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Woman stripped naked in JK, accused include Indian Army trooper

lady i don't live in Peshawar secondly its none of my concern What happens with the women of Somalia,Myanmar or Kashmir.
if its not your concern voice out for the total removal of unconcerned indian army from Kashmir :coffee: why are unconcerned people occupying space and oppressing the locals of that area?
So it is true then,,, all Hindus are not rapest but all rapest are Hindus. What else we can expect out of a illiterate, disgustful and idiotic nation like these idiots.
Evil. I hope these savages are throw in jail for a long time.
Chances are one of them will become the PM of Bharat, like Modi, the 'confessed' Mukti Bahini terrorist; God knows how many women he raped in East Pakistan. Mukti and Mujeeb Bahini terrorists in the uniforms of Pakistan Army have done horrible crimes simply to turn the populace against Pakistan Army.
if its not your concern voice out for the total removal of unconcerned indian army from Kashmir :coffee: why are unconcerned people occupying space and oppressing the locals of that area?

1. That incident did not happen in Kashmir valley but in Hindu majority Udhampur (J&K) with a Hindu lady.
2. No army jawan (on duty ) was involved on that incident. They were goons , among which was an army jawan who was on leave at his home.
3. I am open to here your concern as many time as you want to express, but please do it as a human for a human not only for ummah.
4. If these kind of incidents terminate the rights of any nation on any particular area; then I am afraid for Pakistan, as it will eliminate from from world map within seconds.
1. That incident did not happen in Kashmir valley but in Hindu majority Udhampur (J&K) with a Hindu lady.
2. No army jawan (on duty ) was involved on that incident. They were goons , among which was an army jawan who was on leave at his home.
3. I am open to here your concern as many time as you want to express, but please do it as a human for a human not only for ummah.
4. If these kind of incidents terminate the rights of any nation on any particular area; then I am afraid for Pakistan, as it will eliminate from from world map within seconds.
what do you expect they care about facts or humanity ?

waste of time dude i tried plenty of time.
what do you expect they care about facts or humanity ?

waste of time dude i tried plenty of time.

They have been raised and groomed like this, in their family as well as in madarsa. Hope they will start applying reason also when they know about facts.
why dont we change the name of this website to indiaobsessionforum

everyone here knows PA has the track record for max rapes post world war 2. yet when 1 jawan from IA is involved in a gang, the who;e IA is under fire?
Islam ke theykedaar in preach mode. Can't maintain law and order in their own country but have utopia morals to dish out for another country. You have already branded Indian Military as rapists and killers, but they didn't do either of that. Are you disappointed with that?
Chances are one of them will become the PM of Bharat, like Modi, the 'confessed' Mukti Bahini terrorist; God knows how many women he raped in East Pakistan. Mukti and Mujeeb Bahini terrorists in the uniforms of Pakistan Army have done horrible crimes simply to turn the populace against Pakistan Army.

And drink the blood of muslims too, you forgot that.
1. That incident did not happen in Kashmir valley but in Hindu majority Udhampur (J&K) with a Hindu lady.
So that is supposed to make her less human? And like an indian we are not supposed to feel shit?

I never brought in religion nor did I care which part of Kashmir....the very fact that it happened in Kashmir shows how unconcerned people should just stay out of the region :tup:

2. No army jawan (on duty ) was involved on that incident. They were goons , among which was an army jawan who was on leave at his home.
No one is talking abut if he was on duty or not....Army has discipline and has taken an oath to protect....The oath (unless indian oath) doesnt limit this responsibility to being on duty only....

How can a man be trained strictly fall as soon as he is off duty? Prob makes sense to you but not me! Plus the news article doesnt give 2 hoots if he was on duty or not but the very fact that one who is supposed to protect the people is behaving no different than a goon speaks heaps about your army!

So thank you for pointing it out :tup:

3. I am open to here your concern as many time as you want to express, but please do it as a human for a human not only for ummah.
When did I bring in religion?

You see you people are soooo BLOODY brainwashed that you cant distinguish humanity (which my posts clearly stated esp when your indian fellow started his BS) and the sam as you with pt. 1

You people are sooo bloody brainwashed to think that a Muslim will only stand for a Muslim....THAT is YOUR problem address it to yourself!

