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Will India ever be a "real" super-power?

At the cost of 1 Billion dead hindus -They can be rebuilt, we don't worship stones you see - killing every hindu in India means zero problems for the region. Something our ancestors should have done long time ago, too bad they didn't think about it. Its an unfinished business we need to look after. Historic baggage you know ;)

Are u some mod or some fking terrorist..surely u talk like one
a virtual feudal society where people's social class is not determined by their intelligence and hard work but by their skin color and family name, with 1billion unnourished half-wit going bed hungry every day, with world's worst city planning and lowest hygiene standard, its work and business ethic is despised world wide,````````etc

well, at the end day, 'India will be a superpower' can well be a trademark punch line of a comedian that will echo for eternity``:D
He is a white supremacist with some complex towards Indians, I told his the real history of ancient Germanic and Nordic people.

May be. The white supremacists deserve the same contempt...

Somehow, I think he may just be a false flag from a nearby country given the obsession with India. ;)
Not again!!! Don't show your ignorance all the time...


Zhang Xi

In the West, tanned complexions represent youth and beauty; in China, however, pale, white skin is the hallmark of a glamourous woman. This deep-rooted ideal has been the foundation of the skin-whitening business.

"Get white" messages are inescapable in this part of the world. Ghostly, white faces fill the scenes of popular Chinese TV dramas. Pale Chinese models peer from the pages of glossy magazines, pout on billboards and in cinema advertisements. And pamphlets with bleached faces jostle for counter space at local department stores.

Models tout products such as Blanc Expert, White-Plus, White-Light, Future White Day, Blanc Purete, Fine Fairness, Active White, White Perfect and Snow UV.

Skin whitening, skin lightening and skin bleaching refers to the practice of using chemical substances in an attempt to lighten skin tones or provide an even skin complexion by lessening the concentration of melanin, which determines the colour of the skin.

Some Chinese women like to be fair, but skin color is never an national obsession in China like it is in INdia. Have some honesty will you?

India's unfair obsession with lighter skin | World news | The Guardian

India’s obsession with white is big business

Why are Indians obsessed with fairness?
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Some Chinese women like to be fair, but skin color is never an national obsession in China like it is in INdia. Have some honesty will you?

I think your women are quite pretty in their natural yellow avatar as it is. With increasing prosperity and nutrition over the past few decades, your current generations are also longer legged and fuller chested. :tup:
Some Chinese women like to be fair, but skin color is never an national obsession in China like it is in INdia. Have some honesty will you?

Chinese are obsessed to change their skin tone to white from yellow.
a virtual feudal society where people's social class is not determined by their intelligence and hard work but by their skin color and family name, with 1billion unnourished half-wit going bed hungry every day, with world's worst city planning and lowest hygiene standard, its work and business ethic is despised world wide,````````etc

well, at the end day, 'India will be a superpower' can well be a trademark punch line of a comedian that will echo for eternity``:D

If a society which makes "great leaps" killing tens of millions and where hundreds of milions start running after the four pests, banging their pots, pans and drums can be a Superpower, there is hope for everyone. ;)

The largest number of people killed of famine after WW-2 and the award goes to...

400 millions scraped off in the womb forcibly and the award again goes to...

When the most corrupt and unethical people lacking the most basic business ethic (even the fellow Hans from Singapore and Hong Kong call them locusts!) start judging others, you know something is amiss.

BTW, funny to see the obsession so these strange remote people with us. The only thing that explains this is the 50 cent theory.

Some Chinese women like to be fair, but skin color is never an national obsession in China like it is in INdia. Have some honesty will you?

India's unfair obsession with lighter skin | World news | The Guardian

India’s obsession with white is big business

Why are Indians obsessed with fairness?

You know too little and presume too much.

And I have too little time for ignorants...
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I think your women are quite pretty in their natural yellow avatar as it is. With increasing prosperity and nutrition over the past few decades, your current generations are also longer legged and fuller chested. :tup:

Nice shiny straight black hair too. :tup:
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