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Woman stripped naked in JK, accused include Indian Army trooper

Indian Army has been involved in such acts in Nagaland and Manipur as well.
And how is that money working for you? :pop:

That question can only be answered by those who paid and monitored them..... You and i can sit behind our screens and strain our brains to come up with something to satisfy our respective ego's......
That question can only be answered by those who paid and monitored them..... You and i can sit behind our screens and strain our brains to come up with something to satisfy our respective ego's......
Oh no ego there...Just analyzing based on what is happening :enjoy:

Lets go back to the topic shall we?
Entire truth and TOI in the same sentence doenst sound too good....prob changed story under pressure then again they should know PDF indians give them full respect no matter what the army did to Kashmiris....

2ndly for the sake of argument lets accept it was local boys who did....so it automatically makes it right? WOW!

If you don't trust TOI..I can give you NDTV link.
Regardless when TOI claimed Indian army was involved..you readily gulped it without questions...as TOI link which was used in the first page itself.

This is not Pakistan where entire nation subservient to the army bows to protect the image of army ..media cover ups take place..so let's not get into that conspiracy theories...that the story has been changed under pressure.

You are the bleeding hearts ..who claim Kashmiris are your brothers..so if some kashmiris with Taliban mindset are stripping women in broad daylight ..we should be asking you these questions..what are your Kashmir brethren doing to their women?
Regardless when TOI claimed Indian army was involved..you readily gulped it without questions...as TOI link which was used in the first page itself.
My question still stands why announce army and then change when people start questioning?

This is not Pakistan where entire nation subservient to the army bows to protect the image of army ..media cover ups take place..so let's not get into that conspiracy theories...that the story has been changed under pressure.
Ru telling me media never covers anything? Heck your own people are screaming all over media that YES they fund people who may do things to indias disadvantage and even then the public doesnt believe ...because media already told you to automatically blame Pakistan ....reverse psychology maybe....

Fine lets go by it wasnt a cover up....no army was involved...But does that automatically make it right?

.so if some kashmiris with Taliban mindset are stripping women in broad daylight ..we should be asking you these questions..what are your Kashmir brethren doing to their women?
1stly, if you think of KASHMIRIS like that then get lost...No one is forcing you to stay in Kashmir you people are just attached like lice!

2ndly, just coz army wasnt ok you people still fail to condemn that such a thing had happened and the BEST you can do is push in the YOUR BRETHREN?

3rdly, if you dont have the will to condemn at least just shut up so no one doubts your humanity!

Regardless when TOI claimed Indian army was involved..you readily gulped it without questions...as TOI link which was used in the first page itself.
My question still stands why announce army and then change when people start questioning?

This is not Pakistan where entire nation subservient to the army bows to protect the image of army ..media cover ups take place..so let's not get into that conspiracy theories...that the story has been changed under pressure.
Ru telling me media never covers anything? Heck your own people are screaming all over media that YES they fund people who may do things to indias disadvantage and even then the public doesnt believe ...because media already told you to automatically blame Pakistan ....reverse psychology maybe....

Fine lets go by it wasnt a cover up....no army was involved...But does that automatically make it right?

.so if some kashmiris with Taliban mindset are stripping women in broad daylight ..we should be asking you these questions..what are your Kashmir brethren doing to their women?
1stly, if you think of KASHMIRIS like that then get lost...No one is forcing you to stay in Kashmir you people are just attached like lice!

2ndly, just coz army wasnt ok you people still fail to condemn that such a thing had happened and the BEST you can do is push in the YOUR BRETHREN?

3rdly, if you dont have the will to condemn at least just shut up so no one doubts your humanity!
So as usual, Army involvement a rumor that silly media picks up to sell headlines and people here jump up and down and make a fool of themselves. :lol:

These people will never learn to have some patience and vet the story first.

Anyway, just another day at PDF. :coffee:

From where did they get this kind of education, and why most of these kind of acts use to happen only in india.

You should ask about the education of your army people for their acts in now BD pre the '71 war.
You should ask about the education of your army people for their acts in now BD pre the '71 war.

