recovered since the assassination of Ahmed Shah Mehsood. I have not heard of Gen Dostum either. he is a ruthless and cunning commander but he can switch sides even during the time of battle (a comment by NATO officers when they went to aid the northern Alliance just before the invasion). a strong Northern alliance may be the only thing which can keep taliban in check and convince it to be more open to the notion of mutual coexistence, international relations and giving living and space to all the communities it persecuted during its savage rule. if it gets its way in kabul as my fellow countrymen are wishing then Taliban movement might see spilling over into Pakistan as is feared by put state. this is why Pakistan is repeatedly asking taliban to honor their agreement but Kabul regime needs to show some strength and its leadership needs to rise up to the challenge so that Taliban dont think its just a walkover.

I am not holding my breath to be "shocked" one day when it is announced that they have formally united with Daesh and TTP to spread their ideology all across Afghanistan and then target Pakistan and Iran to purge the infidels.
Right now 50 of our soldiers have been killed by ethnic terrorists supported by the Kabul regime so its basically a pick your poison kind of scenario here
the Mohib guys mother and sisters used to be in G9 Karachi company flats back in the days. this is why he called Pakistan a brothel , he was not wrong after all.. 6 million Afghans came to Pakistan to seek refuge and their women made their name for it. I think it was called Glim Gim?
They still are doing it but they have shifted their business online
the Mohib guys mother and sisters used to be in G9 Karachi company flats back in the days. this is why he called Pakistan a brothel , he was not wrong after all.. 6 million Afghans came to Pakistan to seek refuge and their women made their name for it. I think it was called Glim Gim?
They still are doing it but they have shifted their business online
the Mohib guys mother and sisters used to be in G9 Karachi company flats back in the days. this is why he called Pakistan a brothel , he was not wrong after all.. 6 million Afghans came to Pakistan to seek refuge and their women made their name for it. I think it was called Glim Gim?
I don’t know for sure, but He look like a relatively rich Afghan kid who use to sit with me in class, back in 7th class (Pindi). He use to bring golden pen, with concealed knife in it. He did not stated there for long, I guess got in trouble because of knife.
unfortunately its a rerun of Mousal. Taliban, Al qaeda, TTP , Al Mohajoroon, boko haram and Daesh etc share save savage ideology and romanticizing the Taliban with the belief that they have changed by becoming civilized is a wishful thinking.

the only change in them is that they have become more cunning and deceitful, they are willing to talk to buy time and at the same time consolidate their positions and never halt their attacks. talking to Iran, America, India and Russia might have been unthinkable but now they do it for their own benefit and in the meantime while they are holding talk with current regime they are busy assassinating its pilots and special forces and officers whenever they get the time.
Northern alliance is disappointingly weak and ready to desert and rout because its leadership has never recovered since the assassination of Ahmed Shah Mehsood. I have not heard of Gen Dostum either. he is a ruthless and cunning commander but he can switch sides even during the time of battle (a comment by NATO officers when they went to aid the northern Alliance just before the invasion). a strong Northern alliance may be the only thing which can keep taliban in check and convince it to be more open to the notion of mutual coexistence, international relations and giving living and space to all the communities it persecuted during its savage rule. if it gets its way in kabul as my fellow countrymen are wishing then Taliban movement might see spilling over into Pakistan as is feared by put state. this is why Pakistan is repeatedly asking taliban to honor their agreement but Kabul regime needs to show some strength and its leadership needs to rise up to the challenge so that Taliban dont think its just a walkover.

I am not holding my breath to be "shocked" one day when it is announced that they have formally united with Daesh and TTP to spread their ideology all across Afghanistan and then target Pakistan and Iran to purge the infidels.

Interesting observation.

Only one party getting a hold of the country will ultimately result in spillovers in regional countries too, in case of Taliban, it will be the ideology at best and ground support at worst. With current Kabul regime, they are also sheltering anti-Pakistan groups.

Coming to the current situation, media does not show, but Afghan forces might not just be a walkover, there are reports of them taking back lost territory and I'd like to believe Taliban cannot just runover all the major cities, they don't have the numbers and the air power. So, it might be possible that we might see a stalemate at some point in this conflict. My guess is, Taliban are playing a game of bluff where they look too powerful to be defeated on the battlefield and ultimately use that to their advantage in negotiations.
It is indeed astonishing that most of those who are rooting for Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, won't have the same savages as rulers in Pakistan.

Savages as in they don't wear a suit in scorching heat while going to work?
Savages as in they don't wear a suit in scorching heat while going to work?

No, savages because they believe in an extremist ideology and kill their opponents in the name of the religion, kinda like what TTP used to do in Pakistan. I'm sure you'd call them savages, no?
unfortunately its a rerun of Mousal. Taliban, Al qaeda, TTP , Al Mohajoroon, boko haram and Daesh etc share save savage ideology and romanticizing the Taliban with the belief that they have changed by becoming civilized is a wishful thinking.

the only change in them is that they have become more cunning and deceitful, they are willing to talk to buy time and at the same time consolidate their positions and never halt their attacks. talking to Iran, America, India and Russia might have been unthinkable but now they do it for their own benefit and in the meantime while they are holding talk with current regime they are busy assassinating its pilots and special forces and officers whenever they get the time.
Northern alliance is disappointingly weak and ready to desert and rout because its leadership has never recovered since the assassination of Ahmed Shah Mehsood. I have not heard of Gen Dostum either. he is a ruthless and cunning commander but he can switch sides even during the time of battle (a comment by NATO officers when they went to aid the northern Alliance just before the invasion). a strong Northern alliance may be the only thing which can keep taliban in check and convince it to be more open to the notion of mutual coexistence, international relations and giving living and space to all the communities it persecuted during its savage rule. if it gets its way in kabul as my fellow countrymen are wishing then Taliban movement might see spilling over into Pakistan as is feared by put state. this is why Pakistan is repeatedly asking taliban to honor their agreement but Kabul regime needs to show some strength and its leadership needs to rise up to the challenge so that Taliban dont think its just a walkover.

I am not holding my breath to be "shocked" one day when it is announced that they have formally united with Daesh and TTP to spread their ideology all across Afghanistan and then target Pakistan and Iran to purge the infidels.
Indeed, what a horror story about that pilot who they killed with his little boy. There will be many by the end of it and people will be uncovering them for the next decades to come.

Mehsud is lionized and has been immortalized as one but NA are not exactly 'doodh ka dhula' (washed by milk) as we say either. Read accounts of Dostum and his band of thugs and the vodka and whore caravan/trains.. some say he even drank from the skulls of his enemies. The CIA's SAD when they first made contact with the NA came with millions of dollars of unmarked USD bills, and crates of the finest vodka in the world as an offering acc to some accounts. Media reports say he (Dostum) is in Turkiye for medical reasons.

If I were a Pakistani I'd be worried about the same.. the potential fallout and spread of that network in Pakistan. Afghan Talibs probably still feel a sense of kinship with the TTP more than with the Pak army given how they've been treated by Musharraf to present day in this whole war on terror business.

Lastly... How much influence do the ISI really have when it come to the rampaging Afghanistan Taliban of today (hello, it's not 1999 anymore, a lot has happened since) .. the western forces may have vanished from sight but is the CIA totally out of the game and have abandoned their Afghan project completely ?

Can't see any good coming for anyone in the region from the enevitable fall of Kabul.

but it will improve the security situation in Pakistan because RAW and CIA and MOSSAD terrorist networks will be now wiped out by the brotherly pious folks in the Af Taliban like so many here seem to think, right ?

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