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Woman mercilessly thrashed in Rajasthan's Nagaur district, Forced to say Jai Shree Ram.

Any link to back up your claim ?
why should i when i was provided with none.
follow the conversation kid, just dont drop by with an one liner.
just for the record, study the subject matter this time. i m spoon feeding u now, but dont expect such dariadili from me in the future.

You want me to take you serious with a name"Jacob"?
Propagating in a Pakistani forum about how Indian fabrics are rotten because of a Facebook or YouTube post.

I have seen the secularists handy work as can be seen in link below.

"jacob" is similar to "sam" i guess.
things wud be different though if a right wing sympathizer named "sameer" prefers to be called with a foreign sounding "sam".
why should i when i was provided with none.
follow the conversation kid, just dont drop by with an one liner.
just for the record, study the subject matter this time. i m spoon feeding u now, but dont expect such dariadili from me in the future.

"jacob" is similar to "sam" i guess.
things wud be different though if a right wing sympathizer named "sameer" prefers to be called with a foreign sounding "sam".
Thank you for your opinion now can you comment on the second part of my post?

Best wishes
Thank you for your opinion now can you comment on the second part of my post?

Best wishes
there are aholes on all sides. u certainly don't believe that rightists have the exclusive right to play unfair.
since, both sides are full of aholes, why worship some and why reject some? why the disparity.

Irrelevant, you made your claim, so the onus of proof is on you.

If you want proof from him, ask him.
he made his claim first.
u seem to cherry pick way too much.
there are aholes on all sides. u certainly don't believe that rightists have the exclusive right to play unfair.
since, both sides are full of aholes, why worship some and why reject some? why the disparity?

Completely agree on that point. Now it's our duty to expose both side of the assholes.

Also both side assholes can malign eachother and there will be no noise from my side but when they start spruing venom against the nation then I have right to raise my voice.
Completely agree on that point. Now it's our duty to expose both side of the assholes.

Also both side assholes can malign eachother and there will be no noise from my side but when they start spruing venom against the nation then I have right to raise my voice.
i completely agree.
but whether to brand the other as ahole or otherwise should be based on facts and a clean, unbiased consience.
fighting just for the heck of it, negates that very thought.
nice talking to u man.

No time or patience to do that.

If you have a point, make it, rather than beat around the bush.
well, its ur internet, use it as you will.
btw, patience always pays, in the form of right judgement.
i completely agree.
but whether to brand the other as ahole or otherwise should be based on facts and a clean, unbiased consience.
fighting just for the heck of it, negates that very thought.
nice talking to u man.

well, its ur internet, use it as you will.
btw, patience always pays, in the form of right judgement.
Mr Bajey I have no issues with critical thinking and can hold every argument on the basis of merit but fact defers person to person.

Example - Some people believe they are from Arabia and sone people believe Ram was God.

It will always be which side of the lake you belong too. In the end Hinduism allows different opinions due to many gods but in the other only one line of thought is pious.

I rest my case with this and nice talking to a person from the left side.
Mr Bajey I have no issues with critical thinking and can hold every argument on the basis of merit but fact defers person to person.

Example - Some people believe they are from Arabia and sone people believe Ram was God.

It will always be which side of the lake you belong too. In the end Hinduism allows different opinions due to many gods but in the other only one line of thought is pious.

I rest my case with this and nice talking to a person from the left side.
hahaha.... no sir i m not from the left side.. maybe centre-left.
i have no doubt u can face anybody n hold on in an argument, but i disagree that facts change from person to person. facts, like truth, is always singular and there can never be different versions of it. its the opinion or previous bias we hold makes us look on to the fact in different light, hence the difference of facts as u said.
regarding ram or arabia, i believe in live and let live, and hit harder when u r hit....at the right place and in right time. collateral damaged are absolute no no. if u cant punish the criminals without harming innocent civilians, pave way for the ones who can. thats my take. i would leave the judgement on who is superior on time i spend in this planet.
and thats about it.
hahaha.... no sir i m not from the left side.. maybe centre-left.
i have no doubt u can face anybody n hold on in an argument, but i disagree that facts change from person to person. facts, like truth, is always singular and there can never be different versions of it. its the opinion or previous bias we hold makes us look on to the fact in different light, hence the difference of facts as u said.
regarding ram or arabia, i believe in live and let live, and hit harder when u r hit....at the right place and in right time. collateral damaged are absolute no no. if u cant punish the criminals without harming innocent civilians, pave way for the ones who can. thats my take. i would leave the judgement on who is superior on time i spend in this planet.
and thats about it.
Well i am yet to decide which spectrum i belong to between Siculars to Sanghis. Sometime i act as both and sometime one.It depends upon which person i am having conversation with as these days people like to label very fast.

like truth, is always singular and there can never be different versions of it.
Now this is philosophy of Abrahamic religions and believe me i am not debating that but i belong to different type of philosophy.

