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With 500 Soldiers On Guard, China Starts New Construction In Doklam

Just grabbing a bag of pop corns and watching, "Doklam: Return of the Dragon".

In the first movie, performance by the Indian actors was disappointing.

Looking at the fact that the road construction is happening 10 KM from the stand off site the movie looks more like

"Doklam: The Reluctant Dragon". :D

Something just pop up in my mind bro, how many brave Indian soldiers will be ready for some mined field day since you can't just surrender with a smile like in 1962, LAND MINES doesn't take any POW:pop:
Indian soldiers will bring their cows along to protect them.
Chinese soldiers will have barbecued beef.
Modi has learnt enough lessons.

Now he knows Doklam A-B-C!
So your conviction is that whatever they claim is correct...fair enough...but may i know how long the weather is going to be unfavorable...?? As per you when you see this construction to start?? b/w you honestly see no connection b/w standoff and construction halt??

I dont have access to local conditions, because nobody lives there.

Just look at when you hear the next news on the situation, even this thread coincides with a rare dry spell in the region.

Now i am not even sure if it is worth to even reply to you...The standoff area is not our territory...so what business we have patrolling there?? what's this has to with "playing weak"?? On contraty when trijunction was threatened we moved in...

You were saying that India ran away so that the Chinese "underestimate" you.

This is a ridiculous strategy, especially since you already tried to deploy as much as you could in the early stages.

b/w You are talking as if you were present there...I mean how ridiculous is this....Chinese started construction...we objected...stand off lasted for more than 2 months...and then we chickened out...and Chinese withdrew their road construction equipment because weather was not supportive any more...?? Even if you wanna believe this crap...please tell me when you think weather will be good for road construction...?? In a month, 2 months, next summer...or when??

China halted road construction long ago, their troops still remained in the area even after India withdrew theirs. They also never removed their construction equipment, it was always there.

Im not the weather channel, look it up yourself.

Of-couse China is aware of India's capability but India is not?? Look how every time you are talking only from China's perspective...how on this earth you can come up with an honest evaluation?? Try to look at it from both sides...If we loose Bhutan our entire NorthEast is endangered...we can't loose Bhutan and we will not...Indian troops crossed into Bhutan and faced Chinese counterparts for more than 2 months...we didn't do it for fun...we meant it...and as said many times...there is no other option for us...

You just explained exactly why your supposed "salami slicing" strategy is so dumb.

If you dont have a show of force then you will lose any influence you have in the area.

Let me ignore the childish personal remark(ONLY THIS TIME)...now read again what i wrote earlier...Chinese blocked this move on the same venue last year when BRICS was held in India...however right after Doklam standoff they agreed to add these lines in joint statement....Now if you can't see anything striking here then I am not sure what else to share....

You really are dumb, thinking you did some kind of attack against Pakistan when Pakistan itself used the exact same line itself.

Boy you people are gullible.

Now let me ask you a question...you have argued with me...but did this occur to you that they are expanding an existing road??

Building or upgrading infrastructure, what do you think the purpose is for; tourists? commuters?

Its obvious anything they are doing in the area is to serve a single obvious purpose.
Not suprised at all. The Circle must Complete Itself.

True independence of Bhutan is near. Just like Nepal is becoming truly independent now.

Sikkim shall follow...

And it is all about South Tibet's reunion. NE states will get their freedom as a bonus.

But China will never declare this as victory.... this privilege belongs to our indian friends.

The indians 'won' the stand-off and surely they will 'win' again!

India will not taste true victory until India revert to the various states gain independence.

And the word India will again only mean the subcontinent, as it has historically means before Indians misappropriated the name.
How dare you mock the shupa powa! Everybody fears the unilateral retreating shupa powa! Boasting and chest beating and then retreat unilaterally is the way of a shupa powa! Jai Hind!


LOL the road construction begins 10 km from the stand off point, it ends at mount Gimpochi, right above the chicken neck corridor for cutting India in half! :laughcry:

LOL at the Indian going bonkers with humiliation!!!

Just an a$$ kicking in Ladakh rattled Modi so badly that IA unilaterally retreated from Doklam! Now we fortify Doklam with PLA, build our chicken neck cutting road to Mount Gimpochi and establish relations with Bhutan.

Shupa powa India teaches China a lesson and gets revenge for 1962 humiliation again! :lol::lol::lol:

Jokees are needed to have humor goahead make yourself the best on show now you must have a nucleat fart please continue the show chick
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