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Why young army officers in Uri camp are fuming

My whole point is IA should stop being defensive to the media . Take the example of the shooting incident some military experts could have explained it to the media that IA has fired as a last resort or they have to comeup with something which doesnt compromise the soilders figthing spirit
May be there was really a mistake on the part of soldiers there as admitted by the General there. Why should their hide incidents like this? IA should be able to explain its actions. You will feel the trouble when/if the army is in your area. Finding a mistake an investigating it does not necessarily compromise the fighting spirit. And IA is not some medieval army to take civilian casualties lightly. Avoiding civilian damage should be a necessary part of evaluating an army's performance. That is what separates a professional fighting force from the militant gangs.

Though ROE must be swiftly revised, we must not turn our men into trigger happy soldiers.
I think the fine balance lays somewhere in between and a multi layered cordon approach
Rightly said. IMO if IA took civilian casualties seriously much earlier, then we would be spared the alienation of Kahmiris and also they would have evolved standard ways to screen and contain armed militants. Till now the army used to be backed by the media blindly. Atleast now there seems to be movement in that direction after the killing of the teenagers.
Those soldiers were killed by their country's illegal quest for occupying Muslim lands. Until that mindset is addressed and Kashmiri people are given their rights to self determination, more like them will follow. This is just the nature of being an occupation force.
The entire world is Muslim Land, as all belongs to Allah SWT.
I'm talking in a political sense not in a religious sense.
Ok, but both are connected. The issue in Kashmir valley is as much religious as it is political. Even in the first statement you mentioned 'Muslim lands'. The premise is that non Muslims occupying Muslim land(whatever that means). Religion appears to be the primary motive here, as any neutral observer would agree.
This is a carry over effect from UPA regime.

Army has been degraded a lot. Time to restore its self respect
IMO if IA took civilian casualties seriously much earlier, then we would be spared the alienation of Kahmiris and also they would have evolved standard ways to screen and contain armed militants. Till now the army used to be backed by the media blindly. Atleast now there seems to be movement in that direction after the killing of the teenagers.
Wrong. On both counts.

1. There is no general uniform Kashmiri reaction to the Army. Srinagar hates the Army, Ganderbal hates the Army, Poonch loves the Army, Rajouri loves the Army, Anantnag hates the Army, (V)Baramull(a) is neutral etc.
2. The people in Srinagar hate us not because the Army did this or that. Srinagar is hardly touched by Army actions. Tral, Sopore, Rajouri faces the heat. Srinagar does not. Srinagar hates the Army and India because India and her Army is largely Hindu or Sikh. The people who live in Jammu for being Hindu, in refugee camps for two decades are called migratory birds when they come to vote. Forget about minimum human decency, they are called migrant birds - that is a fact that no one on the ground can refute. And why can't they stay back? Because their wonderful neighbors have either burnt or captured the properties. :) So they have nowhere to stay but to go back to the one room house in hot Jammu and Delhi.
3. The media has always been pro-news. They rode the patriotic wave during the Kargil conflict, supported the flood and earthquake operations, and at the same time pursued the sleazy scandals and 'human rights' things as well. They have followed the news to gain TRP. They run after anything that is sensational, anything that sells. Period.
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Those soldiers were killed by their country's illegal quest for occupying Muslim lands. Until that mindset is addressed and Kashmiri people are given their rights to self determination, more like them will follow. This is just the nature of being an occupation force.

Horus, you are the same administrator who wrote an 'intelligent piece of article' by yourself and concluded the same saying that the LoC should be accepted as IB as India will not make any concession. You got lots of appreciation and likes including lots of Indians. Then why this hypocrisy?

Attended HZ meeting few days back?
Horus, you are the same administrator who wrote an 'intelligent piece of article' by yourself and concluded the same saying that the LoC should be accepted as IB as India will not make any concession. You got lots of appreciation and likes including lots of Indians. Then why this hypocrisy?

Attended HZ meeting few days back?
Article? Can you post the link? Or was it sarcasm? Are you sure?
Horus, you are the same administrator who wrote an 'intelligent piece of article' by yourself and concluded the same saying that the LoC should be accepted as IB as India will not make any concession. You got lots of appreciation and likes including lots of Indians. Then why this hypocrisy?

