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Will Arab states support Pakistan militarily in future conflict with India?

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I read in many pakistani newspaper that Pakistan has just six days of oil, last time it took you just two weeks to surrender in former East Pakistan.

East Pakistan would have been lost even without India the seed of separation were sown in 1947 Jinnah himself was responsible for it.
Another thing which I find idiotic is Pakistan should have relations with Israel to wedge it's ties with India many problems with that 1. Israel won't stop selling weapons to India.
2. The Israeli Embassy in pakistan will have more attacks on it then around the world combined theres a better chance of a israeli embassy in Saudi Arabia then pakistan.
overall relations with israel will not help pakistan.

Pakistan most important assets are Iran and China, Currently you also need to fix your country back on track now which makes investment in it unlikely. You need Iran improve relations with It. Iran & China is what you need.

Some Pakistanis are destroying Pakistan to please Arabs and you are telling us what to do diplomatically.
If the Gulf Arabs wanted to help pakistan they should have helped Pakistans economy get back on track not to mention Pakistan inner radicalism which is evident inside it and on this forum( Not saying any names) you need Iran and friendly Afghanistan and China for military.

Iranians stayed mostly neutral since the shah was toppled.
If the Gulf Arabs wanted to help pakistan they should have helped Pakistans economy get back on track not to mention Pakistan inner radicalism which is evident inside it and on this forum( Not saying any names) you need Iran and friendly Afghanistan and China for military.

Isn't Saudi Arabia spending billions of dollars on Mosques and Mardrassa in Pakistan?
which part of stay on the topic do u have a problem understanding .If you are suffering from inferiority complex and that's not something i can help you with.

Oh about the oil reserves i am not sure if you are aware of this but we have missiles with conventional war heads that cover all of India, i am sure that will be the first target and as far as Russia supplying you oil is concern i guess they can always fly their oil to you again as i said this isn't 1971.

How old are you?

with all ur posts i have seen that u just want to keep urself convinced thay pakistan this time will overrun india. i am just warning. india is preparing on all fronts. from missile defence to asat to nuclear subs. if u consider indian ecnomic power we will rebuild soon. how would u???
no the question is what will bangladesh ,nepal and srilanka do during the war ?

No indian neighbours have supported pakistan during wars.....i don t know how did the above idea came to your mind:what:
East Pakistan would have been lost even without India the seed of separation were sown in 1947 Jinnah himself was responsible for it.

wrong Jinnah wanted no part of Bangladesh he was against it and later it was shown he was right different language different culture and India in between who could have seen that coming.
It should also be noted that even if India and pakistan nukes each other, both of them will still have significant military capability, especially India. Though large infrastructure damage will be caused, the 50kT of 100-150 nukes that both possesses are not nearly enough to destroy either of their capability.
wrong Jinnah wanted no part of Bangladesh he was against it and later it was shown he was right different language different culture and India in between who could have seen that coming.

actually the urdu over begali and pujabais over the inferior dark skinned bengalis changed that didn't it racism formed bangladesh it's happening again today in Baluchistan.

It should also be noted that even if India and pakistan nukes each other, both of them will still have significant military capability, especially India. Though large infrastructure damage will be caused, the 50kT of 100-150 nukes that both possesses are not nearly enough to destroy either of their capability.

Well a billion 1.4 will die cause radiation and poison to spread other then that less people to feed would be the words.
Arabs are currently your masters now for you to be truely independent of them is to stop listening to their demands otherwise you will be just dark skinned slaves to them. :confused:

It is difficult to do that when Arabs gave them their religion and much of their culture.
You frustrated pagan, no Pakistani identifies themselves as an Arab, I understand you've been brainwashed for many years in your country about Pakistan, but after being on this forum since 2010 your thick skull should have been able to figure that out.

As for Arab war support for Pakistan, at most Saudis may supply additional oil and money, nothing more. Not much they can do either way.

Note that this post is not strictly towards India. Every Arab nation is selfish. The whole talk about "United Muslim Ummah" is really only talk. Pakistan is the kind of nation that loves to help other nations. Beleive it or not but it is in our genes to help whoever we can. Pakistan has helped so many Arab countries in past at a time where the Arab countries were desperate for help. Pakistan has also helped Bosnian from being slaughtered by the Serbians. Here in USA, Bosnian people realize this and they look at us with so much respect.

On the other hands, Saudia Arab is one of the most selfish country ever known to exist. They do not care about Pakistan. They only know how to take, they don't know how to give. I have heard stories about so many Pakistani's being disrespected when they visit Saudia Arabia. They treat us like we are their servants. If Pakistan did not have a nuclear technology, we would certainly not be their favourites and we would be hated by them.

Pakistan is a very unique country. It has a very unique history and we lost alot of blood while creating it. In my opinion, in a time of a war and once again (it is not pointed towards India) but in general, we are not going to let it go that easily. Afterall, we are sons of Khalid, Tipu, Salahuddin and Mohammed Bin Qasim. Pakistan always fought armies atleast 5 times bigger than them and backed them off majorly.

Bottom Line: Arab States, we do not need you. We know how to defend our borders and save our dignity. We are proud of our Pak Fauj and they are doing their best to give the enemies of Pakistan the taste of their own medicine.

Pity the party line didn't go out to everyone, O Imam. That unpleasant noise you hear is that of a huge crowd of frustrated pagans laughing at - oh, dunes in the desert, probably, since they couldn't possibly be laughing at the sons of Khalid, Salahuddin and Mohammad bin Qasim, could they?

If you get to tear him away from gazing lovingly into his mirror, dear General Nothing_to_do_with_the_Arabs,Sir, please tell Field Marshal 5x that he forgot to add "sons of Baron Munchhausen". How pleased the old bull-shitter would be to see his progeny among the chosen!
I doubt it, one thing for sure unlike 1971, doubt USA will come to help you again. :)

I believe you are remembering 1962 when Americans saved you guys from china as far as American help for 1971 is concerned we are still waiting fro those ships.
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