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Wikileaks:India, Iran Supported TTP

So do we have the transcript yet, or is Dawn reporting this?
With regards to Hamas, I would like to add that Hamas are Ikhwani, and we have good relations with the Ikhwanis. They're ideologically VERY different from the sunni Taliban.
With regards to Hamas, I would like to add that Hamas are Ikhwani, and we have good relations with the Ikhwanis. They're ideologically VERY different from the sunni Taliban.

please dont call these terrorists sunni taliban..
they have nothing sunni about them... their every action has been against the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad PBUH

Taliban are in fact Zaliman and Nutaf Haram Misl Shatan.
they have only given fear and grief to Pakistan and Afghanistan

Hamas and Hezbullah on the other hand have stood up to the might of Israel and defended/ faught the cause of Palestine
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So do we have the transcript yet, or is Dawn reporting this?
Try and read the posts - I have posts linksbto the complete text of the cables twice now, directly in response to your questions.

Next person displaying the same attitude is getting suspended. Read the posts in the thread instead of wasting time and bandwidth asking questions that have already been answered.
Try and read the posts - I have posts linksbto the complete text of the cables twice now, directly in response to your questions.

Next person displaying the same attitude is getting suspended. Read the posts in the thread instead of wasting time and bandwidth asking questions that have already been answered.

The heading is misleading. Wikileaks doesn't say that India supported Taliban or anything other but GDSS believe that!!!

Here is the cable....

Taliban/Haqqani Network

4. (S//NF) Mendelsohn acknowledged the important steps the UAE has taken to combat al-Qaida and the Taliban-to include sending troops to Afghanistan-and highlighted the importance the USG places on combating Taliban financing. He stated that the Taliban receives significant money from narcotics trafficking and extortion, but noted that the U.S. believes that the group also receives significant funds from the Gulf, particularly from donors in Saudi Arabia and the UAE. He further stated that the Taliban and Haqqani Network are believed to earn money from UAE-based business interests. Security officials from both SSD and GDSS agreed that the Taliban and Haqqani Network are serious threats. Officials from SSD added that Iran supports the Taliban with money and weapons, helps the Taliban smuggle drugs, and facilitates the movement of Taliban and al-Qaida members. SSD officials stated that Iran's IRGC and navy are involved with these activities. GDSS officials noted Iran's support to Taliban in Pakistan, adding that GDSS believes that India also has supported Pakistani Taliban and Pashtun separatists.
"UAE's security officials believed that India along with Iran had supported the Pakistani Taliban and Pushtun separatists"

I doubt that.

It sounds more like an Arab paranoia against the Persians.
"Some" Arabs believe the Persians are trying to revive their Persian Empire to take over the Middle East with an Islamic out look, Persian Imperialistic agenda suger coated with Islam. Thus the Arabs want to isolate Iran physically and ideologically. For this they ask the Americans to do their dirty work. Also, Pakistan is the only Sunni majority Muslim Nuclear power which borders Iran. They would want to counter the Shia Persian Nuclear power with a Pro Arab Sunni Nuclear Power (Pakistan). So how they gonna do that? Blame Iran for all the mischief happening in Pakistan. However I doubt their claim.

Iran is an unlikely supporter of TTP, because of obvious sectarian differences. Though Iran has friendly/neutral relations with India, it is unlikely Iran would support India against Pakistan.

A Muslim country to ally it self with Mushriks ( Hindus) to fight against another Muslim country, has very negative implications. A sign of hypocrisy in the Muslim world. UAE implies Iran of doing that. It is a way to demonize Iran in the eyes of the Muslim world.

Arab Persian conflict is nothing new. I hope tomorrow is better than yesterday.

NOTE: What I said above is pure speculation. I am not racist against Arabs or Persians. Nor I think all Arabs believe what I wrote. I hope I am wrong and my misconceptions would become corrected in future for the better.
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the Arabs can think whatever they damn well please.....Pakistan is not subservient to any of them.

we will likely remain out of their childish historic rivalries. Nobody in politics, military or civilian garb should be poisoned by this Shiia-Sunni garbage

the only people who gain from that are the west

it's unfortunate that some knuckle-headed brainless idiots in Riyadh and Tehran don't realize that
Alright lets just end this ridiculous thread since.. as embarrassing as it is here is the truth.

Pakistani media publish fake WikiLeaks cables attacking India

Comments alleged to be from WikiLeaks US embassy cables say Indian generals are genocidal and New Delhi backs militants

By Declan Walsh in Islamabad

They read like the most extraordinary revelations. Citing the WikiLeaks cables, major Pakistani newspapers this morning carried stories that purported to detail eye-popping American assessments of India's military and civilian leaders.

According to the reports, US diplomats described senior Indian generals as vain, egotistical and genocidal; they said India's government is secretly allied with Hindu fundamentalists; and they claimed Indian spies are covertly supporting Islamist militants in Pakistan's tribal belt and Balochistan.

"Enough evidence of Indian involvement in Waziristan, Balochistan," read the front-page story in the News; an almost identical story appeared in the Urdu-language Jang, Pakistan's bestselling daily.

If accurate, the disclosures would confirm the worst fears of Pakistani nationalist hawks and threaten relations between Washington and New Delhi. But they are not accurate.

