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WikiLeaks cables: Rahul Gandhi Warned US Of Hindu Extremist Threat

Come on Buddy................
Is Hammam me saab naage hai
No body care about country.
Dara Singh (murderer of Graham Stain) too contested Election in one of Party tickets and won.
So what was the message were given by this political party to Christians

Even though the proselytization activities of foreign missionaries such as Staines are questionable, I agree that anybody using unconstitutional means should not be given ticket.

Murderer of Swami Laxmanananda is said to be a Christian Congress MP (who used services of Christian Maoists). So what message is given by Congress to non-converted natives?
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1. He has been reared in the coterie culture of Congress making it extremely unlikely that he has ever been criticized for any flaw.

It is indeed difficult to attain maturity when surrounded by hundreads of yes men all the time. His statements are the proof.

2. Yup! That is true.

3. It's the Italian genes from the maternal side !

P.S. He is one of those "anglicized" indians that we were talking about on the Chinese premier visit thread. ( Not a prototypical one, though!)

Extremely privileged people don't live normal lives and tend to develop a warped picture of the world. A classic example being the footballer Cristiano Ronaldo who in a contract dispute said professional football players are treated like modern day slaves...

These people don't make good leaders, to say the least.
Murderer of Swami Laxmanananda is said to be a Christian Congress MP (who used services of Christian Maoists). So what message is given by Congress to non-converted natives?

They are atheist so how come Christian, Hindu and Muslim Maoist
So you say that if a Christian MP or Christians (yet to be proved) did this means you have the license to genocide Christianss in Orrisa
They are atheist so how come Christian, Hindu and Muslim Maoist
So you say that if a Christian MP or Christians (yet to be proved) did this means you have the license to genocide Christianss in Orrisa

They claim to be atheists, but in reality it was the Christian faction which was used by powerful Christian Congressmen for the murder. I can go into the intelligence reports but that would be off-topic.

The riots were a result of long-standing local ethnic tensions over misuse of backward-caste certificates, conversions and re-conversions.
That would mean getting ride of the political class, and they are not stupid. Everything they do, every decision they make, they make with an eye to how it helps in defeating such a challenge.

Exactly. They need to show the BJP in bad light. So they chose the right time to start a topic on Hindu terrorism. As the election nears we will hear more about saffron terror and Hindu extremism. So that people will forget 2G and Commonwealth scams. As far as manipulation is concerned, BJP needs to learn a lot from congress. I was sincerely hoping MMS would bring some decency into Indian politics. But now it looks like he was just a decoration on a pile of poop called congress.
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Come on Buddy................
Is Hammam me saab naage hai
No body care about country.
Dara Singh (murderer of Graham Stain) too contested Election in one of Party tickets and won.
So what was the message were given by this political party to Christians

Exactly ---- If you are aware of PDP (not the Kashmir one), its leader was convicted in Coimbatore serial bomb blasts, but the secular Left front didnt hesitate in combining with him in elections.

When that happens it is natural for the other side also to do. If you want that to stop ,as I said, stop the oxygen on which the Right wing groups thrive - minority-ism to ridiculous extents.
Exactly. They need a show the BJP in bad light. So they chose the right time to start a topic on Hindu terrorism. As the election nears we will hear more about saffron terror and Hindu extremism. So that people will forget 2G and Commonwealth. As far as manipulation is concerned, BJP needs to learn a lot from congress. I was sincerely hoping MMS would bring some decency into Indian politics. But now it looks like he was just a decoration on a pile of poop called congress.

Reminds me of Rao was hog-tied by congress. He was my favourite Indian PM and it's not only because his last name is close to Mao.
something i don't understand.
most of the people i have come across support and vote for BJP. even majority of opinion on internet is pro BJP. but how does congress always manage to win??

if u really love ur country
u have done some ground work in comparing.

my family had always voted for congress...
and initially i too had a liking......

but studying about my country and loving my country aligned me with BJP..
even Communist party is better than congress......
if u really love ur country
u have done some ground work in comparing.

my family had always voted for congress...
and initially i too had a liking......

but studying about my country and loving my country aligned me with BJP..
even Communist party is better than congress......
same here. i voted for the first time in 2009 elections. i did some research about all the parties and voted for bjp..
Rahul's 'Hindu terror' inputs behind US's Pak tilt: Narendra Modi

MUMBAI: Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi on Saturday alleged that inputs provided by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi that "radicalised Hindu groups" could pose a bigger threat than outfits like Lashkar-e-Taiba were responsible for the "pro-Pakistan policies" of the US.

