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Will Arab states support Pakistan militarily in future conflict with India?

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India is getting stronger economically these days, & Arab countries have better relations with India than they have had with them in the past. In the case of war I think they are more likely to stay neutral as to not jeopardize their relations with India due to the economical impact of that.

However I am certain many Muslim nations will provide moral support if that counts as anything for you. Some countries like Saudi Arabia may help us recover after the war or provide us with financial support & oil during the way, but I do not expect them to enter the war to fight India. In their eyes & in the eyes of other countries as well it's simply no longer worth it to keep good relations with Pakistan at the expense of India because Pakistan isn't doing too well these days.
India is getting stronger economically these days, & Arab countries have better relations with India than they have had with them in the past. In the case of war I think they are more likely to stay neutral as to not jeopardize their relations with India due to the economical impact of that.

However I am certain many Muslim nations will provide moral support if that counts as anything for you. Some countries like Saudi Arabia may help us recover after the war or provide us with financial support & oil during the way, but I do not expect them to enter the war to fight India. In their eyes & in the eyes of other countries as well it's simply no longer worth it to keep good relations with Pakistan at the expense of India because Pakistan isn't doing too well these days.

Arabs won't declare war on India, but what about Arms supplies the way USA did with Operation Nickel Grass to Israel during the Yom Kippur War.

Like sending Pakistan 30-40 Fighter Jets to replace our losses or some Tanks and other ammunition and spare parts.
Arabs won't declare war on India, but what about Arms supplies the way USA did with Operation Nickel Grass to Israel during the Yom Kippur War.

Like sending Pakistan 30-40 Fighter Jets to replace our losses or some Tanks and other ammunition and spare parts.

Assuming that conflict stays conventional, at best what they will do is to provide financial assistance in the form of oil exports.
Arabs won't declare war on India, but what about Arms supplies the way USA did with Operation Nickel Grass to Israel during the Yom Kippur War.

Like sending Pakistan 30-40 Fighter Jets to replace our losses or some Tanks and other ammunition and spare parts.

The United States could afford to support Israel openly if it desired & not worry about any repercussions seeing as most countries do need to have good relations with them. However if Arab countries start sending supplies & fighter jets to Pakistan to help fight India then India will clearly take it as a sign of provocation. This will result in them ruining their relations with India which they will naturally not desire to do since India is better off than Pakistan at the moment.
In which wars were those?

Pakistan shot down Israeli fighters in 1967 and 1973 Wars.

It helped Jordan defeat the PLO in 1970.

It send troops to guard the Yemeni border with Saudi Arabia in Gulf War in 1990.

It has been one of the most Pro-Palestinian states on the planet.

It sided with Arabs during Iraq-Iran war, destroying its relations with Iran.

It stationed troops in Southern Saudi Arabia to fight against Shia and Yemeni rebels in the 1970's.

The Jordanians provided a squadron of F-104s in '71 ! Some of our pilots even went down whilst flying air-crafts bearing the serial number of the RJAF !

Its alleged that both Libya and Saudi Arabia funded our Nuclear Program and Saudi Arabia in turn have provided funding for some of our military spendings over the years. I even read it quoted as such by a former ambassador of Pakistan !

An Indian friend, quoted Steve Coll's Pulitzer prize winning book Ghost Wars as such : The Saudi Air Force provided air-cover for Karachi and that this was told the CIA director by Prince Turki himself !

I've heard much more but I couldn't corroborate the rest...so I dunno the veracity of this but tis true that they were there for us ! If you want to look up the veracity of the above claims or find more for yourself there exists a nearly inexhaustible database called 'the Internet' - knock your self out ! Or you can frequent your local library and get a good book on some of these things !
Note that this post is not strictly towards India. Every Arab nation is selfish. The whole talk about "United Muslim Ummah" is really only talk. Pakistan is the kind of nation that loves to help other nations. Beleive it or not but it is in our genes to help whoever we can. Pakistan has helped so many Arab countries in past at a time where the Arab countries were desperate for help. Pakistan has also helped Bosnian from being slaughtered by the Serbians. Here in USA, Bosnian people realize this and they look at us with so much respect.

