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Wing Commander Noman Ali Khan & Squadron Leader Hassan Siddqui, MIG-21Bison & SU-30 MKI slayers

India is our only enemy. These are the facts -

  • Every war we had so far has been with India
  • Right now half a million Gangoo soldiers are raping, killing our brothers/sister across the LOC in Occupied Kashmir
  • At every turn it is India that tries to trip Pakistan.
So the question is simple. Do we focus on our enemy India? Or we diffuse our effort across by spreading ourselves thin on many enemies. Those who keep wanting Pakistan to aim at Iran, Israel etc are helping India by distracting our attention away from India. We need to be focused on one enemy. India. As it is even this enemy is nearly 7 times more populous. We have our hands full.

The day we ripp Gangoos apart fair enough go find new enemies ~ Israel? Iran? But for now aim the cross hairs on 1.4 billion Gangoo India.

You know what I was just reading the other day about the Sino-Viet war recently and this month marks the 40th year of the war and the Viets like two decades was poor SouthEast Asian s,,,,thole now its the fastest growing economy in ASEAN and Asia, I mean the Viets hate Chinese a lot more they are actually the same race same people but they did not want to be under their thumb sort of so they focused on getting investments from all over keep mouth quiet for some time and voila we hear about this random country we can do the same if IK can keep the enemy at bay let them focus on missadventures unlike the Chinese Gangoos go on more misadventures eg.Sri Lankan wars of the 1980s and early 90s, in the Islamic world I can give example of Iraq-Iran, Iraq in the 80s had advanced fighter jets the weapons and oil money Iran was sanctioned and had low grade weapons and fighter jets war ends Iraq gets into misadventures in Kuwait waited till Saddam got f..cked by Yankee in 03 then backs Shia groups to take over now a decade later Iraq is in Iranian hands same thing will happen to Saudi with Qatar lol @Indus Pakistan
That did occur to me. On the Pakistani side there is every reason to de-escalate. We don't not want a nuke war and must do everything to prevent that. If India had not been given a 'face saving exit' in the form of the captured pilot this might have escalated to near or above nuclear threshold. I don't think any sane person wants that.

I guess the best possible outcome has been achieved. Ganga India got b*tch slapped and by returning the pilot Pakistan came across as a responsible, honourable nuclear state. And that has been noted by international media.

Ps. May I request Pak members to please not unneccassrily bring in Israel into this. I know many have this itch to add Israel to the huge sized enemy we have on the east but think. Our hands have enough with 1.4 bollion Gangoo's. Must we add Israeli's to that list? And Israeli's are not known for being shy or coy. When they choose a enemy they tend to go for them hard and part of the package they send after you is USA. The day USA, Europe sanction Pakistan like Iran and you get Israeli's F-15 Eagles or even a squadron of F-22 Raptors flying along the LOC or Radclife Line looking down at Lahore you will know. But until then give it a break please.

The Indians overestimated their military capability and criminally underestimated Pakistan’s resolve and capacity to protect itself. The end result was a bruised India with a tarnished international image. Pakistan won at every level from military to diplomacy and from narrative to politics. Modi’s deseperate admission that the absence of Rafael jets ensured Pakistani victory hides the fact that this was a war India chose and which it attempted to dictate the terms. Both initiatives were wrestled away from them in less than 24 hours. Though Indians are now trying to say that India was successful in breaching Pakistan’s airspace, the fact of the matter is that they were intercepted and chased away without accomplishing their mission. On the other hand, PAF made a mockery of India’s overadvertised collection of Israeli and Russian air defense systems and successfully went inside India and carried out warning air raids. The shooting of the two planes and the helicopter was just the icing. IAF 0- PAF 3
The Indians overestimated their military capability and criminally underestimated Pakistan’s resolve and capacity to protect itself. The end result was a bruised India with a tarnished international image. Pakistan won at every level from military to diplomacy and from narrative to politics. Modi’s deseperate admission that the absence of Rafael jets ensured Pakistani victory hides the fact that this was a war India chose and which it attempted to dictate the terms. Both initiatives were wrestled away from them in less than 24 hours. Though Indians are now trying to say that India was successful in breaching Pakistan’s airspace, the fact of the matter is that they were intercepted and chased away without accomplishing their mission. On the other hand, PAF made a mockery of India’s overadvertised collection of Israeli and Russian air defense systems and successfully went inside India and carried out warning air raids. The shooting of the two planes and the helicopter was just the icing. IAF 0- PAF 3

The details we really don't know or at least can't confirm.

