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With eye on China, India deploys Akash missiles in northeast !

India had imported S300varients to protect our national capital. and drdo is building a very long range SAM for our ground based anti air systems. Its range is 200 km. Drdo is not making any S 300 copies as we don't do reverse engineering. This particuler SAM is extended version of LRSAM.

ummmmmmm. okey
Spare the crap of "part and parcel since time immemorial",AP came into the Indian union after the proposal for the british crown colony collapsed.If it wasn't for the british,India would have never come into existence.
Unless you believe the world and time began in 1947 AD that is..
Mate i usually don't speak crap.A.P. was known to the ancient Indians since time immemorial.A.P. has been specifically mentioned in the epic Mahabharata which was composed somewhere in between 7th century B.C. and 4th century B.C.Plus it was not the Brits who created India.India has been here since the pre-historic times.You will find the mention of India in the writings of Megasthenes,Aristotle,Pliny,Strabo,Fa-Hien etc. to name a few.India or Bharatvarsha generally referred to the entire Indian Sub-continent region although i must admit that it was because of the Brits that the sense of nationalism evolved among the general Indian populace.Plus the true cohesive force which bound this country was the common Dharmic culture and traditions...:coffee:
India had imported S300varients to protect our national capital. and drdo is building a very long range SAM for our ground based anti air systems. Its range is 200 km. Drdo is not making any S 300 copies as we don't do reverse engineering. This particuler SAM is extended version of LRSAM.
its not copies of s-300 but in same class ...it will be 250km with ABM capabilites "A new Long ranged SAM with a range of 200-250 km is on the drawing board, which is likely be a spin off our ABM technology"

Source: Dr Avinash Chander Talks about NEW Missiles

and abt so called LRSAM-ER is just 120km
Mate i usually don't speak crap.A.P. was known to the ancient Indians since time immemorial.A.P. has been specifically mentioned in the epic Mahabharata which was composed somewhere in between 7th century B.C. and 4th century B.C.Plus it was not the Brits who created India.India has been here since the pre-historic times.You will find the mention of India in the writings of Megasthenes,Aristotle,Pliny,Strabo,Fa-Hien etc. to name a few.India or Bharatvarsha generally referred to the entire Indian Sub-continent region although i must admit that it was because of the Brits that the sense of nationalism evolved among the general Indian populace.Plus the true cohesive force which bound this country was the common Dharmic culture and traditions...:coffee:
You are speaking crap here.AP was never in contact with the rest of NE even,excluding assam and you wish to sell me the snake oil of "always part of India".Secondly,some text with vague mentions to the east is no proof..For all we know,which part was it referring to exactly?What knowledge of the area and its people was with them?
India or Indies was always used as a geographical extension and not as a united land or people,empire or anything.Kind of like how mid east is just a geographical reference..just.
Finally,keep that hindutva propaganda of "Dharma" unites this country wherever you came upon it.AP has almost nothing to do with hinduism.For heaven's sake!!It's people have more in common with tibetans and chinese and rest of SEA than it ever did with mainland India.
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