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With 500 Soldiers On Guard, China Starts New Construction In Doklam

you mean those funny and clueless Indian soldiers were kicked like chikens, and "scared" PLA to have a fully control over the area now, and built permanent bunkers? :lol:, no one can match Indian's feel good slef-delusion

When you build something on the place you own for the last many year and boasting about it here that's the real self-delusion :lol: and the last standoff agreement was both troops has to go back 180 meters from the standoff point .
You should start boasting only when you can build the road again on the same point :D
When you build something on the place you own for the last many year and boasting about it here that's the real self-delusion :lol: and the last standoff agreement was both troops has to go back 180 meters from the standoff point .
You should start boasting only when you can build the road again on the same point :D

India's official position is that Donglang is Bhutan's territory, and protected by a mutual defence treaty with India.

Now you say we "own" Donglang? How can you backstab Bhutan like that?
India's official position is that Donglang is Bhutan's territory, and protected by a mutual defence treaty with India.

Now you say we "own" Donglang? How can you backstab Bhutan like that?

The whole standoff started when PLA extended the road from the already existing roads in the unsettled china-Bhutan border right? So India have no issue with your existing the road , the problem came with the extension threating India's security .Now if this sounds selfish or backstabbing still china cant have a moral high ground because of you guys bullying a very small nation
Seriously i am sick of talking to trolls now...so please debate rationally...

I don't agree with this, the Doklam situation has in fact been played off like a victory for Modi in the Indian media.
Really?? It seems like you have no idea about our media then...In fact the way your media has reacted on this Doklam situation is far far worse then what was done on our side..the kind of rhetorics we have heard from Chinese media especially when it is state controlled...is unprecedented....but again...it is stupid to react on what media is saying/not saying...What we should concentrate on is what we can make out of the entire fiasco...Let me repeat what i said to the fanboy i was talking earlier...

When big countries get into a tangle...there are no clear winners...there is always going to be give and take...period.

And the majority of the Indian posters here think that India somehow "won" the last Doklam standoff..
And what do you think majority of Chinese posters think? How does it matter what someone thinks...what matter's is what you think....share your thoughts...no??

Though all those Indian members are curiously absent from this thread?
May be because it is zillionth thread on the subject??

The irony is that China would have been likely to let this one go, but the constant boasting from the Indian side of their supposed victory has forced China's hand, now we have to keep building the road in Doklam or we will lose face in front of the domestic detractors.
Who is we here? Losers on PDF?? If you think CPC will bother about what is being written in Indian media or GOI would bother what is being written in Chinese media then you are being naive...of-course both sides are going to claim victory in front of their audience...i mean how can either side loose face in front of home audience...If you don't agree then check the official statements from both sides...they were purposefully kept vague...no??
Maybe that's enough to scare the Chinese one more time :lol:

Then china should immediately stop exporting the weapon (Bulldozer) which we are threatening them with :rofl:
So we should give up a few billion worth of exports because of 2 bulldozers? :rofl::rofl:

Don't you think the war mongering India media which will call even a normal missile test as a China Killer is largely silent almost for the whole 70 days . And no one here is underestimating the Chinese infact we are preparing ourself for any similar future conflict like the doklam the below tweet from the ex-army officer should give you an idea about what's most of us are thinking . And no one is boasting here we are infact happy that the congress is not ruling us anymore if you know what I mean :D

Can you guys make up your minds now? Are we or are we not in Doklam? :azn:

Seriously i am sick of talking to trolls now...so please debate rationally...

Really?? It seems like you have no idea about our media then...In fact the way your media has reacted on this Doklam situation is far far worse then what was done on our side..the kind of rhetorics we have heard from Chinese media especially when it is state controlled...is unprecedented....but again...it is stupid to react on what media is saying/not saying...What we should concentrate on is what we can make out of the entire fiasco...Let me repeat what i said to the fanboy i was talking earlier...