I urge you to read about "Pluralist theory of truth" from Stanford. Few key points posted below in red-

"The plausibility of theories of truth has often been observed to vary, sometimes extensively, across different domains or regions of discourse. Because of this variance, the problems internal to each such theory become salient as they overgeneralize. A natural suggestion is therefore that not all (declarative) sentences in all domains are true in exactly the same way. Sentences in mathematics, morals, comedy, chemistry, politics, and gastronomy may be true in different ways, if and when they are ever true. ‘Pluralism about truth’ names the thesis that there is more than one way of being true. "

Now as per my understanding truth is something that is created in a brain. Outside of the brain there is reality (although this is an assumption, it is a useful one, and I will use it). Our brains extract certain information from this (outside) reality such as visible light, while it ignores other information such as x-rays and radio waves. Other animals get slightly different information from this outside reality (for example, dogs can hear higher frequencies and bats see by using sound, etc.) Our brains also fill-in missing information using what they expect to see or hear.

So, in our brains we build models of the outside reality. Usually, as we get older, we refine these models. For example, a young person might think, "All people of X nationality are ignorant." As they got older they might think, "Some people of X nationality are ignorant and some are smart."

Science is the formalized process of building models of the universe and refining these models so they are more concise and more accurate.

The problem is that no model is ever 100 percent accurate. By definition, a model is a smaller version of something else. If it were 100 percent accurate, it would not be a model, it would be a duplicate.

The most amazing thing, in my view, is that the brain takes the universe, which is billions of light years across and massive, and compresses it into useful models which are stored within its 3 pound neuronal structure.

So, all models are inaccurate to some degree. Perhaps the most noble goal is to create a model which is both accurate and concise. For example, Newton's law of universal gravitation, which can be stated in one sentence, and unified motion on Earth and motion in the heavens for the first time, is highly accurate. Darwin's model of specification through natural selection with variation, a highly concise statement, unified all life forms (probably everywhere in the universe) for the first time. Einstein's equation E = MC^2, another highly concise statement, unified all energy and matter in the universe for the first time.

I will end here Mr Baajey as it is becoming more nerdy. I think i conveyed my messaged very briefly.

Good talking to you Mr Center Leftist.
Instead of marking all your Pakistani friends, mark it to Sanghis on PDF. Let them defend their fellow goons, so that we can all see their moral bankruptcy. That would serve some actual purpose.

@BABA AGHORI , @Infinity, @Peshwa @baajey @takeiteasy

I am GLAD you asked this be Marked to Sanghi's on PDF and compre to see who is truly "Morally banrupt". I hope you are not shocked when the mirror shows you your ugly face. :lol:

Turns out the "muslim" women who was beaten was named LAXMI :lol: ........ and the whole bunch of you turned out to be peddlers of FAKE NEWS. (Not that I am surprised)


In an example of how half-truths are used to peddle an agenda, a bizarre and cruel incident was used by some journalists and celebrities to push ‘Hindu intolerance’ narrative on Twitter yesterday (and it continues even today).

The incident reportedly happened on Tuesday earlier this week in Nagaur district of Rajasthan where a group of men, some hiding their faces, were recorded on camera abusing and assaulting a woman with plastic pipes and forcing her to chant religious slogans. It was not clear who recorded the incident, but the video clearly showed that the men were forcing the woman to chant “Allah” and “Jai Shri Ram”.

In the above video, one can hear clearly that the woman was asked to chant “Allah” at least three times, and then asked to chant “Ram”, “Jai Shri Ram” and “Jai Hanuman” once subsequently. (Any more proof required that these men were MUSLIMS ?) This ‘communal counting’ is silly given that the incident itself should be outrageous enough, but we are forced to do so since a section of the mainstream media decided to give it communal colour.

