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Will Arab states support Pakistan militarily in future conflict with India?

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Pakistan have helped Arabs in -- 67 Arab-Israel War...
Arabs have helped Pakistan in -- 71 Pak-India War...

Pakistan have helped protecting Arab land with troops i.e. like the Vatican City.
Arabs have helped Pakistan in atomic bomb financial aid.


Pakistan gives Arabs cheap Agricultural Resources
Arabs give Pakistan cheap Oil

Pakistan gives labourers and expats
Arabs invest in Pakistan


Pakistan will help Arabs achieve Nuclear Weapons
Arabs will help Pakistan in economic aid.

The cooperation is very strong. I don't see anything wrong in the relationship....

Lot of misinformation in this post.

1. Pakistan did not "help" in 67 war. Arabs were humiliated and defeated in that war. Don't go by stories of aircrafts and such. Pakistani pilots and aircrafts were not supposed to help Commie proxies which the Arabs were back then.

2. Arabs did a dodo in 71 war. Pakistan suffered huge defeat.

3. No Arabs do not give us cheap oil. You must be dreaming.


4. Certainly and absolutely no Nukie bumb for Arabs that has made in Pakistan stamp. What are you trying to do. Get Pakistan under heavy international sanctions?

If Pakistan has friends like you, who needs Indians.

1. Pakistan did not "help" in 67 war. Arabs were humiliated and defeated in that war. Don't go by stories of aircrafts and such. Pakistani pilots and aircrafts were not supposed to help Commie proxies which the Arabs were back then.

it was a courtesy we extended simply because they were Muslim countries in a time of need. The Pakistani pilots did what was asked of them and some of them secured kills and were highly decorated as a result. Some of them stayed on to play advisory roles. It was strictly professional as far as conduct is concerned, Pakistan government wasn't exactly vocal or taking sides on it.

2. Arabs did a dodo in 71 war. Pakistan suffered huge defeat.

no amount of support could help on such a logistical nightmare like W. and E. Pakistan. Furthermore, it was proof that when a population is against your presence (and nurtured by lies, deceit and insurgency-backing done by our enemies) you simply can't expect a quick and immediate win (unless of course you just go killing everyone, which we didnt do)

3. No Arabs do not give us cheap oil. You must be dreaming.

that actually they do......I am amazed and annoyed when Pakistanis cry about "rising oil prices" or taxation on fuels when compared to much of the world, we hardly pay anything. Nobody likes paying more (esp. with inflation) but we have enjoyed concession on oil imports prices.

4. Certainly and absolutely no Nukie bumb for Arabs that has made in Pakistan stamp. What are you trying to do. Get Pakistan under heavy international sanctions?

we already were in hot water over proliferation and i dont think any rational Pakistan with a realistic world-view would want to EVER be in that awkward position again

Pakistani nuclear technology and assets are ours to keep and wholly owned by us. Program is Pakistani, the assets are Pakistani. Nobody will get our nukes - neither friend nor foe. That's all that needs to be said.

talks about doling out nukes as if they are Cornetto ice cream are not in sync with reality

Pakistan have helped Arabs in -- 67 Arab-Israel War...
Arabs have helped Pakistan in -- 71 Pak-India War...

Pakistan have helped protecting Arab land with troops i.e. like the Vatican City.
Arabs have helped Pakistan in atomic bomb financial aid.


Pakistan gives Arabs cheap Agricultural Resources
Arabs give Pakistan cheap Oil

Pakistan gives labourers and expats
Arabs invest in Pakistan


Pakistan will help Arabs achieve Nuclear Weapons
Arabs will help Pakistan in economic aid.

The cooperation is very strong. I don't see anything wrong in the relationship....

What help did Arabs give us in the 1971 War?
What help did Arabs give us in the 1971 War?

From another topic:

Kissinger: The carriers—everything is moving. Four Jordanian planes have already moved to Pakistan, 22 more are coming. We're talking to the Saudis, the Turks we've now found are willing to give five. So we're going to keep that moving until there's a settlement.

Although their help arrived too late. This conversation was recorded on 10th december 1971. But they did help pakistan albeit late, this cannot be denied.
Arabs don't even help each other out how will they help Pakistanis?

And Pakistan doesn't need any help from Arabs. The Arabs have only money because they have oil. They are not good fighters.

China and a few Afghan fighters are better partners of Pakistan than Arabs are.
Arabs don't even help each other out how will they help Pakistanis?

And Pakistan doesn't need any help from Arabs. The Arabs have only money because they have oil. They are not good fighters.

China and a few Afghan fighters are better partners of Pakistan than Arabs are.

What do you mean Arabs don't help each other out?