"Now it is clear who was prompting USA to speak in favour of Pakistan," Modi said, reacting to US diplomatic cables released by whistle-blower website WikiLeaks on Friday which carried Rahul's remarks about radicalised Hindu groups.

"The whole world was convinced that Pakistan promotes terrorism. They train terrorists and terrorism is the biggest export industry for it," he said on the sidelines of a function here.

Modi said he used to wonder why Americans supported Pakistan all through despite the widely acknowledged fact.

"After WikiLeaks' release, it is known who was guiding USA and providing information about Pakistan, based on which America made an opinion about the country...this is the biggest loss for the country," Modi said without naming Rahul.

Asked if he was pointing an accusing finger at the Congress general secretary, Modi refused to comment.

In a similar reaction here, Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray questioned Rahul's credentials for commenting on Hindu terrorism and advised him "not to act too smart".

"Who is Rahul Gandhi," he demanded, adding that he need not point out Rahul's "Italian connections".

Thackeray also warned the Congress leader against attacking Hindus, saying that failure to do so would mean that "they would retaliate and tackle him by the horns".

A conversation between Rahul and US envoy Timothy Roemer was released by WikiLeaks on Saturday in which he had said that radicalised Hindu groups pose a bigger threat than outfits like LeT.

Read more: Rahul's 'Hindu terror' inputs behind US's Pak tilt: Narendra Modi - The Times of India Rahul's 'Hindu terror' inputs behind US's Pak tilt: Narendra Modi - The Times of India
So you mean to say Malegaon blast, Ajmer Blast, Samjotha Express Blast,Etc are all fabricated stories

my dear infinity

delhi blast, pune blast and etc etc were insiders job now did we call it muslim terrorists please yaar grow up...
terrorists dn't have religion...

i will give u list of terrorists and people who back stabbed our country,
jawahar lal nehru ( a well known womanizer if in doubt jst google)
a weak prime minister... didn't know how to react in war... resulted in loss of vast area to china....
pv narsimha rao.. ghotala
natwar singh
ak raja
rajeev gandhi(how to react in war again a weak PM... didn't knw whom to side LTTE or Sri lanka screwed up evry thing and resulted loss of his life..)
this congress govt has lost land, money and image of our country...
i dont know what was on rahuls mind but when this came out this was not verry well received by indian muslims the representative os one muslim group was quoted saying its not good to talk about iur country internal matters with out siders
And Rahul was seen making comments which can trigger a tension..

And who is he to talk to US diplomats regarding the internal security situation of the nation,?? self appointed ambassador??/

Truth hurts badly. The same US diplomats have been taken as authentic authorities for sel-appointed ambassadors from other countries.
Rahul's 'Hindu terror' inputs behind US's Pak tilt: Narendra Modi

MUMBAI: Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi on Saturday alleged that inputs provided by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi that "radicalised Hindu groups" could pose a bigger threat than outfits like Lashkar-e-Taiba were responsible for the "pro-Pakistan policies" of the US.

"Now it is clear who was prompting USA to speak in favour of Pakistan," Modi said, reacting to US diplomatic cables released by whistle-blower website WikiLeaks on Friday which carried Rahul's remarks about radicalised Hindu groups.

"The whole world was convinced that Pakistan promotes terrorism. They train terrorists and terrorism is the biggest export industry for it," he said on the sidelines of a function here.

Modi said he used to wonder why Americans supported Pakistan all through despite the widely acknowledged fact.

"After WikiLeaks' release, it is known who was guiding USA and providing information about Pakistan, based on which America made an opinion about the country...this is the biggest loss for the country," Modi said without naming Rahul.

Asked if he was pointing an accusing finger at the Congress general secretary, Modi refused to comment.

In a similar reaction here, Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray questioned Rahul's credentials for commenting on Hindu terrorism and advised him "not to act too smart".

"Who is Rahul Gandhi," he demanded, adding that he need not point out Rahul's "Italian connections".

Thackeray also warned the Congress leader against attacking Hindus, saying that failure to do so would mean that "they would retaliate and tackle him by the horns".

A conversation between Rahul and US envoy Timothy Roemer was released by WikiLeaks on Saturday in which he had said that radicalised Hindu groups pose a bigger threat than outfits like LeT.

Read more: Rahul's 'Hindu terror' inputs behind US's Pak tilt: Narendra Modi - The Times of India Rahul's 'Hindu terror' inputs behind US's Pak tilt: Narendra Modi - The Times of India

Modi needs to come out of his pond. The world countries' relations are based on own mutual interests not what Rahul or Sonia says.


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