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Will Arab states support Pakistan militarily in future conflict with India?

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I think they might retaliate economically but not militarily.

During the 1973 Yom Kippur war, Arabs placed an oil embargo on USA for supporting Israel, they did not declare war on USA.

But I do admit, an Indian-Saudi War over Pakistan would be very interesting. :D

Yes, economic retailiateon is easy and can be expected in order to gain sympathy of pakistani muslims. Militarily, they do not have the capability to do so.
India is too needed by Arabs. Arab country will go to help Pakistan to some extent like getting some unimportant resolution passed by OIC but won't come for open for Pakistan.

To the contrary of what you say out of ignorance the Arabs are too needed by India.
Arabs will fight alongside Pakistan in a way and strength beyond your imagination.
Do not get the Muslims wrong, but you are considered as Zionists, and you will be fought by others too.

This is an answer to your likes, but in reality, India is not in a position to wage war, nor does it want it, it has too many problems of its own to take care of.
why would/should they? only us pakistanis believe in "muslim brotherhood", arab states are all about business

I think that was true due to the secular dictators in power in the Arab World.

With Arab Spring, the paradigm could change. These more Islamic governments would be more willing to get involved to help out other Muslim nations such as Pakistan.
Arabs can start by helping their own, then we can talk about them helping non- Arabs.
Firstly, let us hope there is no war.
If there is, I guess Saudi Arabia is the only Arab country which would provide diplomatic as well as monetary support to Pakistan but not direct military support.

Well like I have said before, just look at the Saudi position in the Kargil War.

They did not provide any support to Pakistan and infact told Nawaz Sharif to withdraw back to the LoC. If you haven't read my earlier post on this, you can check it out here

Also check this interview with Saudi ambassador to India in 2011
Well like I have said before, just look at the Saudi position in the Kargil War.

They did not provide any support to Pakistan and infact told Nawaz Sharif to withdraw back to the LoC. If you haven't read my earlier post on this, you can check it out here

Also check this interview with Saudi ambassador to India in 2011

This doesn't mean anything, and Kargil was only a limited conflict, had it escalated to an all out war i'm sure the Saudis would have assisted us in one form or another, after all they funded our nu--cc--e program and continue to fund certain arms purchases.

If they say a few sweet words in your faces to satisfy your egos doesn't mean they will turn on us on your behest :lol:.
I don't understand the question, it appears like Pakistan looking for some kind of assurances before planning next misadventures against India..

If past had taught them something then they should not be even talking about military conflicts..

Another thing is - it does not make sense to fight a war with some one using rental weapons..
This doesn't mean anything, and Kargil was only a limited conflict, had it escalated to an all out war i'm sure the Saudis would have assisted us in one form or another, after all they funded our nu--cc--e program and continue to fund certain arms purchases.

If they say a few sweet words in your faces to satisfy your egos doesn't mean they will turn on us on your behest :lol:.

You can live in your own dreamworld, or just go through the wikileaks I quoted in my previous post and read up on the reality
Pakistan="Frontline state in the war against terror".
Arabs=protectorates of the United States
India=US 'ally'

Pakistan will therefore would have to fend for itself. It's all about the US. Arabs can't squeak w/o Uncle Sam's permission.
Honestly, nor can India. The scenario is only hypothetical. An Arab Iran war is much more probable.

They are fighting shadows. Spending all their lives for a war that is never going to come.

The battlefield has shifted and they are woefully inadequate for even the new battlefield.

Thinking of war with India (on the net and preferably from a safe distance in a Western country) is their only indulgence.

Contradiction here.

Not something they can easily comprehend.
Well how much will Pakistan be able to help in case a war breaks out between GCC and Iran?????
The answer is neutrality. I'm sure in India Pak war, Arabs will maintain neutrality.
We sometimes get emotional and unreasonable words get out of our mouths, but in reality, I think Arab people as well as most regimes will take Pakistan side, I hope that, most regimes that took neutral stance in Pak/India wars have been toppled down. Jordan, GCC and others will help Pakistan, at least, that's what I think.
I think that was true due to the secular dictators in power in the Arab World.

With Arab Spring, the paradigm could change. These more Islamic governments would be more willing to get involved to help out other Muslim nations such as Pakistan.

Well, Arab dictator secularism was only relative in terms.

It certainly didn't mean equal rights to minorities or even the non dominant Islamic sects.

Pakistan is not a high priority for any Arab state and will not be one in a hurry.

At the most, some new shaky governments may whip some more impotent passions for Palestine with little or no results on the ground.
Who's denying it bro?? Foreign relations are mutual. India's relations with Arabs are bidirectional. It doesn't make sense to take sides. Do you think India will overtly or covertly support Iran/Israel in a war with Arabs??? India will stay neutral. Some people will argue India will support Israel, but the fact is when it comes to war Israel will never need India's help. They will only need America's help.
Hence, it India's task would easy. Stay neutral and call all parties to settle their differences on the table. India has at least given diplomatic support to Arabs in its conflicts with Israel.
What about Arab investments in India?
What about millions of Indian expats in Arab countries?
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