Local media reports confirm that the incident was purely criminal and the motive behind it might have been a suspicion that the woman could have been the unknown miscreant, who apparently has been cutting hairs of villagers, especially of women, in the area during the night. However, this incident, which highlights lack of policing in the area, was presented as a hate crime involving Hindutva elements.

It started with a Hindustan Times journalist tweeting only about the “Jai Shri Ram” part and hiding the “Allah” part, thus making it appear as a case of “Hindu intolerance” in a BJP ruled state. The journalist’s intention to link it with religion and politics becomes clear in a subsequent tweet, where he tags CPM leader Sitaram Yechury and links the incident to another incident of “cow vigilantism” that happened in the state last week:

15 Jun
Deep Mukherjee @thinkdeep4ever
Woman mercilessly thrashed in Rajasthan's Nagaur district, forced to say Jai Shree Ram. Police have arrested two people @htTweets pic.twitter.com/IRC4IVTWT1

Deep Mukherjee @thinkdeep4ever

@SitaramYechury @HartoshSinghBal this comes days after TN officials were assaulted by cow vigilantes in Rajasthan.
8:41 PM - 15 Jun 2017

His trick worked, and Hindustan Times too played its part by re-tweeting the journalist’s half-truth. It was enough for people to lament “Hindutva” and “beef politics” and go on an ideological overdrive when the incident had nothing to do with any communal or partisan politics.

Here is one sample reaction from Sagarika Ghose, who of late has been on a mission to spread fake news and misinformation to push her agenda:

Sagarika Ghose


my god this is just apalling. Goons beat a woman and bark, "Bol jai shree ram". Every day brings a new horror https://twitter.com/BarSinghSidhu/status/875539661556514816 …

9:21 AM - 16 Jun 2017

This is not for the first time when Indian mainstream media has used half-truths to peddle a partisan agenda. Earlier we had seen how HuffPo ignored killings of Hindus and focused only on Muslim victims regarding an unfortunate incident in Jharkhand, while before that, The Hindu had blamed only Hindu groups in a case of forceful cancellation of an event where other religious groups were also involved.

Fortunately, not everyone in the media was pushing the agenda this time. Rajasthan Patrika, generally considered close to the Congress, reported with full facts, raising the relevant issue of law and order.

News agency ANI too reported without hiding the “Allah” part. It should be further noted that two men in this case have been arrested and police is investigating more about the case, including about the person who shot the video and uploaded it on social media.

However, this has not deterred people, especially journalists, from continuing to peddle their partisan agenda. Following is a tweet by a former Hindustan Times journalist, who quotes the same ANI tweet that mentioned “Allah”, but decides to focus only on “Jai Shri Ram”:

Saikat Datta


The new normal. Beat up a mentally challenged woman and ask her to scream "Jai Sri Ram" #AchcheDinhttps://twitter.com/ANI_news/status/875569413923012608 …

And then they claim that the media in India is not free.
@BABA AGHORI , @Infinity, @Peshwa @baajey @takeiteasy

I am GLAD you asked this be Marked to Sanghi's on PDF and compre to see who is truly "Morally banrupt". I hope you are not shocked when the mirror shows you your ugly face. :lol:

Turns out the "muslim" women who was beaten was named LAXMI :lol: ........ and the whole bunch of you turned out to be peddlers of FAKE NEWS. (Not that I am surprised)


In an example of how half-truths are used to peddle an agenda, a bizarre and cruel incident was used by some journalists and celebrities to push ‘Hindu intolerance’ narrative on Twitter yesterday (and it continues even today).

The incident reportedly happened on Tuesday earlier this week in Nagaur district of Rajasthan where a group of men, some hiding their faces, were recorded on camera abusing and assaulting a woman with plastic pipes and forcing her to chant religious slogans. It was not clear who recorded the incident, but the video clearly showed that the men were forcing the woman to chant “Allah” and “Jai Shri Ram”.

In the above video, one can hear clearly that the woman was asked to chant “Allah” at least three times, and then asked to chant “Ram”, “Jai Shri Ram” and “Jai Hanuman” once subsequently. (Any more proof required that these men were MUSLIMS ?) This ‘communal counting’ is silly given that the incident itself should be outrageous enough, but we are forced to do so since a section of the mainstream media decided to give it communal colour.

