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With 500 Soldiers On Guard, China Starts New Construction In Doklam

You can widen, shorten ,extend within your territory , If you extend it to disputed territory then we will just do a Bulldozer attack :D

Common sense ki baat hai pakistani. :lol:

Isn't it a bit late for that, after India backstabbed Bhutan yet again by handing over Bhutan's territory to China on a silver platter? :P
They were testing Bhutan before, they developed a strategy based on the response they got. Chinese plan their strategies well in advance and stick as closely as they can to it.
And rest of the world don't strategize at all?? What kind of blind faith is this and I wonder why??

Temporarily halted, which they claimed was due to local weather conditions. I dont know the weather there, but if its similar to Thimphu, then there has been heavy rain for the last month or so. There was no miscalculation, they didn't withdraw any troops or withdraw their claim, they are waiting for a suitable environment to continue construction.
So your conviction is that whatever they claim is correct...fair enough...but may i know how long the weather is going to be unfavorable...?? As per you when you see this construction to start?? b/w you honestly see no connection b/w standoff and construction halt??

There is nothing else in the area which would require a road, the road they want to build is strategically placed to allow quick deployment of their forces in the area. The longer they keep this up too, the more their claim on the region gets cemented.
No disagreement there...and that's why they were stopped at stand off location...as said earlier...we have no other choice...Chicken neck is a genuine worry and we can't compromise the entire north East here...

Thats ridiculous, if India was "playing weak", then it would have done so from the beginning and not after it claimed a 'mutual withdrawal' of forces. Face it, India couldn't confront the Chinese and walked away before the situation escalated.
Now i am not even sure if it is worth to even reply to you...The standoff area is not our territory...so what business we have patrolling there?? what's this has to with "playing weak"?? On contraty when trijunction was threatened we moved in...

b/w You are talking as if you were present there...I mean how ridiculous is this....Chinese started construction...we objected...stand off lasted for more than 2 months...and then we chickened out...and Chinese withdrew their road construction equipment because weather was not supportive any more...?? Even if you wanna believe this crap...please tell me when you think weather will be good for road construction...?? In a month, 2 months, next summer...or when??

China is already well aware of India's capabilities in the region, nothing would be gained for India hiding its forces. Inaction will only further Chinas claim in the region, and strip away India's reliability as a partner to Bhutan.
Of-couse China is aware of India's capability but India is not?? Look how every time you are talking only from China's perspective...how on this earth you can come up with an honest evaluation?? Try to look at it from both sides...If we loose Bhutan our entire NorthEast is endangered...we can't loose Bhutan and we will not...Indian troops crossed into Bhutan and faced Chinese counterparts for more than 2 months...we didn't do it for fun...we meant it...and as said many times...there is no other option for us...

Are you really so dumb that you fell for that propaganda? India did absolutely nothing to Pakistan, Pakistan itself made an exactly similar statement a year earlier. Please stop being so desperate and spinning everything into some kind of win for you people.

Let me ignore the childish personal remark(ONLY THIS TIME)...now read again what i wrote earlier...Chinese blocked this move on the same venue last year when BRICS was held in India...however right after Doklam standoff they agreed to add these lines in joint statement....Now if you can't see anything striking here then I am not sure what else to share....

Now let me ask you a question...you have argued with me...but did this occur to you that they are expanding an existing road??
Latest rumor that i received from a friend who's dad work for the LOCPG (中聯辦) HK

Simple translation: With the protection of 500 Chinese soldiers, new road construction has begun "RIGHT INSIDE THE LAST DOKLAM CONFLICT ZONE"
This time it will be mined at the border area in case Indians try something stupid again:dirol:
Latest rumor that i received from a friend who's dad work for the LOCPG (中聯辦) HK

Simple translation: With the protection of 500 Chinese soldiers, new road construction has begun "RIGHT INSIDE THE LAST DOKLAM CONFLICT ZONE"
This time it will be mined at the border area in case Indians try something stupid again:dirol:

Looks like the above rumor has becoming a reality sooner than i thought, check out the latest news from India below:china:
Here goes all the Indian's new Chinese road construction located 10 KM apart from the last standoff site claim LOL:rofl::rofl:
Defence Minister’s visit to northeast comes amid reports of increased Chinese presence in Doklam

Though the Doklam standoff ended on August 28, it has emerged over the last few days that the Chinese military presence in the disputed area continues with several hundred soldiers, construction stores, and new bunkers. This presence is just a few hundred meters away from where the two sides faced-off for over two months, starting June 16, when Indian troops stopped the Chinese from constructing a road.

Military sources have also confirmed that the Chinese have been carrying out relaying and widening of a road not very far from the stand off point.
Isn't it a bit late for that, after India backstabbed Bhutan yet again by handing over Bhutan's territory to China on a silver platter? :P

The PLA has been controlling the road for some years and regularly sends patrols to the area


Not only you guys are Backstabber but a road occupying force too :P

Is that a warning? :woot:

"China is now upgrading and widening its existing motorable road in the Bhutanese territory of Doklam."


Yes u guys are road occupying force ,Btw this is the 10th time you are copy pasting the same comment man :woot:
Not suprised at all. The Circle must Complete Itself.

True independence of Bhutan is near. Just like Nepal is becoming truly independent now.

Sikkim shall follow...

And it is all about South Tibet's reunion. NE states will get their freedom as a bonus.

But China will never declare this as victory.... this privilege belongs to our indian friends.

The indians 'won' the stand-off and surely they will 'win' again!
Latest rumor that i received from a friend who's dad work for the LOCPG (中聯辦) HK
Simple translation: With the protection of 500 Chinese soldiers, new road construction has begun "RIGHT INSIDE THE LAST DOKLAM CONFLICT ZONE"
This time it will be mined at the border area in case Indians try something stupid again:dirol:

No worries we have mine proof bulldozers too :dirol:
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The PLA has been controlling the road for some years and regularly sends patrols to the area


Not only you guys are Backstabber but a road occupying force too :P

Yes u guys are road occupying force ,Btw this is the 10th time you are copy pasting the same comment man :woot:
So true. nothing special, PLA is so so far far a few hundreds meters away from where the last faced off location :dirol: its all well:enjoy:
So true. nothing special, PLA is so so far far a few hundreds meters away from where the last faced off location :dirol: its all well:enjoy:

Right man no worries about the road occupying force :enjoy:
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