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WikiLeaks: Narendra Modi, the lone honest Indian politician

No Indian who has even studied till 5th grade will confuse Mahatma Gandhi and the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty. When have I forgotten those riots - anti-Sikh, the riots of 92-93, the offering of Shilanyas at Babri mosque permitted by Rajiv, the IPKF running riot in SL - Congress is responsible for far more riots. But that is not the topic of discussion - the topic is Modi.

:lol: 50% Indians have not studied till 5 grade.

For them Rahul Gandhi is grand son of Indira Gandhi and grand grand Son of Mahatma Gandhi. This is what most people believe if you have ever gone the rural heartlands of Bihar and UP and talked to any of the folks there. That is my personal experience. I don't know about other states. It might be same in other places as well.
I insist that the figure is not 2500.. It has been overstated.

Also it is wrong that only Muslims were targeted. In riots about 700 Muslims were perished and about 250 hindus were perished. Hence lableing thoes riots as Anti Muslim is wrong and biased way of thinking.

Can someone give me figures if Anti Sikh Masacare of 1984. Mr. Taitler is is still under accusation and case has been reopned.

Dear Jackdaw, why you are forgeting the riots from Asam, Anti Sikh riots, and many more. which happened in the country when fellow congressmen were in power. Why we are not targeting them???

Oh yes its Gandhi Neharu Dynasty....

Many of here may not know that Feroz (husband of Indira) was not Gandhi but Gandhy which was his mothersides surname. His fathers surnane was something different which I dont know.

Calling it as Gandhi Dynasty was something like throwing chilli powder in the eyes of People of India to belive that these gandhy dynasty have some relation with M K gandhi and ppl of India belived them..

You can not govern from the base which is bield on lies...

This is the lowest common denominator of vileness that hirelings and lackeys of the Sangh Parivar.

First, the figure is probably not 2500. That correction is the only relieving element in this utterly vicious post.

Second, it was a planned and directed attack by a group of Sangh Parivar bodies, including BJP, VHP and Bajrang Dal, on the Muslim community, with the passive help of the state. Policemen were instructed by both the Chief Minister and the Home Minister, according to the testimony of senior police officers who managed to come out of the repressive net of information suppression years after the events.

Third, there were Hindu casualties as well. Not every attacked locality, not every defenseless man, woman or child, gave up without a fight. The frenzied rage of the rioters themselves helped a pitiful few of their victims to resist and fight for a few brief minutes before being murdered. That is what the 200 odd Hindu casualties is about. It was not at all a clash between two communities, it was an outright act of barbarism by frenzied mobs. The leaders of the mobs have bragged on camera about their triumphant feelings at having committed these massacres with relatively few losses. Those camera records are the most sickening instances of inhumanity that are to be seen.

Conflating this with the Sikh massacres of 1984 is the worst kind of subterfuge, in moral terms, but also the stupidest.

Those criminals are still being sought. Even today, concerned citizens, not Sikhs, have testified, and are also moving actively to seek justice in the name of the law. Those riots were equally by a political party against an isolated community, and equally to be condemned, equally to be punished. It is bizarre to think that some fools equate the slow pace of justice against those perpetrators with the slow pace of justice against the Gujarat massacre masterminds. That is itself, without these scummy dregs realizing it, a loud confession that both were guilty, both evade punishment by using their grip on the levers of government administration to obstruct investigation at every level.

For the vilest part, the family and personal slanders and slurs, this has been the stock in trade of the filthiest elements of the Sangh Parivar. To remind readers of their peculiar, perverted view of the world, these are the ***** who said, in public, on record, that Muslims did everything in reverse, that while Hindus ate with their right hands, the Muslims did so with their left; extending this, that Hindus ate with their mouths. What can be filthier than these comments? That is the exact, precise group that ainsinuated that Feroze Gandhi was not a Parsi, after all, but that from his first name, his provenance was clear. Our member, @vsdoc, a Parsi of high lineage who has possibly since left the forum, testified bluntly that Feroze Gandhi was well known within the community, and that they did not know why the Sangh Parivar felt that he was a crypto-Muslim (as if that matters to anyone but the foul creatures that make up the Parivar).

I have opposed the Congress for forty years, but they never stooped to the vicious levels of the Parivar. Only utter swines could come ut with this libels, and repeat them so readily at every opportunity.
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@drunken-monke - If I were you I would not respond to post #167 as he was the one who once claimed that Sangh parivar are worse than Mumbai terrorists.
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No Indian who has even studied till 5th grade will confuse Mahatma Gandhi and the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty. When have I forgotten those riots - anti-Sikh, the riots of 92-93, the offering of Shilanyas at Babri mosque permitted by Rajiv, the IPKF running riot in SL - Congress is responsible for far more riots. But that is not the topic of discussion - the topic is Modi.

Yes.. The topic is modi...

And my claim is that Modi is far better than thoes goons...
LOL....Talbott is a US diplomat sworn to protect US interests and he will say whatever is required to protect US interest. It dosent matter if its Bush or clinton.

Your initial allegation has no proof and now you come up with a new allegation about Jaswant singh ...kindly provide proof of that too. ]

Move on. Can't be bothered educating you.