Local media reports confirm that the incident was purely criminal and the motive behind it might have been a suspicion that the woman could have been the unknown miscreant, who apparently has been cutting hairs of villagers, especially of women, in the area during the night. However, this incident, which highlights lack of policing in the area, was presented as a hate crime involving Hindutva elements.

It started with a Hindustan Times journalist tweeting only about the “Jai Shri Ram” part and hiding the “Allah” part, thus making it appear as a case of “Hindu intolerance” in a BJP ruled state. The journalist’s intention to link it with religion and politics becomes clear in a subsequent tweet, where he tags CPM leader Sitaram Yechury and links the incident to another incident of “cow vigilantism” that happened in the state last week:

15 Jun
Deep Mukherjee @thinkdeep4ever
Woman mercilessly thrashed in Rajasthan's Nagaur district, forced to say Jai Shree Ram. Police have arrested two people @htTweets pic.twitter.com/IRC4IVTWT1

Deep Mukherjee @thinkdeep4ever

@SitaramYechury @HartoshSinghBal this comes days after TN officials were assaulted by cow vigilantes in Rajasthan.
8:41 PM - 15 Jun 2017

His trick worked, and Hindustan Times too played its part by re-tweeting the journalist’s half-truth. It was enough for people to lament “Hindutva” and “beef politics” and go on an ideological overdrive when the incident had nothing to do with any communal or partisan politics.

Here is one sample reaction from Sagarika Ghose, who of late has been on a mission to spread fake news and misinformation to push her agenda:

Sagarika Ghose


my god this is just apalling. Goons beat a woman and bark, "Bol jai shree ram". Every day brings a new horror https://twitter.com/BarSinghSidhu/status/875539661556514816 …

9:21 AM - 16 Jun 2017

This is not for the first time when Indian mainstream media has used half-truths to peddle a partisan agenda. Earlier we had seen how HuffPo ignored killings of Hindus and focused only on Muslim victims regarding an unfortunate incident in Jharkhand, while before that, The Hindu had blamed only Hindu groups in a case of forceful cancellation of an event where other religious groups were also involved.

Fortunately, not everyone in the media was pushing the agenda this time. Rajasthan Patrika, generally considered close to the Congress, reported with full facts, raising the relevant issue of law and order.

News agency ANI too reported without hiding the “Allah” part. It should be further noted that two men in this case have been arrested and police is investigating more about the case, including about the person who shot the video and uploaded it on social media.

However, this has not deterred people, especially journalists, from continuing to peddle their partisan agenda. Following is a tweet by a former Hindustan Times journalist, who quotes the same ANI tweet that mentioned “Allah”, but decides to focus only on “Jai Shri Ram”:

Saikat Datta


The new normal. Beat up a mentally challenged woman and ask her to scream "Jai Sri Ram" #AchcheDinhttps://twitter.com/ANI_news/status/875569413923012608 …

And then they claim that the media in India is not free.
a very good post for ppl who want to go mad for nothing.
twist and pull. twist n pull.
n get the desired result.

Well i am yet to decide which spectrum i belong to between Siculars to Sanghis. Sometime i act as both and sometime one.It depends upon which person i am having conversation with as these days people like to label very fast.
i have a similar dilema too.
however, i found out eventually that being near to the center helps clear my consience.
i need to believe in something first, before i start preaching that.

Now this is philosophy of Abrahamic religions and believe me i am not debating that but i belong to different type of philosophy.
this philosophy - "truth is singular" is neither the property of abrahmic ppl or the orientals. its universal.
muslims have their own take on it and so do us hindus and every other religion on the planet.
one's take is not the truth, its just an opinion. likewise, when islam says whatever written in some particular book (with respects) is truth n truth itself, its from their own perspective. its not necessary that some person in india or hawaii will agree to that blindly.
a very good post for ppl who want to go mad for nothing.
twist and pull. twist n pull.
n get the desired result.

LOL............. How quick you are to "Dismiss" this when it turns out the perpetrators are Muslims and the victim is a HINDU. Turns out your rant against the Sanghi's were promoted by FAKE NEWS :lol:

Are you not the same person who "Thanked" the vile post that asked the "sanghi's" be tagged to show them their "moral bankruptcy" ? :lol:

So now tell me again. WHO'S Moral Bankruptcy does this show ? :devil:

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