An extensive search of the WikiLeaks database by the Guardian by date, name and keyword failed to locate any of the incendiary allegations. It suggests this is the first case of WikiLeaks being exploited for propaganda purposes.

The controversial claims, published in four Pakistani national papers, were credited to the Online Agency, an Islamabad-based news service that has frequently run pro-army stories in the past. No journalist is bylined.

Shaheen Sehbai, group editor at the News, described the story as "agencies' copy" and said he would investigate its origins.

The incident fits in with the wider Pakistani reaction to WikiLeaks since the first cables emerged.

In the west, reports have focused on US worries for the safety of Pakistan's nuclear stockpile, or the army's support for Islamist militants such as the Afghan Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba, the group blamed for the Mumbai attack.

But Pakistan's media has given a wide berth to stories casting the military in a negative light, focusing instead on the foibles of the country's notoriously weak politicians.

Editors have pushed stories that focus on president Asif Ali Zardari's preoccupation with his death, prime minister Yousaf Raza Gilani's secret support for CIA drone strikes and tales of a bearded religious firebrand cosying up to the US ambassador.

Among ordinary citizens, the coverage has hardened perceptions that Pakistani leaders are in thrall to American power.

Pakistan has become "the world's biggest banana republic", wrote retired diplomat Asif Ezdi last week.

Military and political leaders, portrayed as dangerously divided in the cables, have banded together to downplay the assessment.

"Don't trust WikiLeaks," Gilani told reporters in Kabul last weekend. Beside him president Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan, also tarred in the dispatches, nodded solemnly.

On Saturday the army, having stayed silent all week, denied claims that army chief General Ashfaq Kayani "distrusted" the opposition leader Nawaz Sharif. Kayani "holds all political leaders in esteem", a spokesman said.

Meanwhile conspiracy theorists, including some journalists, insist Washington secretly leaked the cables in an effort to discredit the Muslim world; the Saudi ambassador described them as propaganda.

But senior judges favour their publication. Dismissing an attempt to block WikiLeaks last week, justice Sheikh Azmat Saeed said the cables "may cause trouble for some personalities" but would be "good for the progress of the nation in the long run".

The lopsided media coverage highlights the strong influence of Pakistan's army over an otherwise vigorous free press.

This morning's stories disparaging Indian generals – one is said to be "rather a geek", another to be responsible for "genocide" and compared to Slobodan Milosevic – is counterbalanced by accounts of gushing American praise for Pakistan's top generals.

The actual WikiLeaks cables carry a more nuanced portraits of a close, if often uneasy, relationship between the US and Pakistan's military.

But the real cables do contain allegations of Indian support for Baloch separatists, largely sourced to British intelligence assessments.

Pakistan's press is generally cautious in reporting about its own army. But some internet commentators said the latest WikiLeaks story was a bridge too far.

Noting that the story was bylined to "agencies" – a term that in Pakistan means both a news agency and a spy outfit – the blogger Cafe Pyala asked: "How stupid do the 'Agencies' really think Pakistanis are?"

Pakistani media publish fake WikiLeaks cables attacking India | World news | The Guardian

Can we end this ridiculous discussion now? or are we still going to blindly put out half assed quotes from dubious sources? Now all the people like Jana who love to get super pumped up and excited need to just calm down.
^ Do consider reading the third last paragraph of the article.
Can we end this ridiculous discussion now? or are we still going to blindly put out half assed quotes from dubious sources? Now all the people like Jana who love to get super pumped up and excited need to just calm down.

This leak is real, as posted by Agnostic Muslim. Anyway it only says about opinion of unknown UAE official, which the thread starter twisted to make it propaganda worthy.
^ Do consider reading the third last paragraph of the article.

I think we are interpreting the third paragraph in wrong way. It seems the allegation were made by Pakistani officials who cited British intelligence to back up their story. Intelligence agencies don't come up with allegation, do they?

It'll be cleared if we can have a look at the original transcript.
I think we are interpreting the third paragraph in wrong way. It seems the allegation were made by Pakistani officials who cited British intelligence to back up their story. Intelligence agencies don't come up with allegation, do they?

It'll be cleared if we can have a look at the original transcript.

Where does it seem that it was Pakistani officials making the allegation? The only authority cited is British Intelligence. Or perhaps you're imagining stuff here?
Wake up call for some Pakistanis who consider iran as our "friends and brothers"

If some one seeking for any fake news to blam Iran i can do nothing to help him understand.in this leaks just third party talk about Iran, there is not any Irani element there. wake up look at your around and release yourself from hatred of Iran
Good you accepted at last that India is supporting TTP terrorists for terrorism in Pakistan.

Iran had been in Indian camp for long so i dont see it as more serious. Besides Iran is also linked to Afghanistan so obviously Iran would have hit Pakistan for getting hold in Afghanistan.

Above all no matter how much 'brothers' fight and are not on good terms with each other they still will embrace each other.

Anyway the Indian terrorism in Pakistan is bigger issue

India did not and dont have enough capacity that Iran be in Indian camp.
also Keshmir issues is always on the table of Iran regarding relation to india. as you know india called Iran ambassador few weeks ago for Keshmir

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