On the other hands, Saudia Arab is one of the most selfish country ever known to exist. They do not care about Pakistan. They only know how to take, they don't know how to give. I have heard stories about so many Pakistani's being disrespected when they visit Saudia Arabia. They treat us like we are their servants. If Pakistan did not have a nuclear technology, we would certainly not be their favourites and we would be hated by them.

Pakistan is a very unique country. It has a very unique history and we lost alot of blood while creating it. In my opinion, in a time of a war and once again (it is not pointed towards India) but in general, we are not going to let it go that easily. Afterall, we are sons of Khalid, Tipu, Salahuddin and Mohammed Bin Qasim. Pakistan always fought armies atleast 5 times bigger than them and backed them off majorly.

Bottom Line: Arab States, we do not need you. We know how to defend our borders and save our dignity. We are proud of our Pak Fauj and they are doing their best to give the enemies of Pakistan the taste of their own medicine.
Looks like a lot of us live in the past. Oh well.
The last overt-war between India and Pakistan was in 1971. And even in that the W. Pakistan frontier was not as heated up as it was in E. Pakistan. I bet most of the forum members were not even born then--I was and vaguely remember the 'blackouts' and the 'Razakaars' roaming the streets of Karachi, (but I digress).
IF there is an overt India-Pak war and IF it goes into a protracted mode then the chips will fall in place with many regional and remote powers coming to aid their 'natural' and supposed allies and interests. I have very little doubt that Arab public would rather support Pakistan than India and that can influence covert govt. support for Pakistan. India's economic links with the Arab world are not that great--yet--to influence or affect Arab decisions.
Pakistan has never made such request nor will it in the future; our army is trained and always ready to fight and defend Pakistan with all force at its disposal

yes some of the allied Arab nation states provided moral and financial support during our times of war in the past; and we have extended similar courtesy to them during their times of war....but at the end of the day, Pakistan can defend itself against its adversaries. Numerous efforts have been spent analyzing past failures in order to rectify them for the future - in the event of any future war(s). Numerous efforts have been spent analyzing past successes as well, in order to ensure best practices are employed on the battle field (and in the air).

let there be no doubts on that

meh i think arabs need pakistan more than we need arabs

if india is such a great powerhouse and a superpower, what are you doing in russia :lol:

no they won't support or side with pakistan as per my assumptions. middle east is messed up big time everyone trying to belittle each other, if Arabs mess with us we have Iran and ofcourse our dear friend Israel ;) who would mess with regional power and an economic powerhouse for something like pakistan? what can you give which we can't ???

if india is such a great superpower what are u doing in russia
Judging by how much Love they receive from us Pakistanis here on PDF...I would think not !

We sometimes get emotional and unreasonable words get out of our mouths, but in reality, I think Arab people as well as most regimes will take Pakistan side, I hope that, most regimes that took neutral stance in Pak/India wars have been toppled down. Jordan, GCC and others will help Pakistan, at least, that's what I think.
Of course they will. Arabs are Pakistan's closest allies.

So many Pakistanis are living lives of unimaginable luxury in their nations. Arabs literally love paksitan.
i dont think so they will. why would they mess up their relations with india for pakistan.

india is one the biggest investors in arab nationa. btw why are pakistanis so eager for war.

Please keep the entertainment coming...

SO indians have hit rock bottom and love to be insulted by their enemies ? Next will be beaten . Its really sad and pathetic now to be a Pagen Indian Isn't it ? Even Israel will beat you like a dog because Israel has no respect for such people.
i dont think so they will. why would they mess up their relations with india for pakistan.

india is one the biggest investors in arab nationa. btw why are pakistanis so eager for war.

You are probably over-estimating Indian investment in the Arab world and under-estimating the role of religion. IF there is a war and if there are footage of Pakistanis bombarded and suffering then people AND nations often throw caution to the wind and follow some kind of 'gut instinct'.
Yes, Indians have a lot of investment in the Arab world but Indians, by looking at their responses here and elsewhere, have made it abundantly clear that they are more friendly to Israel than what the Arabs would like. Heck, Indians here cheer-lead Israel against even countries like Iran and Turkey! And,again, don't forget humans are an emotional lot and don't always follow 'reason'; if they did then there wouldn't be so many wars.
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