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Wikileaks: India unlikely to deploy Cold Start against Pakistan

If you get update about India's infrastructure projects completed/under implementation near pak border you won't be able to sleep peacefully.
Really ? :lol: Your media is known to report even a mere border incursion or ceasefire violation like total war ! How come they aren't reporting this infrastructure thing ? :azn: So spare us this mental masturbation ...
The hard reality is that India pretty much lost the 2002 confrontation with Pakistan, if nothing else it showcased to the entire world where exactly the Indian military might stands with respect to all its tough talk against Pakistan.

India amassed 1 Million troops, which were sent quietly packing back to their barracks after 10 months of saber rattling. Agreed that one of the problems with India was that it took them a few months to build up its forces along the Pakistani border, but India used this as an excuse to make up for their lack of ability to invade Pakistan.

Cold Start doctrine was created for some self-assurance that this is what is wrong and now somehow magically it has corrected itself. But the strategy still discounts two things. 1) India cannot take on the Pakistani Army in a defensive role. 2) Surgical strikes are a myth, nothing short of invasion of Pakistan is required, Pakistan will opt to respond a cruise missile strike with 10 of its own on IAF bases. Pakistan will opt to respond with nukes if Indian army makes an incursion into some village across the Punjab border under the guise of attacking a militant camp. Pakistan's stated deterrence is disproportionate attacks.

Nice joke man.
This whole thread is a complete crap, The guys who are saying that Cold Start is a myth should understand that it's ultimate answer to the nuke power like Pak. Fighting a limited war is better then a whole invasion as Pak will launch its nukes soon it realises that its loosing a way too much Land and then it will be an end for both the Nations (it might be possible that the rest countries may blame India for such an incident)
Pak will not respond with Nukes for a limited region and will try to grab it back by using its Armed Forces only.

Anyway Pak has already have an answer for the Cold Start in the name of Nasr.
The hard reality is that India pretty much lost the 2002 confrontation with Pakistan, if nothing else it showcased to the entire world where exactly the Indian military might stands with respect to all its tough talk against Pakistan.

India amassed 1 Million troops, which were sent quietly packing back to their barracks after 10 months of saber rattling. Agreed that one of the problems with India was that it took them a few months to build up its forces along the Pakistani border, but India used this as an excuse to make up for their lack of ability to invade Pakistan.

Cold Start doctrine was created for some self-assurance that this is what is wrong and now somehow magically it has corrected itself.

But the strategy still discounts two things.

1) India cannot take on the Pakistani Army in a defensive role.

2) Surgical strikes are a myth, nothing short of invasion of Pakistan is required, Pakistan will opt to respond a cruise missile strike with 10 of its own on IAF bases. Pakistan will opt to respond with nukes if Indian army makes an incursion into some village across the Punjab border under the guise of attacking a militant camp. Pakistan's stated deterrence is disproportionate attacks.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: after reading this I don't think one needs to reply it or take this post seriously.
Actually I'm pretty sure India's NFU is a lie. India too will not be shy from using nukes when our forces cross into Srinagar one day. So yes, that only makes our first use policy more eager and more urgent. We have to use it before India is given the chance to use it.
u joking right?:agree:
If india has to use COLD START or a similar operation to enforce its national interests THEN im,m sure they can and they will.

MULTI BILLION DOLLARS weapon systems brought or about to be be acquired are NOT BEING purchased for just looking shinny

AND plz WE are not talking low cost budget items like accross the border.

We are talking $1.1 billion phalcon awacs. 272 su30mki, C17 globemasters $4 billion , $2 billion psedion.matitime planes $3 billion gorskhov carriers and arihant & akula nuclear subs.

THESE ARENOT WET DREAMS just like india,s massive advantage in GDP and forx are not wet dreams... DENY it all you like by calling wet dreams

" india has the money, india has the global military contacts be it israel USA russia, to equip and maintain a military to carry out a COLD START today & DEFINITELY in the future

but but but WE DONT WANT TO JEPODISE the massive GROWTH IN THE gdp which is turning india into a VERY POWERFUL NATION
There cant/wont be any Cold start actually ... Either no war ( deployment for public consumption like always :P ) or a total war ... There's no in-between ...
No war JUST AS long AS we dont SEE ANY IDIOTIC stupid Kargil like idea from accross the border. OR indeed GOD forbid another mumbai style terrot attack.

cAN YOU IMAGINE not only india,s reaction BUT also USA reaction to another mumbai attack if it was concluded that it came accross the border.
India is under the heel of pakistan just like a snake which is overpowered and kept under the heel.Pakistan's competition is not with bhookha nanga india but with super powers like USSR in Past,USA and NATO now.
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