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Wikileaks:India, Iran Supported TTP

Some of you are so gullible. Persons within the Governmetns of the Arabian Peninsula have been making stuff up about Iran for long time, many will say anything to get rid of iran's influence. Plus much of the Arabian governments are full of Wahabis so they have a sentiment to do away with Iran due to its Shia majority, since the Wahabis hate Shia and openly attack them,

And the same can be said of Iran spreading misinformation against Wahhabi Saudi Arabia. They have been spreading lies about many Sunni regimes in the region.

Iran would never support the Taliban because it has been against the extremists from the beginning, since the time of Zia-Ul-Haq.

Iran would not support the Taliban because the Taliban are Sunni not Shia. Iran has for a long time been supporting the Shia Hazaras in Afghanistan. What do you think of Iran supporting Hamaz and Hezbollah?

Iran has also been fighting the Taliban longer than Pakistan its just more successful at keeping them out, which is why we rarely hear anything about Taliban inside Iran and more about encounters at the border.

It is because Iran captures and instantly jails the refugees that there are no free Afghans in Iran whereas in Pakistan there is more humanity and they cannot leave all the Afghans languishing in jail as in Iran.
every thing is wrong which reveals India and Every thing is credible which demonify Pakistan

Indians are great

Sir-Wikileaks as per Pakistani think Tank and Govt. is a bunch of lies and an alleged Mossad propoganda to divide Muslim countries.

But they selectively choose to believe this leaked Cable.Tell you what
we will still go with you on this.But this cable just conveys thoughts of one of the UAE intel official.

Now pray tell me how credible is that ?:undecided:
Ahh Indians are questioning wikileaks when India is mentioned as a state carrying out terrorism in Pakistans But you are ready to accept wikileaks as authentic when it come to blaming Pakistan and ISI and even Kiyani lolzz who is the most apolitical person in the history of Pakistani top brass officers.

So lets first clear it once of all

A. Either wikileaks are true entirely and there should be NO denial from any country

B. Or wikileaks are Lies entirely and NO one should believe it.

So come up with your stand first and i will debate this believing and non-believing later

There has been no official world from GOI on wikileaks.Probably your
deduction comes from response on this forum.

What part of my post questioned wikileaks.did you even read it?

I was questioning the words 'One of the UAE intel official thinks ' and the fact UAE is a co-accused in Balouch insurgency as per same wikileaks.So how credible is UAE's word to you.

P.S.-Since you are a journalist and the thread starter i expected you to raise these points if not atleast deduce my post better.

Or is it to much to expect to take off Hate India specs and help in restoring faith between the two countries.
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You're right brother.

Pakistan's only real friends are Turkey and China.

Turkiye is not your friend bro. Turkiye is much more than a friend for Pakistan. Turkiye is your brother country its your second homeland. Believe me we Turks love Pakistan and Pakistani brothers, sisters as much as our own !!;)
no need to be emotional here. when it comes to national policies and regional goals.. there is nothing brotherly about it.. hence we have Arab countries fighting each other (e.g. Saudi vs Yeman).. iraq vs Kowat and Iran vs Iraq.

if this allegation is true then Iran is only following what Saudis have done in the past and are still doing.. supporting Sipah Sahabah and other extrimist Deobandi organisations.

by the way it is strange that Iran would be supporting the organisation that are known for their utter hatred for Shia and Beralwis.. these people have desecrtated shrines pulled out the dead from the graves..

this is similer to NATO's allegations that Iran is supporting taliban because there were Iranian made weapons found which are easily available.

by the way.. Wikileaks also say that Pakistan's ISI is supporting and funding the taliban who are destorying Afghan infrastructre..

what do you say about that? finally I will repeat again.. there is no such thing as brotherhood or friends when it comes to countries
the intersts start and end with self..

Same thoughts that came to me when I read the topic... TTP are extremely anti Shia so it makes no sense...

As for the issue of brotherhood... I also agree that Nationalistic policies have destroyed the very fabric of Islamic thought and we should be careful in these matters... I should say this though Irfan that such things are mostly adopted by the leaders and rulers to keep themselves in power... scare their population of their own brothers and working for the agenda of enemies... the common man whether it be in Iran, Pakistan or any Arab country does feel a bond for their Muslim brothers and do not desire to engage in such activities... would you agree to that?
What a crap.. when Many head of nations openly blame about Pakistan being a 'safe heaven' for terrorist (ref: UK, US, France etc official speeches) then every one in Pakistan jumps that it is a conspiracy while here Pakistanis are very happy when one official from UAE believe India and Iran is involved.

