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WikiLeaks: Narendra Modi, the lone honest Indian politician

I am merely pointing out that just as MMS is responsible for his cabinet members - so is Modi for his. Of course Jagdish Tytler and other Congress leaders responsible for 1984 need to be tried and convicted. Hyper exaggerated opinion pieces? So she was not arrested? What part of this "opinion piece" about Modi's minister is exaggerated?

should i remind you that maya kodnani was actually a part of the anti-modi gang and was in the cabinet due to her closeness to lk advani...(sindhi-sindhi bhai-bhai) ?

she did a crime and she was punished....that is to it......no point trying to shift the blame onto modi.....you can blame him had he persisted with her even after she was found guilty....no he did not....

btw why i said it was exaggerated ? because it was my no means, not by a stretch one of the worst riots nor were 2500 people killed....

why was it sensationalist ? because of the language...

why was it half truth ? because it failed to mention what triggered the riots in the first place - the burning alive of 59 hindus by a mob of muslims....

as i said, even educated people who have seen for themselves the misrule the congress have wreaked on this nation, want to continue with the substandard status quo because they expect 101% out of Modi......he is a human....he has his flaws.....but among the available choice of leaders he is the best one right now.......anyone who is politically unbiased can easily see that....

see you are not forming your perception on modi based on facts....but you are choosing your facts based on your preconceived notions...there is nothing that i could possibly do to change that...because ur unease with modi is not based on facts.....
should i remind you that maya kodnani was actually a part of the anti-modi gang and was in the cabinet due to her closeness to lk advani...(sindhi-sindhi bhai-bhai) ?

she did a crime and she was punished....that is to it......no point trying to shift the blame onto modi.....you can blame him had he persisted with her even after she was found guilty....no he did not....

btw why i said it was exaggerated ? because it was my no means, not by a stretch one of the worst riots nor were 2500 people killed....

why was it sensationalist ? because of the language...

why was it half truth ? because it failed to mention what triggered the riots - the burning alive of 59 hindus by a mob of muslims....

as i said, even educated people who have seen for themselves the misrule the congress have wreaked on this nation, want to continue with the substandard status quo because they expect 101% out of Modi......he is a human....he has his flaws.....but among the available choice of leaders he is the best one right now.......anyone who is politically unbiased can easily see that....

And what are your views on Amit Shah - another minister of Modi?
Is he famous (infamous) because of that?

CBI suspects his role in some False encounter cases ....

I am merely pointing out that just as MMS is responsible for his cabinet members - so is Modi for his. Of course Jagdish Tytler and other Congress leaders responsible for 1984 need to be tried and convicted. Hyper exaggerated opinion pieces? So she was not arrested? What part of this "opinion piece" about Modi's minister is exaggerated?

Maya Kodnani was not a Minister during the time of riots ....
Amit Shah is a great guy if someone like his stature becomes home minister most of our internal ****** groups like SIMI IM would cease to exist
but still haters gonna hate

Amit Shah is a great guy if someone like his stature becomes home minister most of our internal ****** groups like SIMI IM would cease to exist
but still haters gonna hate
Talbott was not a Bush administration spokesman. He did his best as a Clinton administration point man to prevent such a deal and his objection to the scope of the Bush administration's proposals is well known to anyone who has bothered to read up on the matter.The fact that you have obviously not read either Jaswant Singh's or Talbott's very engaging accounts is not something that I can help with. Those statements have never been denied by Jaswant Singh who was his interlocutor. You are at liberty to believe what you want, I really couldn't care less. However these are not facts created now & Advani is on record on the wikileaks cable telling U.S. diplomats that the nuke deal would not be renegotiated & downplaying the opposition. He has never denied it. Maybe the only wikileak cables you believe are the ones that suit your political preferences.

Btw, you need to read & understand what is said. The BJP first agreed and then reneged on support to the nuke deal hardly an act of statesmanship that you claim. They were privately telling the Americans one thing & publicly telling the nation another. You can chose to believe whatever your political interest wants you to believe, that is your call. Let us just move on.

LOL....Talbott is a US diplomat sworn to protect US interests and he will say whatever is required to protect US interest. It dosent matter if its Bush or clinton.

Your initial allegation has no proof and now you come up with a new allegation about Jaswant singh ...kindly provide proof of that too.