4. If these kind of incidents terminate the rights of any nation on any particular area; then I am afraid for Pakistan, as it will eliminate from from world map within seconds.
Stop BS and stick to the topic...Your attempt to not wanna talk about what the bastard did and instead derail it to Pakistan speaks heaps!

They have been raised and groomed like this, in their family as well as in madarsa. Hope they will start applying reason also when they know about facts.
And look at your own grooming where you are replying to me with a blindeye for your brother....DISGRACEFUL!

And your mindset where you brought in RELIGION....Wonder which mandir thought you that...Stupidity of the top level


Would your reply be the same if she were you sister? Just curious what the boundary of such reply is!
Sister as a human yes....You got a problem?

I mean you would sooner claim monkeys to be your ancestor than one who has been wronged as your sister is really sickening!

No it just distinguishes likes of you from the remaining human beings :tup:

I never brought in religion but you ACTUALLY thought by pointing out that she was Hindu would make it ok is SIMPLY DISGUSTING!
why dont we change the name of this website to indiaobsessionforum

everyone here knows PA has the track record for max rapes post world war 2. yet when 1 jawan from IA is involved in a gang, the who;e IA is under fire?

actually world knows PA as one of the best forces on this planet who have done many of humanitarian work second highest peace keeping army in UN is also pakistani only indians are being fed with hate about pak army :D

Pakistan navy evacuate Indians- EU citizens from Yemen
Pakistan Navy helicopter rescues 18 off Somalia

Operation Umeed-e-Nuh

Operation Umeed-e-Nuh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

United Nations peacekeeping missions involving Pakistan

Congo (August 1960 to May 1964)
Contribution: 400 Troops, Ordnance, Transport units and Staff Personnel
Casualties: None.

West New Guinea (October 1962 - April 1963)
Contribution: 1500 Troops
Casualties: None.

Namibia (April 1989 to March 1990)
Contribution: 20 military observers.
Casualties: None.

Kuwait (December 1991 to October 1993)
Contribution: 1136 total (troops and civilians).
Casualties: None.

Haiti (1993 to 1996)
Contribution: 525 troops.
Casualties: None.

United Nations Mission in Haiti (UNMIH), during the 1991 coup and military rule in Haiti on the request of the United Nations, Pakistan provided one Infantry battalion to form part of UNMIH

Cambodia (March 1992 to November 1993)
Contribution: 1106 (troops, mine clearance and staff).
Casualties: None.

Somalia (March 1992 to February 1996)
Contribution: 7200 troops.
Casualties: 39

Rwanda (October 1993 – March 1996)
Contribution: 7 military observers.
Casualties: None.

Angola (February 1995 to June 1997)
Contribution: 14 military observers.
Casualties: None.

Eastern Slavonia (May 1996 – August 1997)
Contribution: 1014 troops and staff.
Casualties: None.

Sierra Leone (October 1999 to December 2005)
Contribution: 5000 troops.
Casualties: 6.

Current deployment
Main article: Pakistan Armed Forces deployments
Start of operation Name of Operation Location Conflict Contribution
1999 United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) Democratic Republic of Congo Second Congo War 3556 Troops.[6]
2003 United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) Liberia Second Liberian Civil War 2741 Troops.[7]
2004 United Nations Operation in Burundi ONUB Burundi Burundi Civil War 1185 Troops.[8]
2004 United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) Côte d'Ivoire Civil war in Côte d'Ivoire 1145 Troops.[9]
2005 United Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS) Sudan Second Sudanese Civil War 1542 Troops.[10]


191 Observers.[11]

United Nations peacekeeping missions involving Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

UN chief hails Pakistan’s leading role in peacekeeping operations

United Nations News Centre - UN chief hails Pakistan’s leading role in peacekeeping operations

why dont we change the name of this website to indiaobsessionforum

everyone here knows PA has the track record for max rapes post world war 2. yet when 1 jawan from IA is involved in a gang, the who;e IA is under fire?
Rofl...You must be on drugs...!
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