Even if I go with his view/opinion then circle gets completed. India and Iran supports TTP, Pakistan and Iran support Kashmiri Terrorist, Pakistan support Kurdihs support.
Turkiye is not your friend bro. Turkiye is much more than a friend for Pakistan. Turkiye is your brother country its your second homeland. Believe me we Turks love Pakistan and Pakistani brothers, sisters as much as our own !!;)

I can fully understand this having personal experience... if there is ONE country on earth where you can stand amongst the locals and say that you are from Pakistan with pride and the amazing and beautiful response you get from the people, it is Turkey...

I remember I was buying T Shirts from the Grand Bazaar one day and this guy asked me where I was from, so I told him I was from Pakistan and I asked him where he was from and he said Bosnia!!! and then what he said after this totally blew me off the ground... He said...

I can fully understand this having personal experience... if there is ONE country on earth where you can stand amongst the locals and say that you are from Pakistan with pride and the amazing and beautiful response you get from the people, it is Turkey...

I remember I was buying T Shirts from the Grand Bazaar one day and this guy asked me where I was from, so I told him I was from Pakistan and I asked him where he was from and he said Bosnia!!! and then what he said after this totally blew me off the ground... He said...


Yes bro. its great an experience.

I hope i will have this kind an experience next year after visiting Pakistan !! Actually, i was going to visit in this year but 4 months before i became a father ! I have a daughter who is 4 months old :smitten: so my plans have changed ...

I wish i will visit Pakistan next year !! lets say InsAllah ...:angel:
Iran would not support the Taliban because the Taliban are Sunni not Shia. Iran has for a long time been supporting the Shia Hazaras in Afghanistan. What do you think of Iran supporting Hamaz and Hezbollah?

exactly my point my friend..
you said it. Taliban in Afghanistan and their TTP brothers in Pakistan have killed their diplomats and nationals in addition to people of shia sect which is Iran's majority sect...
so expecting Iran to support Taliban is unthinkable. just because the blamed UAE officials are passing the blame doesnt mean they are right.

in addition Pakistan should do the following

* Demand an explanation from Iran on this wikileak
* Demand an explanation from UAE that why such information or reports not passed to their "Sunni" brother country of Pakistan?

forget about demanding any explanation from America.. even their third secretary will come here and bully from our president to the every minister
. the common man whether it be in Iran, Pakistan or any Arab country does feel a bond for their Muslim brothers and do not desire to engage in such activities... would you agree to that?

100% agreed to your post..
as the population goes we bear no ill will..
during Hajj all muslims of every sect and nationality come together.

sadly there are some ethnic and racial disagreements that even Islam has not washed off between Arabs and Persians.

whether or not these reports are correct.. Pakistan is justified to expect a cooperation from the said countries. The Arab regimes manily consist on the people that were installed by british empire after the fall of Ottoman empire so their conduct in the Muslim world and countries around them has been less than inspirational.

giving us charity money is not a proof that they are our friends. because America has given far more than any of those Arabian countries..
there are always strings attached to aid, donation, loan or support whatever you call it. it is basically dictated by self interests.

I am still waiting for people's opinion or point of view why .. UAE didnt bother to pass that alleged information to Pakistan long ago?

were they counting on wikileaks to do that for them? I am sure Pakistan deserves better than that.

God Bless Pakistan
I think india should demand an explanation from UAE.btw does anyone here have copy of that cable?

Well we should remain silent and watch the game, that's the best policy. Some powers want to see the reaction of countries and their policies.
Nothing will happen if an official of a third country "thinks" that India is supporting the TTP.What we need is credible evidence.Give us that and then we can discuss further.
I can fully understand this having personal experience... if there is ONE country on earth where you can stand amongst the locals and say that you are from Pakistan with pride and the amazing and beautiful response you get from the people, it is Turkey...

I remember I was buying T Shirts from the Grand Bazaar one day and this guy asked me where I was from, so I told him I was from Pakistan and I asked him where he was from and he said Bosnia!!! and then what he said after this totally blew me off the ground... He said...


I experienced many similar experiences in Turkey when I lived there, and it was enough to warm my heart.

The Turks/Sloviks are good friends of ours; we can always expect to get help from them when needed and vice versa

there are friendships that are out of convenience or just religion (e.g. UAE)....but then there are warm friendships that are more than even religion or convenience --but pure mutual respect and genuine love. that would define our relationship with the people you mentioned.

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