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Wikileaks: India a puppet in the hands of US?

It ( So called Puppet ) Just Refused F18s offered Direct by Their President.. Need.. i say More ???
india a colony of US thats why they defend US more then india

".............Wikileaks seem to be blowing some clarity to the real intentions of the US and according to the whistle blowing cables, the appointment of Pranab Mukherjee as the Finance Minister was not received well by the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The US' preferred choice for the post was either P Chidambaram or Montek Singh Ahluwalia. The appointment apparently irked Hillary, who asked for a check on Mukherjee's priorities and background................... "

Pranab Mukherjee is still India's foreign minister. Proves your point, no??? The US is always intrusive, much more so in your country. But here, they do not always get what they want, which is really the case with your country.
Seriously i hate all this puppet talk all countrys have there own national interest.

Ive seen only a few countrys who havent been called puppets.

If people dont like the USA and a country does what that person didnt want them to do there labelled a puppet.Pathetic.
oh my goodness. is india taking military aid from US? Is India has given US its bases? Is India given US route to attack another country? Is US killing Indians daily with drones? Is US raiding inside India? :P

lol..... nice answer... :chilli:
No surprises here. India is still a client state of the west. Indian foreign policy is run by Washington. The west wants India to serve them and Indians love being a slave to the west. The Indian dream is to be a slave, they've done it for over 200 years, so why stop now. It's called the Indian destiny.
The Wikileaks cable on India was revealed by The Hindu newspaper and has caused substantial damages to the UPA's image.

If Assange's work can kick out the Congress and its pet pooches from all positions of power (including media), then honestly speaking, then everything is acceptable. Just get rid of this treacherous scum.

All hail Assange. Help us kick these fake "freedom fighters" away who were nothing more than colonial toilet cleaners and got the power to rule India by lies and propaganda.

No surprises here. India is still a client state of the west. Indian foreign policy is run by Washington. The west wants India to serve them and Indians love being a slave to the west. The Indian dream is to be a slave, they've done it for over 200 years, so why stop now. It's called the Indian destiny.

Careful now. VietCong is coming. Ask the People's Daily put some other news lest people start another Tiananmen march.

oh my goodness. is india taking military aid from US? Is India has given US its bases? Is India given US route to attack another country? Is US killing Indians daily with drones? Is US raiding inside India? :P

You forgot the icing on the cake:

A base in Pakistan, owned by UAE and operated by USA (Shamsi Air Base). Guess our dear hosts here take the prize for puppetry. :D

Seriously i hate all this puppet talk all countrys have there own national interest.

Ive seen only a few countrys who havent been called puppets.

If people dont like the USA and a country does what that person didnt want them to do there labelled a puppet.Pathetic.

Unfortunately my friend, this usually comes from people who have had a severe guilty conscience of being puppets themselves. I mean one of the accusing countries here has air bases owned by Arab states in their own territories that are being operated by USA. Heck! It even had Jewish soldiers on who were believed to be Israeli origin before they were asked to leave! Can you imagine that your country being bought or rented repeatedly by foreign users? :D

The other one stuck a similar deal with US when Nixon offered them goodies and all their "loyal ideology to communism" was washed away in US cash and orders in their factories that clocked workers upto 16 hours a day.

Some people forget their own past conveniently so as to dwell in present and point fingers at others.
No surprises here. India is still a client state of the west. Indian foreign policy is run by Washington. The west wants India to serve them and Indians love being a slave to the west. The Indian dream is to be a slave, they've done it for over 200 years, so why stop now. It's called the Indian destiny.

While I would partially agree with you,even China is a slave to the West as your entire economy is dependent on Western corporates.No wonder when West ruined China's investments in Libya and Sudan ,The Chinese did not do anything and did not even squeak. If someone who is really independent ,its Russia.

Now the West is moving in on Iran and China being is like an Eunuch like it was during the Opium wars. India and China are sailing the Same boat,doofus. If its about guts then its Russia vs Global Corporate Empire controlled by some Shadow Politicans.
india a colony of US thats why they defend US more then india
yes u are right india is a USA colony
some facts to support this point
USA invaded india to kill OBL
USA does drone strike on indian soil without indian permission
raymond davis came to india and killed some indians and got away
india is dependent on USA for economic and military aid while pak is doing nuclear treaty and arms deal worth billions
USA doent support india for security counsel while they support pak for that
USA wants to interfere in kashmir issue which is opposed by india

please dude think before u speak
No surprises here. India is still a client state of the west. Indian foreign policy is run by Washington. The west wants India to serve them and Indians love being a slave to the west. The Indian dream is to be a slave, they've done it for over 200 years, so why stop now. It's called the Indian destiny.

rascal..u must be born and brought up as slave under ur CCP regime..we live in free democratic state...worlds biggest that u even cant imagine in your wet dream...mind ur language or face ranking of rapnese..!!
yes u are right india is a USA colony
some facts to support this point
USA invaded india to kill OBL
USA does drone strike on indian soil without indian permission
raymond davis came to india and killed some indians and got away
india is dependent on USA for economic and military aid while pak is doing nuclear treaty and arms deal worth billions
USA doent support india for security counsel while they support pak for that
USA wants to interfere in kashmir issue which is opposed by india

please dude think before u speak

dude these are fakileaks :rofl:

WikiLeaks fake cables
Pakistan papers apologise after running anti-India fake WikiLeaks cables - Times Of India
Though one of my degree is in ecnomics and Indian inflation can be atleast a 3 hour lecture.

It should just take 2 Minutes.....Many are called, but few are chosen, as the saying goes. But could it just be that this time around, and on a one-off, never to be repeated basis, India might find itself right there in the midst of things, with a 50-50 opportunity to add its name to that select and noble band, the chosen few. After all, someone has to lead the next global charge? The majority of the developed economies are either bogged down in the substantial quantities of debt that they desperately need to pay off, or weighted down by those elderly populations who are weakening consumption growth and leading to export dependence (Germany, Japan), someone will have to add the extra demand which will allow global trade to start to grow again, so why should India not supply a significant part of this new demand, after all we are more likely to find consumers in India than we are on Mars.
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