According to whom? brainwashed indians?
''Dr. M. Abdul Mumin Chowdhry, a Bengali nationalist who actively participated in the separatist cause, writes in his book ‘Behind the Myth of Three Million’, writes, It was reported that on arrival in Dhaka on 10 January 1972, the lobby behind the fabrication of the absolutely impossible figure promptly briefed the returning Bangladesh leader Sheikh Mujib with added ‘fact’, of 300,000 women raped, who in turn immediately went on parroting it. Thus the fiction of three million killed and 300,000 women raped was created’. He gives research-based details of each major incident that was blamed on Pakistan; and the rapes of 300,000, now enhanced to 400,000 women, resulting in 200,000 pregnancies.''

Maybe these Kashmiri boys were a fan of your Maya Khan show..took it a step further.

All over India, women ride bikes with guys, it is only ultra conservative religious fundamentalist areas, where men and women interacting is a taboo.

These happen in Pakistan too..you just close your eyes and ears..when news of such surfaces in Pakistan.
Basically your avoiding my question :lol:
My question still stands why announce army and then change when people start questioning?

Ru telling me media never covers anything? Heck your own people are screaming all over media that YES they fund people who may do things to indias disadvantage and even then the public doesnt believe ...because media already told you to automatically blame Pakistan ....reverse psychology maybe....

Fine lets go by it wasnt a cover up....no army was involved...But does that automatically make it right?

1stly, if you think of KASHMIRIS like that then get lost...No one is forcing you to stay in Kashmir you people are just attached like lice!

2ndly, just coz army wasnt ok you people still fail to condemn that such a thing had happened and the BEST you can do is push in the YOUR BRETHREN?

3rdly, if you dont have the will to condemn at least just shut up so no one doubts your humanity!

1. Because like it not, there is a rat race going on between media outlets(in your country and mine) to break the news first ..they do not verify the source, nor do they double check the info provided..hence more often than not..their intial break news turns out to be false.
With passage of time , once more information comes then only the real story breaks out and then they change the story.

2. Media might be covering up many things (mostly for personal gains), but no one cares that much about the armed forces, that they would change the story, just for preserving the image of army..or they wouldn't have broken this story in the first place, without verifying.

3. We should give up Kashmir, because 'some' Kashmiri locals have Taliban mindset? Are your high??

Hell there were even some ISIS flags raised by some Kashmiri locals?..So should
we also bomb them..like Americans do.

We would rather weed out those bad apples and make an example of them.

4. Does condemning an incident on internet makes you feel good about yourself..do you sleep easy at night..knowing you gave your worthless condemnation on internet..which no one cares about...does not make an ounce of differece on the ground.

5. We rather punish those involved...are are doing so...not passing worthless comments
So it is true then,,, all Hindus are not rapest but all rapest are Hindus. What else we can expect out of a illiterate, disgustful and idiotic nation like these idiots.
No Because India is not the Top Ranking Rapist nation But Pakistan is the top ranked terrorist nation and a terrorist nation will remain a terrorist.

So that is supposed to make her less human? And like an indian we are not supposed to feel shit?

I never brought in religion nor did I care which part of Kashmir....the very fact that it happened in Kashmir shows how unconcerned people should just stay out of the region :tup:
No who said you are not concerned you are concerned for 68 years and today your concern was shown by Indian army by killing two militants. So your concern is not needed.
No one is talking abut if he was on duty or not....Army has discipline and has taken an oath to protect....The oath (unless indian oath) doesnt limit this responsibility to being on duty only....

How can a man be trained strictly fall as soon as he is off duty? Prob makes sense to you but not me! Plus the news article doesnt give 2 hoots if he was on duty or not but the very fact that one who is supposed to protect the people is behaving no different than a goon speaks heaps about your army!

So thank you for pointing it out :tup:
Look! a Pakistani telling Indian Army about oath. They have taken oath to protect India and they are doing it no need to tell IA about oath because you are not even the nail of an army men.
When did I bring in religion?

You see you people are soooo BLOODY brainwashed that you cant distinguish humanity (which my posts clearly stated esp when your indian fellow started his BS) and the sam as you with pt. 1

You people are sooo bloody brainwashed to think that a Muslim will only stand for a Muslim....THAT is YOUR problem address it to yourself!

No you are BRAINWASHED as hell to think that kashmir is your heaven and whatever you want to do you can do it but you don't have the guts to take it. So no need to bark in here. And please don't tell about Humanity because Pakistn should be the last if it wasn't for Humanity than so many people from Pakistan wouldn't have been given medical treatment in India.
And look at your own grooming where you are replying to me with a blindeye for your brother....DISGRACEFUL!