However here is a account by Talbott himselves regarding dealing with the BJP on nuclear matters...

Interview with Talbott

Jaswant Singh had some objectives. He achieved more of his objectives than I achieved of mine in the realm of non-proliferation and the benchmarks and so forth. Though one reason I would judge the experience to have been mutually beneficial to the United States and India is that there was a larger agenda that was implicit early in the dialogue and explicit as the dialogue went on, which was to change the quality of the US-Indian official relationship. There we both succeeded.

Now, the reasons why the Indian side was able to accomplish more of its objectives, which I would say were, in a sense, from our standpoint, negative, ie, preventing things we wanted to persuade India were in its interests to do. It was certainly in no small measure because of Jaswant Singh's qualities as a human being and a diplomat and a statesman and because of the coherence and firmness of the Indian government at that time. That was contrasted to the American side where you had a very real split between the executive branch and the legislative branch. But I would argue to this day, and do in the book, that what the United States was urging India to do with respect to its nuclear weapons programme was not contrary either to Indian national interests or to the Bharatiya Janata Party's policy as we understood it at that time. I hope some of the issues left unresolved by the dialogue may be resolved in due course.

Your new allegation against the BJP seems to be that they actually support the US nuclear deal with India but did not extend support to the congress, and that somehow makes them the bad guy :lol:

BJP is in the opposition and if the ruling party want their support it has to be quid pro quo ......if you dont even understand that then its pointless to discuss anything with you. Its like debating with a child who sees things in black and white.

In non of your silly allegation does BJP come out as the bad guy.........however MMS is proven to be a dishonest person with no integrity. That is the difference.

Yes - he reminds me of the Pak posters who think everything is a Jewish-Hindu-American conspiracy. Forget wikileaks or Talbott, he refutes reports by the NY Times

And you remind me of digvijay singh who thinks everybody is a fool and people will believe any nonsense he says. But knowing you, you will probably take that as a complement. :P
I wonder what our Modi cheerleaders have to say about this?
Indian nationalist lawmaker gets 28 years for 2002 massacre | Reuters

A former Indian state minister was sentenced to 28 years in jail on Friday for murder during one of the country's worst religious riots, when up to 2,500 people, most of them Muslim, were hunted down and hacked, beaten or burnt to death in 2002.

Maya Kodnani, a sitting lawmaker for Gujarat state's ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and 30 others were jailed for their role in the so-called Naroda Patiya massacre, the single bloodiest episode of the three-day riots.

Why do reputed news sites mess with the correct figure all the time?:undecided: Don't they have any department which verify the news before going online as the writer is saint that he will not manipulate the information.:sick: .Even posters, who post these news sources, don't bother to correct the information in reply option? Request to all posters, please provide correct figures if you are aware of & don't play with truth.
Amit Shah is a great guy if someone like his stature becomes home minister most of our internal ****** groups like SIMI IM would cease to exist
but still haters gonna hate

Amit Shah is a great guy if someone like his stature becomes home minister most of our internal ****** groups like SIMI IM would cease to exist
but still haters gonna hate

Ah - then why did he resign?
I wonder what our Modi cheerleaders have to say about this?
Indian nationalist lawmaker gets 28 years for 2002 massacre | Reuters

A former Indian state minister was sentenced to 28 years in jail on Friday for murder during one of the country's worst religious riots, when up to 2,500 people, most of them Muslim, were hunted down and hacked, beaten or burnt to death in 2002.

Maya Kodnani, a sitting lawmaker for Gujarat state's ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and 30 others were jailed for their role in the so-called Naroda Patiya massacre, the single bloodiest episode of the three-day riots.

I insist that the figure is not 2500.. It has been overstated.

Also it is wrong that only Muslims were targeted. In riots about 700 Muslims were perished and about 250 hindus were perished. Hence lableing thoes riots as Anti Muslim is wrong and biased way of thinking.

Can someone give me figures if Anti Sikh Masacare of 1984. Mr. Taitler is is still under accusation and case has been reopned.

Dear Jackdaw, why you are forgeting the riots from Asam, Anti Sikh riots, and many more. which happened in the country when fellow congressmen were in power. Why we are not targeting them???

Oh yes its Gandhi Neharu Dynasty....