But grossly speaking, from the happenings on the Indian side with Modi and his Rafale statement, IAF Western command guy "retiring" and our boy Abhi kinda disappearing in addition to congratulatory statements on the Pakistani side indicate a MASSIVE win for Pakistan.

Also Modi is being exposed for what he is finally. At least hopefully to international observers.
The details we really don't know or at least can't confirm.

But grossly speaking, from the happenings on the Indian side with Modi and his Rafale statement, IAF Western command guy "retiring" and our boy Abhi kinda disappearing in addition to congratulatory statements on the Pakistani side indicate a MASSIVE win for Pakistan.

Also Modi is being exposed for what he is finally. At least hopefully to international observers.

What details don’t you know?
What details don’t you know?

Can't confirm or deny F-16 downing or second IAF downing.

We don't know ultimately what types were also used. Thunder or F-16.

Both sides have made claims.

So for right now all we know for sure is IAF Bison downed. The resulting pilot saga.

And an AMRAAM piece was found by India.

Also the Mi-17 loss. Who knows what happened there? (i.e. friendly fire, technical malfunction)

(I'm limiting this to PAF v IAF arena only)
Can't confirm or deny F-16 downing or second IAF downing.

We don't know ultimately what types were also used. Thunder or F-16.

Both sides have made claims.

So for right now all we know for sure is IAF Bison downed. The resulting pilot saga.

And an AMRAAM piece was found by India.

Also the Mi-17 loss. Who knows what happened there? (i.e. friendly fire, technical malfunction)

(I'm limiting this to PAF v IAF arena only)

Idea of F-16 being downed is a fictitious claim by the Indians. Has no basis in reality

There are sufficient circumstantial evidence to prove the rest. In due time, all will be made bare
Idea of F-16 being downed is a fictitious claim by the Indians. Has no basis in reality

There are sufficient circumstantial evidence to prove the rest. In due time, all will be made bare

Yea I happen to agree with you.

But independent confirmation is the gold standard.
NEVADA: PAF's Wing Commander Nauman Ali Khan (circled) (then Squadron Leader) at Nellis Air Force Base (Nevada, USA) for the Exercise Red Flag 2016. Wg. Cdr. Nauman shot down an Indian Air Force (IAF) Su-30MKI on 27 February 2019 over Azad Kashmir. The Su-30 went down in Indian-Occupied Kashmir and the fate of its two pilots, who ejected, is unknown.

What's wrong with the Indian folks???? Won't they ever learn???? Elephants have always been destroyed by the fast charging horsemen flanking them along with sharpshooters!!!! The first and third wars of Panipat are enough to understand this simple fact....

Looks like the genes in the DNAs of Babur, EbdAli etc. are stuck in this side of the Indus river...

indians have always been overcome by foreign invaders, they never had what it takes to fight it out or rule themselves. What is today's Pakistan has always been the birth ground of people and empires that ruled over the rest of the Subcontinent, be it the Scythians, Persians, Afghans, Mughals, Gandhara, and what not. And the onlhy time they got to rule themsleves, they have become a confused deluded nation...
NEVADA: PAF's Wing Commander Nauman Ali Khan (circled) (then Squadron Leader) at Nellis Air Force Base (Nevada, USA) for the Exercise Red Flag 2016. Wg. Cdr. Nauman shot down an Indian Air Force (IAF) Su-30MKI on 27 February 2019 over Azad Kashmir. The Su-30 went down in Indian-Occupied Kashmir and the fate of its two pilots, who ejected, is unknown.

View attachment 544734
That picture was in 2010.
Heroes who shot down Indian fighter jets for the first time revealed by the government of Pakistan
Published: March 6, 2019

Squadron Leader Hassan Siddiqui (L) and Wing Commander Nauman Ali Khan (R). PHOTOS: SOCIAL MEDIA

ISLAMABAD: The government on Wednesday for the first time named the pilots who shot down two Indian warplanes last week, in a rare aerial engagement which had ignited fears of an all-out conflict with its nuclear rival.