However here is a account by Talbott himselves regarding dealing with the BJP on nuclear matters...

Interview with Talbott

Which part of "I have read the entire account by both the gentlemen in question" do you not understand? Don't need your part that you managed to ferret out. in case you have no idea & obviously you don't, I hold the highest respect for both Vajpayee & Jaswant Singh & I do believe that Jaswant Singh's engagement with the U.S. through Talbott was one of Indian diplomacy's finest hours.

Your new allegation against the BJP seems to be that they actually support the US nuclear deal with India but did not extend support to the congress, and that somehow makes them the bad guy :lol:

It does portray them in a very unflattering light suggesting that they are not able to put the country's interest over their own partisan one, something that they often accuse thenCongress of doing.

BJP is in the opposition and if the ruling party want their support it has to be quid pro quo ......if you dont even understand that then its pointless to discuss anything with you. Its like debating with a child who sees things in black and white.

There is a silly fellow here but that's you I'm afraid. National interests are not quid pro quo areas & anyone insinuating it is shows where they stand.

Btw, I have no issues if you don't feel like discussing with me. Please feel free not to bother.

In non of your silly allegation does BJP come out as the bad guy.........however MMS is proven to be a dishonest person with no integrity. That is the difference.

This is the lowest common denominator of vileness that hirelings and lackeys of the Sangh Parivar.

First, the figure is probably not 2500. That correction is the only relieving element in this utterly vicious post.

Second, it was a planned and directed attack by a group of Sangh Parivar bodies, including BJP, VHP and Bajrang Dal, on the Muslim community, with the passive help of the state. Policemen were instructed by both the Chief Minister and the Home Minister, according to the testimony of senior police officers who managed to come out of the repressive net of information suppression years after the events.

Third, there were Hindu casualties as well. Not every attacked locality, not every defenseless man, woman or child, gave up without a fight. The frenzied rage of the rioters themselves helped a pitiful few of their victims to resist and fight for a few brief minutes before being murdered. That is what the 200 odd Hindu casualties is about. It was not at all a clash between two communities, it was an outright act of barbarism by frenzied mobs. The leaders of the mobs have bragged on camera about their triumphant feelings at having committed these massacres with relatively few losses. Those camera records are the most sickening instances of inhumanity that are to be seen.

Conflating this with the Sikh massacres of 1984 is the worst kind of subterfuge, in moral terms, but also the stupidest.

Those criminals are still being sought. Even today, concerned citizens, not Sikhs, have testified, and are also moving actively to seek justice in the name of the law. Those riots were equally by a political party against an isolated community, and equally to be condemned, equally to be punished. It is bizarre to think that some fools equate the slow pace of justice against those perpetrators with the slow pace of justice against the Gujarat massacre masterminds. That is itself, without these scummy dregs realizing it, a loud confession that both were guilty, both evade punishment by using their grip on the levers of government administration to obstruct investigation at every level.

For the vilest part, the family and personal slanders and slurs, this has been the stock in trade of the filthiest elements of the Sangh Parivar. To remind readers of their peculiar, perverted view of the world, these are the ***** who said, in public, on record, that Muslims did everything in reverse, that while Hindus ate with their right hands, the Muslims did so with their left; extending this, that Hindus ate with their mouths. What can be filthier than these comments? That is the exact, precise group that ainsinuated that Feroze Gandhi was not a Parsi, after all, but that from his first name, his provenance was clear. Our member, @vsdoc, a Parsi of high lineage who has possibly since left the forum, testified bluntly that Feroze Gandhi was well known within the community, and that they did not know why the Sangh Parivar felt that he was a crypto-Muslim (as if that matters to anyone but the foul creatures that make up the Parivar).

I have opposed the Congress for forty years, but they never stooped to the vicious levels of the Parivar. Only utter swines could come ut with this libels, and repeat them so readily at every opportunity.

1. Gujrat Riots were not planned.. It was a direct reaction to the godhra massacare...
2. Whomsover died, be it Hindu or Muslim, the Indian blood was shed..
3. One officers tistimony after 10 years can not be considered legitimate..
4. If resistance of so called victims resulted in 200/250 deaths of Hindus, then surely your claim is right about 12000 hindus who had lost their homes... Offcource the resistance resulted in destruction of thoes rioting Hindus.. Isn't it. Also the temples (other than mosques and Shrins where were unfortunately destroyed) were due to resistance for sure??
5. Few people term Sikh massacare as immediate retaliation of Hindus over death of Indira Gandhi, which is infact wrong. If death of one person results in so much death, what you can expect from Godhra Masacare.. Although I dont justify the post Godhra riots... Loss of life can not be differentiated. loss is a loss. I would say Sikhs were unfortunately targeted allover India and this was done in planned way which is no different than thoes unfortunate one who has lost life in 2002 riots...
6. Regarding claims from RRS- I condemn that.. Regarding Naroda Patia- I feel deep sorrow for the innocent souls...
7. Regarding Feroz Gandhi- Why he needed to Change his surname?? Was it required to change it to claim the glory of M.K.gandhi in future??
8. sangh Parivar was never in Power. It was congress who was in power during majority of riots, during most of the curroption during looting of a nation. Modi is far better than thoes goons who are calling themselves SECULAR....