Arabs send forces to assist Egypt and Syria during the Yom Kippur War and to Saudi Arabia to fight Iraq in Gulf War.
From another topic:

Although their help arrived too late. This conversation was recorded on 10th december 1971. But they did help pakistan albeit late, this cannot be denied.

it was a noble gesture on the part of Turkiye and Jordan. Their intentions and help was noted and is still appreciated today

we've also helped them during times of war, or insurrections/security situations. So it works both ways.

but our primary arms suppliers at the time (the U.S.) cut us off while hindustan's arms suppliers (the soviets) were sending them parts, spares and equipment in huge numbers - by the boat.

in 71 war China sent a few dozen backup F-6 aircrafts (which we were newly inducting post 65) but by that time, air operations were already on the decrease and the ground situation was deteriorating quite fast.
From another topic:

Although their help arrived too late. This conversation was recorded on 10th december 1971. But they did help pakistan albeit late, this cannot be denied.

You should note that it was US( Kissinger ) pushing for these transfers of arms to Pakistan because the US itself was barred by law to provide these. NOt only that but the US was encouraging China to take a hostile approach with India and co-ordinated their moved against India in the UN.

So the real thanks should go to the US.

At the end, it was only Iranian and Jordanian fighters that were actually transferred to Pakistan. No other country sent fighters or said that it was too late to send anything now.

The Tilt: The U.S. and the South Asian Crisis of 1971
at the most maybe in the form of suppling oil,financial assistance nothing more then that
What do you mean Arabs don't help each other out?

Arabs send forces to assist Egypt and Syria during the Yom Kippur War and to Saudi Arabia to fight Iraq in Gulf War.

You should read up on war histories carefully before making such statements

In all Arab-Israeli wars, it was mainly the Arab nationalist and left leaning countries like Egypt Syria, Iraq which particpated in the wars. Jordan was grudingly pushed into the war in 67.

The other countries while offering vocal support didn't participate militarily or had a very token partipation.

Even in the gulf war, it was the US and UK forces that did the heavy lifting and the Gulf Arab forces that provided some backup support. All other countries were token representations.

The top 4 countries in terms of casualties were the US, UK, Saudi Arabia and the UAE in that order which gives you an indication of who was doing the actual fighting
real thanks? They cut off arms shipments, there was an embargo effectively. They had their reasons. Your arms shipments were coming by the ship-load. Given what we had, we fared well. Especially the Air wars of '65 (your own pilots will grudgingly attest to that)

the real thanks goes to those who defended and fought for Pakistani Nation.....most of those men are either no longer with us, or living a private/retired life

as for Iran - i'm unaware about transfer of aircrafts; as far as i know, they simply offered landing rights.
Pakistanis should take Ejaz's advice and research your history more. Pakistanis like to believe they were defeated because abc through xyz betrayed them.
Regards some factual errors, Pakistan was receiving much more US armaments than India.

2. Shoaib also said that the feeling was growing in Pindi that the US had let Pakistan down despite membership in SEATO and CENTO and specific pledges against Indian aggression. These points were being made in National Assembly and they were becoming harder to counter. US arms supplied to India had been used against Pakistan. Shoaib observed that he would meet again with President AYUB that evening and appeared to be inviting counter arguments. Williams replied that the US Government had fully met its pledge to come to Pakistan's assistance in a situation where the origin of hostilities was confused. We had produced the cease-fire at a time when it was desperately needed and we had “taken India's food supply by the throat,” with short rein month-to-month approval, in support of the cease-fire. The ratio of US arms assistance was ten to one in favor of Pakistan over India and no country had received such generous economic assistance as Pakistan. The US was Pakistan's best friend by any standard of reasoning, AID Director Williams concluded.
Office of the Historian - Historical Documents - Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964

Regards Iranian planes, they were indirectly used and sent to Jordan to free up Jordanian planes, the Shah was ****-scared of the Soviets to send them directly.

You can also find Bhutto's statements acknowledging American help like-

Bhutto: I will make it abundantly clear to them tomorrow as (tape is blank at this point) … I want you to know that it is deeply appreciated what you are doing and we are eternally beholden.

Thus making clear that the backstabbing story peddled by the Army Leaders and Politicians was a cover up of their failures.
The situation is very complex, Pakistan and GCC regimes relations have become intertwined, they need us and we need them, they need our troops, our training, and our man power, in return we get to pilot their planes, try out their latest weapons and get more pay, not to mention (and this is ground reality, not just my words) if they fall then their is no guarantee that the replacement regime would be supportive to us. We have no alternative.

To put it easier for you, they helped us survive the sanctions in 1990's to early 2001, now we have to assist them, and vice versa.

All the piloting is useless if we cannot get the same aircrafts during war time.
Sending Pak Army to supress the protest makes us no different than IRGC and Shabiha killing people in Syria..

So lets get over with this fake sense of friendship and brotherhood. We could be piloting much better planes if we simply modernized ourselves and opened better relationship with many other countries of North & South America, Russia, Israel and Western Europe.
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