Many of here may not know that Feroz (husband of Indira) was not Gandhi but Gandhy which was his mothersides surname. His fathers surnane was something different which I dont know.

Calling it as Gandhi Dynasty was something like throwing chilli powder in the eyes of People of India to belive that these gandhy dynasty have some relation with M K gandhi and ppl of India belived them..

You can not govern from the base which is bield on lies...


Above link will help you out...
Cables from American envoy show he wanted to woo Modi unofficially after
US denied him a visa
Narendra Modi and the BJP today made the most of the latest diplomatic
cables released by WikiLeaks, saying these showed that the Gujarat Chief
Minister was “incorruptible” — in fact, “the lone honest Indian politician”.

Dated November 2, 2006, the cable sent by Michael S Owen, the Consul
General in Mumbai, refers to Modi’s growing potential as a national leader
of his party and the need to engage with him to “directly” deliver a
message on human rights.
In an appraisal of the CM, Owen adds: “Modi has successfully branded
himself as a non-corrupt, effective administrator, as a facilitator of
business in a state with a deep commercial culture, and as a no-nonsense,
law-and-order politician who looks after the interests of the Hindu
After a lecture at Pandit Deen Dayal Univerisity at Gandhinagar on
Tuesday, Modi said the cable acknowledges him as “incorruptible” and
refers to Gujarat as “a progressive state”. “There are many non-corrupt
people, but they have termed me incorruptible, which is good for the
people of Gujarat. WikiLeaks shows two faces — that of the government of
India and another of progressive Gujarat.”
In a press release, the BJP said the US documents only assert and prove
that Modi is the lone politician in India to be honest, fearless and clean.
Said BJP national vice-president Purushottam Rupala and state party
spokesperson I K Jadeja: “The government which has denied Modi as Modi
now finds him as one with strong political willpower, an able administrator
as well as the only non-corrupt, no-nonsense politician of India.”
The BJP rubbed in the fact that the same US government had denied Modi a
visa after the 2002 riots, and said America seemed to be “in a mood to
In the cable, Owen comments on the denial of the visa, saying: “We believe
that Modi’s rise in the BJP seems likely. In coordination with Embassy New
Delhi, we intend to continue our policy of interaction with the Chief
Minister, whose B1/B2 visa we revoked in 2005. Such interaction allows us
to deliver a clear message on human rights and religious freedom directly
to the source. It will also shield us from accusations of opportunism from
the BJP that would invariably arise if we ignored Modi now but sought a
dialogue with him in the likely event that he makes it to the national
While delighting in Owen’s praise, Modi reacted to this part of the cable
too, saying he needed “no lesson” on human rights from the US.
The CM claimed that at a meeting with Owen in 2006, he had “looked into
Owen’s eyes and said America should not give us advice on human rights. I
am a son of India and I know what human rights violations you have

'Incorruptible' in WikiLeaks, Narendra Modi smiles - Indian Express Mobile

My views are align with the Title of the article.
I insist that the figure is not 2500.. It has been overstated.

Also it is wrong that only Muslims were targeted. In riots about 700 Muslims were perished and about 250 hindus were perished. Hence lableing thoes riots as Anti Muslim is wrong and biased way of thinking.

Can someone give me figures if Anti Sikh Masacare of 1984. Mr. Taitler is is still under accusation and case has been reopned.

Dear Jackdaw, why you are forgeting the riots from Asam, Anti Sikh riots, and many more. which happened in the country when fellow congressmen were in power. Why we are not targeting them???

Oh yes its Gandhi Neharu Dynasty....

Many of here may not know that Feroz (husband of Indira) was not Gandhi but Gandhy which was his mothersides surname. His fathers surnane was something different which I dont know.

Calling it as Gandhi Dynasty was something like throwing chilli powder in the eyes of People of India to belive that these gandhy dynasty have some relation with M K gandhi and ppl of India belived them..

You can not govern from the base which is bield on lies...

No Indian who has even studied till 5th grade will confuse Mahatma Gandhi and the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty. When have I forgotten those riots - anti-Sikh, the riots of 92-93, the offering of Shilanyas at Babri mosque permitted by Rajiv, the IPKF running riot in SL - Congress is responsible for far more riots. But that is not the topic of discussion - the topic is Modi.
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