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Will Raheel Sharif quit Muslim NATO? Brilliant piece by Ahmed Quraishi

I would call the author of this article merely misinformed, if it was not his business to write opinion changing articles to sway public opinion. As such, I must call him morally bankrupt. His words and statements go against facts themselves.

So, to find out the facts for ourselves, lets bring in the actual video of the summit:

To hear the names of significant and insignificant nations mentioned, start from 2:15:50. Are you telling me that in this significant introduction lasting minutes, the pointed exclusion of Pakistan is not a snub? In that case you must belong to that shameless creed of Pakistani politicians who hold no self-respect.

Then, the point of this being an anti-Iran conference. Start from 2:23:55 and hear for yourself the following words. Go through them once, twice, thrice, as long as it takes you to realize that this was loudly an anti-Iran summit.

So with these facts under the belt, do I think Gen Raheel Shareef may be having second thoughts? Definitely! From the beginning he has been a stalwart of a united Muslim front. Strategically speaking, a general of his merit can well appreciate the geo-strategic depth of Iran with Russian backing, and the implications of a full on conflict.

Should he return to Pakistan? I see the Muslim Ummah benefiting much more from his strong leadership in Pakistan than a minor role in some foreign land. His current role seems pre-planned by anti-Pakistan forces to sideline him and deprive him of any strong base. On the contrary, as Prime Minister of Pakistan, this country will benefit from his sincere leadership, and as a consequence, it will be able to rise to take the true position it is meant to take in the world.

@Oscar @PaklovesTurkiye
How sure are we that the good general may not be swayed to go along?
Even if as a figurehead
I would call the author of this article merely misinformed, if it was not his business to write opinion changing articles to sway public opinion. As such, I must call him morally bankrupt. His words and statements go against facts themselves.

So, to find out the facts for ourselves, lets bring in the actual video of the summit:

To hear the names of significant and insignificant nations mentioned, start from 2:15:50. Are you telling me that in this significant introduction lasting minutes, the pointed exclusion of Pakistan is not a snub? In that case you must belong to that shameless creed of Pakistani politicians who hold no self-respect.

Then, the point of this being an anti-Iran conference. Start from 2:23:55 and hear for yourself the following words. Go through them once, twice, thrice, as long as it takes you to realize that this was loudly an anti-Iran summit.

So with these facts under the belt, do I think Gen Raheel Shareef may be having second thoughts? Definitely! From the beginning he has been a stalwart of a united Muslim front. Strategically speaking, a general of his merit can well appreciate the geo-strategic depth of Iran with Russian backing, and the implications of a full on conflict.

Should he return to Pakistan? I see the Muslim Ummah benefiting much more from his strong leadership in Pakistan than a minor role in some foreign land. His current role seems pre-planned by anti-Pakistan forces to sideline him and deprive him of any strong base. On the contrary, as Prime Minister of Pakistan, this country will benefit from his sincere leadership, and as a consequence, it will be able to rise to take the true position it is meant to take in the world.

@Oscar @PaklovesTurkiye

I believe it is Iran duty now to to cajole Pakistan to leave alliance....This one sided love affair with Iran is gonna cost us. We will lose Arabs as well as Iranians will expand their chest more, thinking as if they are some kinda very important country....Urdu me bolun to....

Sir pe char k naachen ge ye Irani hamarey agar ziada mun lagaya
I used to read Ahmed Quraishi write ups when he was running Pak nationalist site. Assuming this is same person. Given global geo political shifts, I am afraid he is wrong on Raheel Sharif joining saudi alliance. Despite the argument that certain media group try to frame narrative that favors what Iran wants to communicate, most important fact to consider - what is best interest of Pakistan. Besides it is not to say there is no saudi influence in Pakistani media, establishment and politics.

I will draw attention to some broader geo political shifts going on and argue that joining saudi alliance is a wrong decision and for wrong cause. Saudi alliance has no real anchor other than US backing by diplomatic and military means. And it is proven by Saudi action itself - 100+ billion dollars worth of arms purchase which has no use for saudis other than stoking regional confrontations. But anchor for all saudi hypes and plan; United States itself relegating itself from its role in the world.

Watch carefully how in recent G7 and NATO summits, Trump made it clear to Europe that they have to pay for more US arms in order to keep NATO. And US do not like to deal with EU rather like to deal with individual countries. That prompted German, France and EU leaders to publicly say, EU can not depend on US and has to chart it own course. Then US withdrawal from climate agreement broke the camels back; 75 years old US and Europe 75 security and trade brotherhood on verge of collapse now. In parallel, EU leaders seems increasingly finding China and Russia to be filling the void US is relinquishing. That is what reflected in recent EU leaders interaction with Russian President and Chinese PM. Europeans more than ever are believer of Eurasian integration and OBOR. Meaning, it is more likely multipolar world is emerging faster than we imagined.