And your mindset where you brought in RELIGION....Wonder which mandir thought you that...Stupidity of the top level

:rofl::rofl: you really need get a proper education because Hindus go to temple to get blessings just like you Pakistanis go to 'Masjid' but the teachings are taught in madarssahs which exist in pakistan and not in India so please get a good education from reputed college and not from madarssah.

Hindustan is Rapistan !!What can we expect from their army.
i too don't expect anything from 'Pornistan' so don't worry about it
No Because India is not the Top Ranking Rapist nation But Pakistan is the top ranked terrorist nation and a terrorist nation will remain a terrorist.

No who said you are not concerned you are concerned for 68 years and today your concern was shown by Indian army by killing two militants. So your concern is not needed.

Look! a Pakistani telling Indian Army about oath. They have taken oath to protect India and they are doing it no need to tell IA about oath because you are not even the nail of an army men.

No you are BRAINWASHED as hell to think that kashmir is your heaven and whatever you want to do you can do it but you don't have the guts to take it. So no need to bark in here. And please don't tell about Humanity because Pakistn should be the last if it wasn't for Humanity than so many people from Pakistan wouldn't have been given medical treatment in India.

:rofl::rofl: you really need get a proper education because Hindus go to temple to get blessings just like you Pakistanis go to 'Masjid' but the teachings are taught in madarssahs which exist in pakistan and not in India so please get a good education from reputed college and not from madarssah.

i too don't expect anything from 'Pornistan' so don't worry about it
For Rapistanies aka Indians
India Fails Its Own Constitution in Kashmir: Amnesty International - India Real Time - WSJ
According to whom? brainwashed indians?
''Dr. M. Abdul Mumin Chowdhry, a Bengali nationalist who actively participated in the separatist cause, writes in his book ‘Behind the Myth of Three Million’, writes, It was reported that on arrival in Dhaka on 10 January 1972, the lobby behind the fabrication of the absolutely impossible figure promptly briefed the returning Bangladesh leader Sheikh Mujib with added ‘fact’, of 300,000 women raped, who in turn immediately went on parroting it. Thus the fiction of three million killed and 300,000 women raped was created’. He gives research-based details of each major incident that was blamed on Pakistan; and the rapes of 300,000, now enhanced to 400,000 women, resulting in 200,000 pregnancies.''

Poor education really can't be helped. There's reams of evidence. Let me just cite the non-Indians:

Hope you don't consider NYT as Indian propaganda.


Another from a non-Indian author:

As was also the case in Armenia and Nanjing, Bengali women were targeted for gender-selective atrocities and abuses, notably gang sexual assault and rape/murder, from the earliest days of the Pakistani genocide. Indeed, despite (and in part because of) the overwhelming targeting of males for mass murder, it is for the systematic brutalization of women that the "Rape of Bangladesh" is best known to western observers.

In her ground-breaking book, Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape, Susan Brownmiller likened the 1971 events in Bangladesh to the Japanese rapes in Nanjing and German rapes in Russia during World War II. "... 200,000, 300,000 or possibly 400,000 women (three sets of statistics have been variously quoted) were raped. Eighty percent of the raped women were Moslems, reflecting the population of Bangladesh, but Hindu and Christian women were not exempt. ... Hit-and-run rape of large numbers of Bengali women was brutally simple in terms of logistics as the Pakistani regulars swept through and occupied the tiny, populous land ..." (p. 81).​

Typical was the description offered by reporter Aubrey Menen of one such assault, which targeted a recently-married woman:

Two [Pakistani soldiers] went into the room that had been built for the bridal couple. The others stayed behind with the family, one of them covering them with his gun. They heard a barked order, and the bridegroom's voice protesting. Then there was silence until the bride screamed. Then there was silence again, except for some muffled cries that soon subsided. In a few minutes one of the soldiers came out, his uniform in disarray. He grinned to his companions. Another soldier took his place in the extra room. And so on, until all the six had raped the belle of the village. Then all six left, hurriedly. The father found his daughter lying on the string cot unconscious and bleeding. Her husband was crouched on the floor, kneeling over his vomit. (Quoted in Brownmiller,Against Our Will, p. 82.)​

"Rape in Bangladesh had hardly been restricted to beauty," Brownmiller writes. "Girls of eight and grandmothers of seventy-five had been sexually assaulted ... Pakistani soldiers had not only violated Bengali women on the spot; they abducted tens of hundreds and held them by force in their military barracks for nightly use." Some women may have been raped as many as eighty times in a night (Brownmiller, p. 83). How many died from this atrocious treatment, and how many more women were murdered as part of the generalized campaign of destruction and slaughter, can only be guessed at (see below).