The dogfight over the disputed Himalayan territory of Kashmir on February 27 ended with two Indian Air Force fighter jets downed and a pilot captured by the Pakistani security forces.

He was returned to India on Friday, crossing the Wagah border on foot.
The clash also fuelled fears that soaring tensions between the South Asian countries could erupt into their fourth war, with world powers rushing to urge restraint.

“Two Indian planes were shot down by Pakistan Air Force on February 27,” Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi told parliament Wednesday.

He named them as Squadron Leader Hassan Siddiqui and Wing Commander Nauman Ali Khan, saying he wanted to “pay tribute” to them both.

Siddiqui had been widely named in unverified comments on social media.

Indian claims of Balakot airstrike debunked by international media

Tensions escalated dramatically between Pakistan and India on February 14 when a young man – a native of Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK) – rammed an explosives-laden car into an Indian military convoy, killing at least 44 soldiers.

India was quick to blame Pakistan for the suicide bombing. PM Imran offered every possible help in the investigation, but India turned down the offer and whipped up war hysteria.

On February 26, the Indian Air Force violated Pakistani airspace. The country’s top civil and military leadership declared the violation of airspace by Indian fighter jets “uncalled for aggression” and decided that the country would respond at a “time and place of its choosing”.

On February 27, Pakistan announced it had shot down two Indian fighter jets that attempted to violate its airspace and captured an Indian pilot.

On February 28, the Foreign Office said it received a dossier on the Pulwama attack from the Indian government. It added that the government was deliberating whether to treat Abhinandan as a prisoner of war (POW) or apply any international convention.

In the evening, PM Imran addressed a joint session of the parliament and announced that Pakistan would release the captured pilot as a goodwill gesture to de-escalate tensions.

On March 1, Pakistan ‘as a goodwill gesture’ handed over to Indian authorities the captured IAF Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman.

Read more: Hassan Siddiqui , IAF , india

Foreign journalist doubts India's narrative on F-16 use
By News Desk
Published: March 6, 2019


Amidst an ongoing standoff between Pakistan and India, a New York Times journalist, Maria Abi-Habib, has pointed out that Islamabad may not have violated its F-16 sales agreement with Washington contrary to New Delhi’s claim even if the US fighter jets were involved in the downing of two Indian Air Force jets.

Tensions between the South Asian neighbours escalated following a suicide car bombing on February 14 that killed at least 40 Indian paramilitary police in Indian-occupied Kashmir.
New Delhi accused Islamabad of harbouring the Jaish-e Mohammad group behind the attack, which Islamabad denied, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi promised a strong response.

Pakistan said the Indian planes missed whatever they were aiming at, and that nobody died in the attack outside Balakot in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P).

On March 2, Pakistan handed back a captured Indian pilot Abhinandan whose MiG-21 jet was shot down by a Pakistan Air Force (PAF) during a clash over Kashmir on February 27 as two weeks of growing tensions between the two countries erupted into open hostilities.

Confirming the incident, New Delhi had complained the aircraft used by the PAF to ingress into Indian-occupied Kashmir (IoK) had included an F-16 which it claimed the Indian Air Force (IAF) had shot down. The PAF, however, had denied that F-16 jets were used India.

Indian insisted that Pakistan’s use of F-16 against India meant that Islamabad stood in violation of a sales agreement with the US, which allegedly restricts the fighter jets to be used for anti-terrorism sorties only.

But NYT’s South Asia correspondent in her tweets on Wednesday explained how Pakistan may not have committed any such violation even if it did use F-16s to shoot down Indian jets.

“The US says if Pakistan used an F-16 to shoot down an Indian MiG, it may not have violated sale agreement. India says deal limits Pakistan to use jets only for counter-terror operations,” Maria tweeted.
“The US officials are pushing back hard on India’s interpretation of their F-16 sale agreement with Pakistan. They say if India entered Pakistan airspace for a second day, and Pakistan used the jet defensively, the contract wasn’t violated.”
According to the journalist, “American officials at this moment say they are assessing if an F16 was used and in what manner.”
She said the US wants to strengthen its alliance with New Delhi is so important for Washington that it even offered to produce F-16 jets in India “as a sweetener”.
We need more proof on the Su-30 kill and who the second downed pilot was.

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