Attended HZ meeting few days back?

@Horus is in different drugs when he wrote the article.. While he was smoking afghan green, he wanted Pakistan and Afghanistan to be one..when he was smoking crystal meth send by @skullsandbones he wanted peace with India..while he is smoking Pakistani opium, he wantes to nuke every country out there..kya kare is bache ki!! :sos:
Article? Can you post the link? Or was it sarcasm? Are you sure?

Long back when those think tanks / professionals actually used to write articles and publish at the very first page then open a thread based on that.
@Horus is in different drugs when he wrote the article.. While he was smoking afghan green, he wanted Pakistan and Afghanistan to be one..when he was smoking crystal meth send by @skullsandbones he wanted peace with India..while he is smoking Pakistani opium, he wantes to nuke every country out there..kya kare is bache ki!! :sos:
I blame @Skull and Bones for this. No wonder he is a 'Bong'. :D No offence.

Long back when those think tanks / professionals actually used to write articles and publish at the very first page then open a thread based on that.
Oh...phew... that's the incubation period.
@Horus is in different drugs when he wrote the article.. While he was smoking afghan green, he wanted Pakistan and Afghanistan to be one..when he was smoking crystal meth send by @skullsandbones he wanted peace with India..while he is smoking Pakistani opium, he wantes to nuke every country out there..kya kare is bache ki!! :sos:

That doesn't sound like the real effects of the said drugs. I'm pretty sure that opium makes the user want to be at peace, while crystal meth can bring about aggressive tendencies and the desire to battle with the heavens.

Those soldiers were killed by their country's illegal quest for occupying Muslim lands. Until that mindset is addressed and Kashmiri people are given their rights to self determination, more like them will follow. This is just the nature of being an occupation force.
There is no "muslim land" or "hindu land", it belongs to everybody. The fruits of the earth belong to all, and the earth belongs to none.

Unlike you, we do not allow a person's religion to have any bearing on real estate claims. Which is why we do not ask the 180 million muslims across India to vacate "hindu lands". Those are not "hindu lands", any more than Indian Kashmir is "muslim land".
At times our desi journos and creative movie makers just forget whats the ground realities and just paints IA in complete black color. Even black has so many shades within but the so called intelligent jounalists and creative movie makers just sees one shade that IA is the only culprit for everything in J&K.
The sacrifices and hard work done by IA is the only reason so many ppl including such journos and creative movie makers are able to sleep peacefully. But then they dont accept that. and end result is more negative news for IA.
Those soldiers were killed by their country's illegal quest for occupying Muslim lands. Until that mindset is addressed and Kashmiri people are given their rights to self determination, more like them will follow. This is just the nature of being an occupation force.
Mulsim land.... ooo ..
how you define muslim land .. ?
is not harram for mulsim to stay in unholly non mulsim land .. aka USA. UK ,, etc
why cant SOME mulsim cut globe in to 2 and have it ..
Self determination..
we are in ..ok
as per what self determination to be madde?
i repeated many time so others memeber IN DETAILS.. there are some PRECONDITION to be done by PAK...
Muslim -- a fake case..
you guys dont relasie ... what you guys act made pak in to ? defenetly not heaven ..
your acts made indian muslim shamed .. that why other religio with ignorace call all mulsim in same paint and colur
where were your fredom figter when usa attack iraq.. suppoted iseral but you happily become PARTNER IN WOT.. WTF
you lost moral and human ground to call it muslim...
being mulsim by birth dont make you true muslim.. but your act made it..
but as per your acts i dont think allah will allow this ever... ever

Complete BS theory.
The Terrorists entered the camp by cutting wires.
Wire cutters with insulation were recovered from them.

Above journalist is Indian Express' J&K correspondent.

@noksss @xTra @Alfa-Fighter @pursuit of happiness @third eye @rubyjackass
even if wire cut.. its breach of security .. laps ...
many things will filter in as many things happing in kashmir.. and in pak..
Moral of armed force is very imp for any fighting force..
These are yong officers and want result.. a dead terrorist not dead fellow soldir
anything which against himanity law oaf land should be oinushed but at the same tme need to see the REALITY OF KASHMIR while dealing situation .. IA and GOI knows it.. and it will deliever. ..

no one cares about young officers in uri camp
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