Where does that leave saudis, their 100+ billion dollars weapons and 38 nation force? Exactly no where but in a show piece box.

Taking strictly Pakistani interest in consideration, where should Pakistan concentrate its energy? It is in OBOR and Eurasian integration that China is so eagerly helping Pakistan to be part of. Both China and Russia, new emerging leaders of multi polar world vehemently oppose saudi sectarian infused ideology rivalry and conflict in Iran, in Iraq and in Syria.

Given above geo political realities and Pakistan own interest in mind, does it make sense at all to be part of saudi alliance that has no future, no moral and does not align with Pakistan own interest?????

While Pakistan was bombarded by US drone, bombs and threatened to send to stone age, Saudis did not even raise a finger. They did not do so because it was not in saudi interest. People who are still thinking saudis are in some sort of brotherhood with Pakistan; should think again.

Then again, argument is not that Iran is extending some great brotherly embrace. Reality is, in this geo political juncture, Pakistan and Iran interests are more aligned.

For Pakistan, it holds an unique position
1) to slowly influence saudis to see the reality and loose sectarian sunglass.
2) to push Iran to loosen its hand with india and see indian motive to exploit Iran against Pakistan.
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I totally failed to understand, why everyone
I used to read Ahmed Quraishi write ups when he was running Pak nationalist site. Assuming this is same person. Given global geo political shifts, I am afraid he is wrong on Raheel Sharif joining saudi alliance. Despite the argument that certain media group try to frame narrative that favors what Iran wants to communicate, most important fact to consider - what is best interest of Pakistan. Besides it is not to say there is no saudi influence in Pakistani media, establishment and politics.

I will draw attention to some broader geo political shifts going on and argue that joining saudi alliance is a wrong decision and for wrong cause. Saudi alliance has no real anchor other than US backing by diplomatic and military means. And it is proven by Saudi action itself - 100+ billion dollars worth of arms purchase which has no use for saudis other than stoking regional confrontations. But anchor for all saudi hypes and plan; United States itself relegating itself from its role in the world.

Watch carefully how in recent G7 and NATO summits, Trump made it clear to Europe that they have to pay for more US arms in order to keep NATO. And US do not like to deal with EU rather like to deal with individual countries. That prompted German, France and EU leaders to publicly say, EU can not depend on US and has to chart it own course. Then US withdrawal from climate agreement broke the camels back; 75 years old US and Europe 75 security and trade brotherhood on verge of collapse now. In parallel, EU leaders seems increasingly finding China and Russia to be filling the void US is relinquishing. That is what reflected in recent EU leaders interaction with Russian President and Chinese PM. Europeans more than ever are believer of Eurasian integration and OBOR. Meaning, it is more likely multipolar world is emerging faster than we imagined.

Where does that leave saudis, their 100+ billion dollars weapons and 38 nation force? Exactly no where but in a show piece box.

Taking strictly Pakistani interest in consideration, where should Pakistan concentrate its energy? It is in OBOR and Eurasian integration that China is so eagerly helping Pakistan to be part of. Both China and Russia, new emerging leaders of multi polar world vehemently oppose saudi sectarian infused ideology rivalry and conflict in Iran, in Iraq and in Syria.

Given above geo political reality and Pakistan own interest in mind does it make sense at all to be part of saudi alliance that has no future, no moral and does not align with Pakistan own interest?????

While Pakistan was bombarded by US drone, bombs and threatened to send to stone age, Saudis did not even raise a finger. They did not do so because it was not in saudi interest. People who are still thinking saudis are in some sort of brotherhood with Pakistan; should think again.

Then again argument is not that Iran is extending some great brotherly embrace. Reality is that in this geo political juncture Pakistan and Iran interest are more aligned.

For Pakistan, it holds an unique position
1) to slowly influence saudis to see the reality and loose sectarian sunglass.
2) to push Iran to loosen its hand with india and see indian motive to exploit Iran against Pakistan.
Some how I agree, China wants Pakistan to get out from GCC mess and secure its financial issues through CPEC. Because more Pakistan involve in ME political issue more Chinese see impact on CPEC and same Russia wants too. Even its Ulger Chinese issue to Chechen Russian issue everything emerged from the yolk of ME. So, basically Chinese or Russia totally on business terms with ME countries and totally silent on political front.
Also, wonder why we third world people see everything from sectarian point of view, when every country is protecting its own regional interest , except Pakistani ...
Let's be clear. We have a geo-strategic role to play in the Middle East. We can't simply dissociate from an important part of the world. The only gotcha to look out for is getting involved in open conflict with a Russian backed Shia blocked. Subversion is the better part of valor in this case. Send troops for Yemen all you want, but until the Yemeni beast is slain, utilize sub-conventional warfare in Syria.
May be some or may be not...And then anchor persons come, which can also be influenced/bought.

