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Will Arab states support Pakistan militarily in future conflict with India?

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What kind of silly question is that........... Of course the Arab states will support unequivocally Pakistan in a war against India.:cheesy:

Lets hope Pakistani generals take that POV when planning their next misadventure against India:butcher:

yup it would be verbal support. or maybe some fuel for pakistan to survive for longer time.
Pakistan has been a strict Arab Ally.

It supported Arab states in wars with Israel in 1967 and 1973 and sending troops during the Gulf War in 1990 and even refused to sell military spare parts to Iran during the Iraq-Iran war.

Arab Military forces were still pretty nascent during 1965 and 1971 so they didn't offer Pakistan much military aid during those wars with India as it was Pakistan who was offering military aid to the Arab states.

These days, Arab forces have state of the art equipment, large ground troops, and powerful naval and aviation assets such as Saudi Arabia.

If any future conflict breaks out between India and Pakistan, will Arab states remain neutral so as not to jeopardize relations with the growing economic power of India, or just give token support so as to please both sides or start a massive arms transfer to Pakistan to assist Pakistan in the conflict with India?

Wow some wont even learn from history but any how as i have said it before and i will say it again Pakistan has a better chance of getting help from India in its war against India then Any Arab nation.

What does this mean? Who are you referring to as "Batman"?

Batman is a member here.
Wow some wont even learn from history but any how as i have said it before and i will say it again Pakistan has a better chance of getting help from India in its war against India then Any Arab nation.

:blink: from whom? do u have any idea what ur talking about. if u think muslims with betray their land forget it.
Yes, the day Indian-Israel alliance becomes too uncomfortable for the Arab governments will be a very bad day for the millions of Indian expats in the Arab world. I don't know facts but I imagine labor from Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, and indeed from other parts of the world should be enough to fill in the vacuum left by the deported Indians.

It is a very sad reflection on the Indian foreign policy that they have alienated most of their neighbors and pursue regional, even global policies, based upon India-Pakistan rivalry. Again, Indians here make it clear where their sympathy lies when it comes to Israel vs xxxx are concerned. Not all of them but, I am afraid, most of them. And this is a Pakistani forum!

If you believe that boy do i have a deal for you on Brooklyn bridge.
Assuming that conflict stays conventional, at best what they will do is to provide financial assistance in the form of oil exports.

Will be difficult with India blue water navy force.
Will be difficult with India blue water navy force.

True. Arab navies are a joke at the moment.

Overall, I think it is not because Arabs on't want to help pakistan. But more because they can't.
I am sorry if you are slow but try reading and understanding it again.

i got it but i will recommend u not to follow zaid hamid too much. if a war breaks out india wont waste a min before pak even reacts. u wont even get any time to get any help from anywhere. it will be a complete blockade like 1971. pllzz dont be delusional.

True. Arab navies are a joke at the moment.

Overall, I think it is not because Arabs on't want to help pakistan. But more because they can't.

they cant even build any navy any time. the only help they can provide pakistan is help rebuild the country once destroyed after war.
Will be difficult with India blue water navy force.

In Most UN resolutions against India on the issue of Kashmir almost all Arab states stayed absent or voted in favor of India as far as Indian blue navy is concerned it cant continue the blockade without oil shipment from Arabs states either.
Saudi Arabian and pakistani people are close, especially the military people. I know soldiers and officers many of them were either taught in Pakistan or had Pakistani instructors or at least some point in their career have had joint training and exercises with Pakistani forces. Not a single soldier I know say anything but great things about Pakistan and how Pakistan is the greatest thing ever from the tone you hear from them.

90% of my family circle is military and I would like to say to my Pakistani brothers here "There are plans for everything" if you catch my drift.
But honestly, Pakistan better rely on Iran for help rather than Arabs. Technically, supplying weapons to pakistan is out of question for Arabs without yes from US, which US would never agree to. Moreover, Arabs just won't be able to get rid of the naval blockade which will be imposed by India's vast navy.If the IP pipeline is complete, pakistan can at least rely on it for gas (provided it is not bombarded). Otherwise, ample financial assistance can go to pakistan in the form of oil tankers etc from iran,
=dott;2903514]i got it but i will recommend u not to follow zaid hamid too much. if a war breaks out India wont waste a min before pak even reacts. u wont even get any time to get any help from anywhere. it will be a complete blockade like 1971. pllzz dont be delusional.

Stay on the topic and away from those funny drugs that are making you delusional this isn't 1971
During the 1965 war Iran let pakistan use it's airfields and offered oil, Arabs like UAE and Saudi Arabia need pakistan for it's nuclear weapons they will offer funds and money but actual soldiers and equipment is unlikely. Pakistan in any future conflict with India conflict with India, Iran and China are it's two most important assets better improve relations with China and iran get your economy back on track.
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