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Woman mercilessly thrashed in Rajasthan's Nagaur district, Forced to say Jai Shree Ram.

It did not make sense to blame Hindus for rape of a run and debate for 2 months.
When it was revealed that the rapists of the nun were Muslims from Bangladesh, the church went quiet, the media went quiet, the Hindu hating bodies went quiet and the nun was taken away from India.

Does it make sense? :cheesy:

We all know how politics work in India. Only on PDF these matters get so many threads. In India, people know the truth and no one gives crap.
Worst case: Collateral damage.
No Hindu would do anything like this.
we will disown him on the spot if some Hindu does it. Not like the duplicitous religious people who support terrorists openly.
what is this bhaiya
@Areesh pta nhe mjhe aese kyun lg rha ha koi ye Australian Indian @Kdpreddy DineshS hai jo aj hi ban hwa hai

Does not matter to me man.

Do I look like I care? :)
ofcourse you do care thats why you are here and you qouted me
ofcourse you do care thats why you are here and you qouted me
You missed the sinister part.

No need to go hyper.
All the morons who did these acts should be booked and taken to task.

You won't find me supporting illegal activities because some one is Hindu. I have still not evolved to your level.
We need to learn a lot.

When hundreds blow themselves up and kill children in buses and schools how many do we see out in the street protesting?

When Yakub Memon was hanged how many do we see protesting against his acts?

So why should I be sorry for some woman being beaten up in some area for God knows what reason?

I prefer to bother my own business.
They are duplicitous. What's new but that does not mean we need to stop being Hindus.
What is right is right and wrong is wrong.

It's not that they did not protest against Yakub that's the worst part. It's that they openly supported Yakub and claimed intolerance when Hindus opposed their stand. That's how double faced, duplicitous and religious fanatics this gang is.
The world has changed.

The savage earns respect.

The US for example. Russia.
Nobody meddles seriously with IR Pakistan BECAUSE they have the nukes. Not because of altruism.

Bhutan is forgotten.

This is a different world we live in.
TO what end?

When Sanghis are NOT involved why will Sanghis defend their fellow goons?

I am better off defending gaurakshaks than folks asking people to chant names of Allah and Ram. :coffee:

Not that all gaurakshaks are Sanghis by formal affiliation, are they? They just happen to get patronage. Same applies here, although evidently not by you. Can we settle for wannabe Sanghis?
Not that all gaurakshaks are Sanghis by formal affiliation, are they? They just happen to get patronage. Same applies here, although evidently not by you. Can we settle for wannabe Sanghis?
Did not get what you wish to convey. Pls clarify.

EDIT: In case you think if I should feel sorry for the situation above - no I don't.
The world has changed.

The savage earns respect.

The US for example. Russia.
Nobody meddles seriously with IR Pakistan BECAUSE they have the nukes. Not because of altruism.

Bhutan is forgotten.

This is a different world we live in.

And that, in a nutshell, is the problem. It is very easy to pick the worst aspects of a culture as lessons. So if my worldview picks out -

- military chauvinism from US
- fudging data from China
- distortion of school curriculum from Pakistan
- strongman rule from Russia and Turkey
- social re-engineering from North Korea, Turkey and China
- use of fake news and social media disinformation from Russia and US
- obviously contrived national emergencies as means of winning elections from Turkey ...

....all I gain is a toxic brew wherein I pick the worst of the lot and decide that must be what makes the world tick.

Did not get what you wish to convey. Pls clarify.

EDIT: In case you think if I should feel sorry for the situation above - no I don't.

What I said is that they don't need to be Sanghis formally. They do a good job as free-lancers. Why dirty ones hands when you can have enthusiastic amateurs do the work?

By not being sorry, I suppose you are referring to cowrakshaks, and not to the unfortunate person being whipped?
This is wrong news.
She was first asked to chant Allah and then Shri Ram.
Somehow they manipulated the video and its spreading wrong info now.
That is the shameful part of our media, while I do not support any violence but they tried to give this a communal color. We do not know the truth so far.

Anyone who has seen the video knows, she cried Allah after being hit.... while the saffron chadi ask "Kaun Alla"Jai Shree Ram bol/Allah who, say Jai Shree Ram..

Keep defending shit.

Pushing same shyt,well im not even surpised..

This sanghi chaddi openly advocated murder and violence against muslims in another thread on the past.

Na bhai those guys were beating an atheist lady forcing her to say names of all Gods so she could chose the most favorite one of her own.There was no anti Muslim violence in this video.

Whatever these sanghis are saying makes perfect sense. :lol:
The sanghi chaddis were "sickular" .. :lol:

@Shajida Khan that you? :D
This sanghi chaddi openly advocated murder
Been there, done that.

unfortunate person being whipped?
I was myself the ONE to beat a guy and send him packing to the police. One lad thought he could piss in our mandir and call it names. He got his rear handed down to him.

I don't know the background of this incident.

So yeah. Not personally sorry. :disagree:
Women as the way is treated in India is miserable. Women are not even considered as human and Muslims are also beaten as well as prosecuted on trivial issues. Number of videos as precedent are available on the net can be seen beaten Muslims and women. I think as compare to India the situation in Pakistan regarding women prosecution is better and at least is being behaved as nice to women and even the minority is also respected and allowed to celebrate their ritual freely and independently in the country.... Even there are number of social NGOs which are working for welfare of the minority and addressing the issues regarding women, later their grievances and issues are resolved....,

Been there, done that.

I was myself the ONE to beat a guy and send him packing to the police. One lad thought he could piss in our mandir and call it names. He got his rear handed down to him.

I don't know the background of this incident.

So yeah. Not personally sorry. :disagree:
beaten a guy without any evidence as you shared an example yourself are similar available that people start to beat just relying on listening to unknown people...
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