PS: My father is a congressman... I love him personaly but not his idealogy..
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7. Regarding Feroz Gandhi- Why he needed to Change his surname?? Was it required to change it to claim the glory of M.K.gandhi in future??

What's with this canard?

Feroze was the youngest of the five children of Jehangir Faredoon Gandhi and Ratimai Gandhi (formerly Ratimai Commissariat). His elder brothers were Dorab Jehangir Gandhi and Faridun Jehangir Gandhi while his two elder sisters were Tehmina Kershashp Gandhi and Aloo Gandhi Dastur.
1. Gujrat Riots were not planned.. It was a direct reaction to the godhra massacare...
2. Whomsover died, be it Hindu or Muslim, the Indian blood was shed..
3. One officers tistimony after 10 years can not be considered legitimate..
4. If resistance of so called victims resulted in 200/250 deaths of Hindus, then surely your claim is right about 12000 hindus who had lost their homes... Offcource the resistance resulted in destruction of thoes rioting Hindus.. Isn't it. Also the temples (other than mosques and Shrins where were unfortunately destroyed) were due to resistance for sure??
5. Few people term Sikh massacare as immediate retaliation of Hindus over death of Indira Gandhi, which is infact wrong. If death of one person results in so much death, what you can expect from Godhra Masacare.. Although I dont justify the post Godhra riots... Loss of life can not be differentiated. loss is a loss. I would say Sikhs were unfortunately targeted allover India and this was done in planned way which is no different than thoes unfortunate one who has lost life in 2002 riots...
6. Regarding claims from RRS- I condemn that.. Regarding Naroda Patia- I feel deep sorrow for the innocent souls...
7. Regarding Feroz Gandhi- Why he needed to Change his surname?? Was it required to change it to claim the glory of M.K.gandhi in future??
8. sangh Parivar was never in Power. It was congress who was in power during majority of riots, during most of the curroption during looting of a nation. Modi is far better than thoes goons who are calling themselves SECULAR....

PS: My father is a congressman... I love him personaly but not his idealogy..

I will respond to only one point, the lowest and meanest point.

Feroze Gandhi never changed his name. That is one of the Hindutva legends. Gandhi is a common name for a merchant in Gujarat, and both Parsis and Hindus bear it. There are other such examples.

It is scummy to libel a dead person and attribute totally false actions to him. You are behaving in an utterly despicable manner.
India's destiny was f..ed up in 2 days .

1. The day Nehru had a child.

2. The day Nehru became the PM of India .

I dislike Nehru. Viscerally. However, it is only fair to point out that his contribution, along with that of his entire generation of politicians, was the reason why we have a relatively free, relatively workable democracy. Your two points are difficult to accept.
What's with this canard?

You have posted half info from wikipedia...

Please go through complete info, you will get your answer...

I will respond to only one point, the lowest and meanest point.

Feroze Gandhi never changed his name. That is one of the Hindutva legends. Gandhi is a common name for a merchant in Gujarat, and both Parsis and Hindus bear it. There are other such examples.

It is scummy to libel a dead person and attribute totally false actions to him. You are behaving in an utterly despicable manner.

Yes he did.. He used his mothers surname Gandhy....
And there is record at UK where with an affidavit where they made upon the change.. I post the link for it very soon...
India's destiny was f..ed up in 2 days .

1. The day Nehru had a child.

2. The day Nehru became the PM of India .

Why blame Nehru for having a child. If the people of this country would keep electing his offsprings then its the people who are responsible for the state they are in.

Regarding the second point I would say its easy to criticize someone in retrospective. What Nehru inherited was a patchwork of states and you can't take away his contribution of forging us into a Nation. Irrespective of all the wrongs he may have done this single deed exorcise him of all of them.
You have posted half info from wikipedia...

Please go through complete info, you will get your answer...

Yes he did.. He used his mothers surname Gandhy....
And there is record at UK where with an affidavit where they made upon the change.. I post the link for it very soon...

....and I guess you have the complete, secret information....? Did you see the names of his parents, his brothers & his sisters? Did they all change their names too? Pointless & silly.
I dislike Nehru. Viscerally. However, it is only fair to point out that his contribution, along with that of his entire generation of politicians, was the reason why we have a relatively free, relatively workable democracy. Your two points are difficult to accept.

Neharu never deserved as PM of India.. If you remember that Sardar Vallabhai Patel had a row with Nehru and Mr. M.K. Gandhihad to resolve this (before he died)..

Out of 10 congress votes, 8 were in tha favor of Sardar Patel, while only two were in the favor of Nehru...

Whom we you talking about, the Nehru who wanted to be PM of India at any cost (by agreeing for devision and not letting Muslim Leage leader Jinha be the first PM) or avoiding the problem of displaced men and women, he went in the shelter and came out after three day when whole India was Burning.. please watch the Video called "the day India Burned". and when he came out, his welcome was done by throwing a shoe at him..

Please feel free to debate, "are we really free and democratic"??
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