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Woman defies driving ban in Saudi Arabia; gets support from fellow drivers

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Kudos for the Saudis women!

And for the Moslem World that grew tired of the Islamists.
Are you serious?

I posted based on the Reuters news. Have you been living under a rock?

Don't blame me if you guys are ignorant and ridiculous.


Saudi cleric says women who drive risk damaging their ovaries

Reuters) - A conservative Saudi Arabian cleric has said women who drive risk damaging their ovaries and bearing children with clinical problems, countering activists who are trying to end the Islamic kingdom's male-only driving rules.

A campaign calling for women to defy the ban in a protest drive on October 26 has spread rapidly online over the past week and gained support from some prominent women activists. On Sunday, the campaign's website was blocked inside the kingdom.

In an interview published on Friday on the website sabq.org, Sheikh Saleh bin Saad al-Lohaidan said women aiming to overturn the ban on driving should put "reason ahead of their hearts, emotions and passions".

Reuters earlier wrongly identified him as Sheikh Saleh bin Mohammed al-Lohaidan, a member of the Senior Council of Scholars, one of the top religious bodies in the birthplace of Islam.

By contrast, Sheikh Saleh bin Saad al-Lohaidan, the person quoted in the sabq.org report, is a judicial adviser to an association of Gulf psychologists.

His comments reflect the extent of opposition to women driving among some conservatives inSaudi Arabia.

"If a woman drives a car, not out of pure necessity, that could have negative physiological impacts as functional and physiological medical studies show that it automatically affects the ovaries and pushes the pelvis upwards," he told Sabq.

"That is why we find those who regularly drive have children with clinical problems of varying degrees," he said.

He did not cite specific medical studies to support his arguments.

The ban on women driving is not backed by a specific law, but only men are granted driving licenses. Women can be fined for driving without a license but have also been detained and put on trial in the past on charges of political protest.

Sheikh Abdulatif Al al-Sheikh, the head of the morality police, told Reuters a week ago that there was no text in the documents making up sharia, or Islamic law, that barred women from driving.

King Abdullah has pushed some cautious reforms aimed at expanding women's freedoms in Saudi Arabia, including opening more employment opportunities for them, but he has not addressed the issue of driving.

(Reporting by Angus McDowall; Editing by William Maclean and Kevin Liffey)


That is Reuters... enjoy the propaganda that brain wash you and now since women have already violated the ban, please, dig your grave next to the cleric you keep so close.

Videos posted above are self explanatory but seem to have no effect on your thoughts.

at least you come to the point that reason was medical not religious but technically you are subjected to same amount of bouncing, when you travel as passenger.

Now try to understand the meaning of cleric, i.e. member of some school of thought... it immediately connects to the prevalent propaganda technique on defence.pk.
Trying to connect it to some imaginary sect. but every day we see lot of those claims against this imaginary clergy or its beliefs going down the drain, and this may become another example.

BTW... those news only shows some build-up against Saudi Arabia, otherwise ban on women driving is not a new issue and the new King will reform any thing which he deem necessary and beneficial to his state and people.
As you see, only few women, have been protesting and since long time, but than this is there right. Perhaps now they succeed in convincing the new King..
^^^ The news about damaging the ovaries was posted here a little while back. I couldn't find the thread. The new system must have buried it.

I made a job at that time saying riding on a bump road could damaging ones testicles.

Joke aside, women are as capable as men in many arenas. It is silly to ban them driving.
^^^ The news about damaging the ovaries was posted here a little while back. I couldn't find the thread. The new system must have buried it.

I made a job at that time saying riding on a bump road could damaging ones testicles.

Joke aside, women are as capable as men in many arenas. It is silly to ban them driving.

That is no joke.. men testicles are more at risk than women ovaries on a bumpy road.
Anyhow, cleric can only issue warnings according to his knowledge, bias and interests, in this case this ghost cleric have only physiological influence, but not on King, who have many highly qualified assistants.
That is no joke.. men testicles are more at risk than women ovaries on a bumpy road.
Anyhow, cleric can only issue warnings according to his knowledge, bias and interests, in this case this ghost cleric have only physiological influence, but not on King, who have many highly qualified assistants.

Yes Sir,

The general presidency of scholarly research and Ifta is the only authorized establishment here in KSA. No scholar is allowed to give any fatwa. Fatwas have to be issued through the Ifta committee.

Kudos for the Saudis women!

And for the Moslem World that grew tired of the Islamists.

I agree with your point but my friend you are falling in the same trap as the Islamophobes. This particular law has nothing to do with Islam. Can you find me any rullings based on the Noble Qur'an or the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saws) about women driving CARS? Just a quick question that every sane person should know the answer of. Did cars exist 1400 years ago? The answer is obviously no.

Besides this is not a "law". There is no law that bans women from driving. There is a law though that bans them from taking a driving license. It is a pathetic ban and I don't know where it comes from and who made it. I have to ask my parents or siblings. Very moronic and damaging for the reputation of a wealthy and well-functioning state such as KSA.

Why people always want to blame Islam for issues that has nothing to do with Islam I don't know.

The women on that poster is made after inspiration of this video below:


Saudi Arabian women are beautiful, clever, talented and hard-working women. Not to be messed with. Unfortunately some sectors of the society who have a certain degree of influence - although there are less and less of them, are afraid of their influence.

This "law" must be gone within 1 year or 2 years at most. Most people are now today against it, families don't want to pay for foreign/strangers chafferers and it is in general a huge economic burden.

It is unbelievable. I get angry when thinking about it.

Those videos are very real.

All this is my personal opinion and I don't speak for anybody and respect if somebody disagrees with me.
Actually that" law" which is not really a law to begin with if you read the article and research that particular topic, has nothing to do with Islam. It is a very stupid "law". I have always been against it. I am happy that it seems that most people are supportive of this cause and that the police that saw women driving did nothing to stop them. It is also a question of time before that stupid "law" is abolished. Good riddance I say.
Women should be allowed to drive with in cities but to do travel two another city they should travel with mehram
Aren't women allowed to fly planes in Saudi Arabia?
I agree with your point but my friend you are falling in the same trap as the Islamophobes.
I agree with you on the fact that in the holy book , there is no mention of wheeled transportation due to the fact, it didn't exist in those time, but the Prophet (sala allah 3alyhi wa salam) has never discouraged or limited a female in his time to ride a camel,to own , manage as the man do. Do take it as a critic of the Saudi religious establishment, but it still an aberration of a system that encourage these kind of believes that have nothing to do with Islam or the conduct of the Prophet Mohamed.
El Hassani, when I see stupidity being defended I, as a muslim, islamophobes are not the one who tried to understand Islam, but the one behind the ambiguities and incoherences of their writings.
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