One thing is for sure. Capital TV always take sides of Iran, ridiculously. Check this video....Note the bloody anchor

Capital TV is known Shia-owned group and staunch supporter of PPP (Zardari Group).
Let's be clear. We have a geo-strategic role to play in the Middle East. We can't simply dissociate from an important part of the world. The only gotcha to look out for is getting involved in open conflict with a Russian backed Shia blocked. Subversion is the better part of valor in this case. Send troops for Yemen all you want, but until the Yemeni beast is slain, utilize sub-conventional warfare in Syria.

I dont think anyone asking Pakistan not to play its role in ME. Joining the saudi alliance which is based on sectarian motivation and stroking conflicts, will not allow Pakistan to play its role. There are many other ways.
The Alliance has sectarian overtures, the Saudis trying to descriminate against Pakistani Shia servicemen, has been always rejected by the PA and others.
What you think about a civilian killed by iran firing?
Pakistan should play both sides (we have enough practice) and make sure alliance remain anti terrorists and not anti Iran, we shouldn't leave Saudis alone, they helped us diplomatically and financially whenever Pakistan was in dire situation especially during nuclear sanctions..

While Pakistan was bombarded by US drone, bombs and threatened to send to stone age, Saudis did not even raise a finger. They did not do so because it was not in saudi interest. People who are still thinking saudis are in some sort of brotherhood with Pakistan; should think again.

brother, what you expect from Saudis when our dictator and political leaders allowed it to happen.. Pakistani knows at the end of the day we are on our own, so we need better relation with all of them including US, How long China will stand with Pakistan if tomorrow China and bharatis agree on Chinese terms to resolve land disputes? what will Pakistan be left with?
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May be some or may be not...And then anchor persons come, which can also be influenced/bought.

One thing is for sure. Capital TV always take sides of Iran, ridiculously. Check this video....Note the bloody anchor

I can only imagine if these kind of goans are also present in Pakistan Army then how can we trust them in sending to defend holy land ... Remember back in 1971 every bengali pilot was grounded even M.M. Alam then why can't we ground military personnels with religious affiliation to Iran???

Ary, Geo, Samaa, Duniya, Dawn, 92 news, etc are shia owned channels?

Yes either Shia owned or shia controlled ........
I can only imagine if these kind of goans are also present in Pakistan Army then how can we trust them in sending to defend holy land ... Remember back in 1971 every bengali pilot was grounded even M.M. Alam then why can't we ground military personnels with religious affiliation to Iran???

Yes either Shia owned or shia controlled ........

Shias have been one of the most patriotic people of Pakistan. You owe this country to Shias like Quaid, Raja Sahab of Mehmoodabad, Agha Khan etc., the nuke and missile program to Bhuttos while not mentioning the countless military heroes. One of the best military personnel come from the shia dominated the northern areas and Hazaras of Quetta. Yet you have the audacity to spew your filth against a community, which inspite of all the sectarian atrocities, has been extremely loyal to Pakistan.

I think its people like you should be dealt with and deported to lick your Saudi paymasters.

And those of you who do not know, an unofficial discrimination has already been taking place in the deputation of armed forces personnel to the Gulf countries, on the behest of those gulfies.
There was a Time when our Female Anchors were invited in USA embassy parties for Alcohol and beer .. now even Irani can buy few channels and journalist , i's say what a shitty level they stoop to
Shias have been one of the most patriotic people of Pakistan. You owe this country to Shias like Quaid, Raja Sahab of Mehmoodabad, Agha Khan etc., the nuke and missile program to Bhuttos while not mentioning the countless military heroes. One of the best military personnel come from the shia dominated the northern areas and Hazaras of Quetta. Yet you have the audacity to spew your filth against a community, which inspite of all the sectarian atrocities, has been extremely loyal to Pakistan.

I think its people like you should be dealt with and deported to lick your Saudi paymasters.

And those of you who do not know, an unofficial discrimination has already been taking place in the deputation of armed forces personnel to the Gulf countries, on the behest of those gulfies.

I respect Shia people due to their education and patriotism...Its just Iranian lobby which is polluting their minds.

I can only imagine if these kind of goans are also present in Pakistan Army then how can we trust them in sending to defend holy land ... Remember back in 1971 every bengali pilot was grounded even M.M. Alam then why can't we ground military personnels with religious affiliation to Iran???

No, bro. Army has very fine system and no one dares to cross it. No Shia serviceman will disobey orders. Pak army trained their soldiers well. Sending Shia service men to defend holy places will nullify Iran's propaganda also.
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