Despite government efforts at amelioration, the torment and persecution of the survivors continued long after Bangladesh had won its independence:

Rape, abduction and forcible prostitution during the nine-month war proved to be only the first round of humiliation for the Bengali women. Prime Minister Mujibur Rahman's declaration that victims of rape were national heroines was the opening shot of an ill-starred campaign to reintegrate them into society -- by smoothing the way for a return to their husbands or by finding bridegrooms for the unmarried [or widowed] ones from among his Mukti Bahini freedom fighters. Imaginative in concept for a country in which female chastity and purdah isolation are cardinal principles, the "marry them off" campaign never got off the ground. Few prospective bridegrooms stepped forward, and those who did made it plain that they expected the government, as father figure, to present them with handsome dowries. (Brownmiller, Against Our Will, p. 84.)​

Gendercide Watch: Genocide in Bangladesh, 1971
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Jammu: In a shocking incident, a woman was allegedly stripped naked by a gang of five persons, including an Army trooper, in Udhampur district of Jammu and Kashmir and the video of the incident uploaded on the internet, police said on Saturday.

“A woman was stripped in full public view by five persons in Jaganoo area of Udhampur. The accused caught the incident on mobile phone camera… It has gone viral on Whatsapp,” Udhampur District Commissioner said.

Police took suo moto cognizance of the incident and arrested three persons. One of the accused is believed to be an Army trooper, he said.

The woman was riding pillion on a motorcycle. The gang intercepted the bike and started misbehaving with her. When she resisted, the accused overpowered her and stripped her in full public view, the District Commissioner said.
Woman stripped naked in JK, accused include Army trooper
@Zarvan @Imran Khan @Irfan Baloch @rockstar08 @Umair Nawaz @waz @Horus @ayesha.a @IrbiS @fakhre mirpur @SrNair

Such unbelievable filth. I've said it before and I will repeat. Indian men are truly the most disgusting species alive. All they do is rape women day and night. The women of this world boycott this nasty country.
1. Because like it not, there is a rat race going on between media outlets(in your country and mine) to break the news first ..they do not verify the source, nor do they double check the info provided..hence more often than not..their intial break news turns out to be false.
With passage of time , once more information comes then only the real story breaks out and then they change the story.
Ok I can give you guys that

2. Media might be covering up many things (mostly for personal gains), but no one cares that much about the armed forces, that they would change the story, just for preserving the image of army..or they wouldn't have broken this story in the first place, without verifying.
Ok if you say so

3. We should give up Kashmir, because 'some' Kashmiri locals have Taliban mindset? Are your high??
Some? It happens more often than not!

Hell there were even some ISIS flags raised by some Kashmiri locals?..So should
we also bomb them..like Americans do.

We would rather weed out those bad apples and make an example of them.
Well that just shows how frustrated they are from you guys that they will even fly shitty ISIS flags

4. Does condemning an incident on internet makes you feel good about yourself..do you sleep easy at night..knowing you gave your worthless condemnation on internet..which no one cares about...does not make an ounce of differece on the ground.
Is it about feeling good? I am sorry if you think that way....

Why do you come on the bloody forum then if you cant tolerate another voicing their opinion and differentiating BS posters from humans?

No one cares about yet it is always media/ voice pressure which makes people back off....Why was there an uproar all over india even the media/ forums/ opinions when india was high on rape? Why were people bothered?

Or when people who claim to be Muslims do shit and non Muslims (including yourself in several threads) are dying to hear Muslims condemn it...Does it make you sleep better when you do that?

5. We rather punish those involved...are are doing so...not passing worthless comments
Passing comments shows your mentality or interest in a zone...Not passing shows your neglect...Your choice! If you neglect then get out of the zone if their plight means nothing to you guys
Ok. So its confirm that Kashmiri Muslim boys stripped naked a Hindu girl in the act of moral policing. What is new in it ? These kashmir Muslims were doing the same thing to Kashmiri Pundit women since 1989. That is why they are dealt with iron hands.
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