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NO, there is no reason such a thing happens ....
Saudis are building a serious military, now even more lethal naval vessels. Does Iran want to tie up with Saudis?
Saudi soldier are poorly trained. Look at their pathetic performance in Yemen. They even need to ask large number of arabs allies to protect them despite they have fancy weapon like Abram tanks and Eurofighter against poor equipped but highly motivated Houthi rebels.
They are both responsible for the sectarian divide in the Muslim world and i have to admit i don't have good wishes for either of them.
Narrow range of vision. It interest you to the your blue underwear as they both are big oil producers.
Oil is getting less relevant. US is almost oil sufficient and even need to export oil while China has large number of source that include huge Russia and central Asia if Iran and Saudi source are disrupted.
Saudi soldier are poorly trained. Look at their pathetic performance in Yemen. They even need to ask large number of arabs allies to protect them despite they have fancy weapon like Abram tanks and Eurofighter against poor equipped but highly motivated Houthi rebels.
Gorilla warfare is entirely different to an all out war. Though it is acceptable that Saudi's got no experience.
Gorilla warfare is entirely different to an all out war. Though it is acceptable that Saudi's got no experience.

Houthi actually are launching a conventional warfare against Saudi and Saudi has a terrible performance. If Saudi monarch can spend millions just to buy one exclusive Royce Rolls for their own enjoyment. What do you think of their attitude towards military training and their peoples feeling?
Saudis are building a serious military, now even more lethal naval vessels. Does Iran want to tie up with Saudis?

Although I'm politically neutral between Saudis and Iranians but when it comes to military view there is no doubt Iran is much stronger in fighting wars and conflicts and It doesn't have to be superiority of weapons

The Arabs lack courage and they always need someone to be at frontline for them. Whether it is Arab-Israel War, in which they loose to a tiny country surrounded by all 22 of them, the siege of Mecca by a few terrorists, the Gulf War between Iraq and Iran, the Bahrain sunni-sunni conflict, Syria War, Libya War, the Yemen war, etc

In short, you are comparing Persians who have never been ruled, having a history of a massive empires and advancements in science, and technology with a group of Arabs, well, no offence, who were basically camel riding beduins ruled by various tribes and foreigners.
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Oil is getting less relevant. US is almost oil sufficient and even need to export oil while China has large number of source that include huge Russia and central Asia if Iran and Saudi source are disrupted.

Saudis are capable of playing with the oil prices by themselves as they both are the two biggest oil exporters out of top 3 and the war between two will change the prices dramatically. Most of things are rely on oil prices. And yes, its much more important for other couple of hundreds countries in the world. It certainly covers US, China, Russia too.
Although I'm politically neutral between Saudis and Iranians but when it comes to military view there is no doubt Iran is much stronger in fighting wars and conflicts and It doesn't have to be superiority of weapons

The Arabs lack courage and they always need someone to be at frontline for them. Whether it is Arab-Israel War, in which they loose to a tiny country surrounded by all 22 of them, the siege of Mecca by a few terrorists, the Gulf War between Iraq and Iran, the Bahrain sunni-sunni conflict, Syria War, Libya War, the Yemen war, etc

In short, you are comparing Persians who have never been ruled, have a history of a massive empires and advancements in science, and technology with a group of Arabs, well, no offence, who were basically camel riding beduins ruled by various tribes and foreigners.
lol read history kid.
we Arab curb stomped Persian and ruled them for hundred of years we changed their fake religion and unholy names and false culture and showed them the light.
we are the only country who never been conquered. Persian empire tried but ended in being ruled by us they tried to get help from Romans by gifting the daughter of the king to them and guess what we owned and ended the roman empire with em.
keep barking kid.
I pray that they do not. The only way now that Pakistan can be finished is by a Sunni -Shia civil war. The enemies of Muslims know this hence why they are stirring things up covertly. I just hope the leaders of Pakistan know this.
SA is unable to handle Yemen properly and people thinking of Iran? This royal family really is a curse on humanity not only SA populace, playing their little games all over the world as long as none of their precious family is harmed. And when there is such a feeling, run off to Pakistan and others for help.
lol read history kid.
we Arab curb stomped Persian and ruled them for hundred of years we changed their fake religion and unholy names and false culture and showed them the light.
we are the only country who never been conquered. Persian empire tried but ended in being ruled by us they tried to get help from Romans by gifting the daughter of the king to them and guess what we owned and ended the roman empire with em.
keep barking kid.

Dude if you guys are so good then why do you need countries like Pakistan to train your forces and help you fight your enemies ? Who is stopping you from making your own atomic bombs, missiles, fighter jets, etc ? Why do you need us to feed you food ? Why do you need Western help to meet technological needs ?

Talking about getting help, why don't you tell me about Lawrence of Arabia and his role of kicking Turks out of Arabia ?

Besides Wahhabism, what have Saudis, opps I mean the local tribes which were not unified or a country until 70 years ago by American discovery of Oil, contributed to the world ?

At least tell me what they have done in the Islamic world and its period of golden age ? Pretty much all the philosophers, scientists, and contribution in culture, architecture, technology and healthcare were by Persians

The religion you are talking about in Persia is Zoroastrianism. Officially it is the world's oldest and first monotheistic religion. Islam is not a new religion but reformation from Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and Christianity. If you are a Muslim, you probably know that the Quran credits all prophets of all monotheistic religions.
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Iran export oil and buy 100 Rafales. Let's see who's tough? Aryans or Semitics.
Iranian have been always pragmatic and I don't think that they will change strategies unless , if they were attacked. And I don't think the Sauds, as out control as they are, will up it to a military confrontation.
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