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Will not allow gay sex in Indian Army, says Bipin Rawat


Sep 20, 2014
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Homosexual acts and adultery, both of which were decriminalised by the Supreme Court, remain offenses in the Indian Army, General Bipin Rawat said today


The Indian Army is very conservative, General Bipin Rawat said.
Indian Army chief General Bipin Rawat said that the force will not allow homosexual "activities" or adultery because of its deeply conservative nature. General Rawant said that the Army has its own laws regarding homosexuality when asked about the Supreme Court's historic verdict legalising gay sex.

The Supreme Court, in a historic verdict, decriminalised adultery as well. However, General Rawat said that adultery remains an offence in the Indian Army.

General Rawat said that the Indian Army is "very conservative" and that the "soldier on the border cannot be worried about his family back home".

"The same is on the LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender] issue," General Rawat said. "In the Army we cannot accept it."

"Army will not allow LGBT activities in the force. We have some section in Army acts to deal with this," General Rawat said.

General Bipin Rawat's comments came during his annual press interaction. He was asked about the Indian Army's current stand on gay sex and adultery in reference to two Supreme Court verdicts that decriminalised both.

General Rawat also spoke about the use of social media for armymen -- an issue that has remained controversial. General Rawat said that social media cannot be "banned" but officers and jawans have been advised how to use it for "constructive purposes".

"We have taught our men that how the social media is being used by our adversary to trap us. So don't get trapped by social media," General Rawat said. "Let me tell you that a lot of people have been honey trapped.

He is right and he is a BJP bakht hindu extremist. Currently operating Indian foreign policy. Modi and his govt takes orders from him.
He is Indian Army chief. He operating Indian Army. He take orders from President of India
Civilian Supremacy, esp. in developing countries, is just a myth
Armies have independent codes of conduct. Supreme court decriminalized it, it's still against Army code and violation of it makes it a crime. An officer facing persecution in army can appeal in Supreme Court or respective high courts where they reside.

In the armies you get arrested for leaving your job without notification, when it comes to civilian government jobs, it will end with a show course notice and maybe a suspension/dismissal.

Almost all countries give similar provisions for armies.
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