When big countries get into a tangle...there are no clear winners...there is always going to be give and take...period.

And what do you think majority of Chinese posters think? How does it matter what someone thinks...what matter's is what you think....share your thoughts...no??

May be because it is zillionth thread on the subject??

Who is we here? Losers on PDF?? If you think CPC will bother about what is being written in Indian media or GOI would bother what is being written in Chinese media then you are being naive...of-course both sides are going to claim victory in front of their audience...i mean how can either side loose face in front of home audience...If you don't agree then check the official statements from both sides...they were purposefully kept vague...no??
Raj, just admit it, you got conned by Modi, he just punked you guys raw.... Chinese territory expanded, Indian troops withdrew, Bhutanese looking at you while slapping their heads. This is the typical Indian competence. :rofl:
Raj, just admit it, you got conned by Modi, he just punked you guys raw.... Chinese territory expanded, Indian troops withdrew, Bhutanese looking at you while slapping their heads. This is the typical Indian competence.

I think nobody is surprised here. Indian efficiency is known by the world.

The good thing is they can even sell a practical withdrawal and strategic defeat a victory.

Who says Indian democracy is bad?
I think nobody is surprised here. Indian efficiency is known by the world.

The good thing is they can even sell a practical withdrawal and strategic defeat a victory.

Who says Indian democracy is bad?
These people will never ever admit mistakes, their face saving instinct and thick face culture forces them to boast and also claim victory to anything. Even when they are starving:rofl:, they will claim those kids are the happiest kids on earth, they are 'spiritually full' but physically hungry.
China-India Poker Game

India wanted to play a game of poker with China's road construction in Doklam.

India threw some chips into the pot by interfering with China's initial construction and waited to see what happened.

China responded by upping the ante with 1,000 troops.

India folded.

Alternatively, India could have upped the ante again and created a second confrontation.

The danger is that China might have "gone all in" and resorted to a military solution.

Once a war starts, the origins don't matter. Wars proceed inexorably until there is one winner. I guess India didn't want to risk a war with China. All of a sudden, it's Bhutan's problem and nothing to do with India.

Wake-up call to India.

India wanted to play a game of poker with China's road construction in Doklam.

India threw some chips into the pot and waited to see what happened.

China responded by upping the ante with 1,000 troops.

India folded.

Alternatively, India could have upped the ante again and created a second confrontation.

The danger is that China might have "gone all in" and resorted to a military solution.

Once a war starts, the origins don't matter. Wars proceed inexorably until there is one winner. I guess India didn't want to risk a war with China. All of a sudden, it's Bhutan's problem and nothing to do with India.

I guess Indian government needed some distraction for failures at home. It ha probably worked. Hence, they stopped right there.

I do not think India ever had a strategic mind in all of this saga; their national strategic vision cannot even extend a few months ahead.

Indian media is amazonomous. They can easily sell a defeat as a victory and people buy it.

Alibaba and Tencent should invest in Indian media.
I sincerely think the Modi govt puffed it's chest expecting their new found ally the US will back them in an event if China went head to head, But unfortunately for them the US didn't.. Which made them realize they bit more they could chew.. So the best way was to pacify the local audience of a stalemate, But in reality India withdrew
[QUOTE="Chinese-Dragon, post: 9926937, member: 29684]Big victory enforced BIndia. China experienced a net increase in territory once again. :P[/QUOTE]
Nice joke.
Doklam was always controlled by China.
But now PLA mobility just got very badly affected as she has been forced to build a road a whopping 10 km away.
Nice joke.
Doklam was always controlled by China.
But now PLA mobility just got very badly affected as she has been forced to build a road a whopping 10 km away.
Upgrading an existing road in Doklam does not mean we will not continue building to Gyomochen. Our road networks already cover the whole Doklam and now there are an additional 500 troops in Doklam. I thought India said no road building and no troops in Doklam? :rofl:
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