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Why You May Soon See More Goods Labeled ''Made in Vietnam''

I dont watch anime but many germans do. Look up google. Your knowledge about german and Vietnam is limited. Trade between Vietnam and Germany is 8$ billions. Germany is the biggest trade with Vietnam among EU and is one of biggest Vietnamese donor. Germany is also among the biggest official development assistance donors to Vietnam and serves as a gateway for Vietnamese products to penetrate and expand markets in other countries in the region.

Look at shameful smiley face in your posts and how you keep insisting and proving how a true german should behave by constantly talk down Vietnam and Japan while praising China.

And since germany does not have any territoy dispute with neither Japan or Vietnam. I dont see constantly talk down Vietnam and Japan that a german would do. You just a fake. Fake from behavior. Idiot cant fool smart person.

About the trade so does Vietnam - China trade way double, and China - Japan China trade. This does not convince one shoudl praise another because of high volume trade. It is politcal and culture tie that dtermine. Anyway A real person never use trade as something to love and hate a country, only fake ones use it hope to cover his fakeness.
Sometimes the love/hate depend on benifit. Refer the current relation between UK and CHN
True Germans do this in my city:

And in Berlin:

In Münster:

In Munich:

Because they all know TTP will hurt German's manufacturing. Maybe Germany needs to join them.
Here is more info for fake german to read.

Vietnam-Germany talks on global, regional integration | VOV Online Newspaper

Vietnam and Germany has been strategic partnership. Biggest trade partner in EU, among biggest ODA, no territory dispute....even if you want to fake make sure you have proper info of the two countries.

Germany may be the number trading partner in EU for Vietnam... But what country is the top trading partner for Germany in Asia Pacific. And where does Vietnam rank? Can you share the numbers to enlighten us?
Made in Vietnam Mobile = Fail
Made in Vietnam Battery = Fail
Made in Vietnam Parts = Fail..

It is good if Vietnam products are not falsely labelled Made in China..

But this is worst. Chinese has no moral and ethics.


"US companies fed them the work and made them rich because of our government's trade policies, now the US has to settle for high unemployment and cheap products."

I don't know why some Chinese here think they are better than the US. The US made them rich in the expense of cheap labor.

There are many more examples. Youtube is your friend to find the truth about China.

How old are you? Still watching anime? :lol:

Our export to China was Euro 74 billion in 2014. Export to Vietnam was USD 2.6 billions.

I don't usually expose bad news about some country but you gave me the perfect opportunity to do it. Why German product is similar to Chinese product.
Why dip so low, Germany.

Germany may be the number trading partner in EU for Vietnam... But what country is the top trading partner for Germany in Asia Pacific. And where does Vietnam rank? Can you share the numbers to enlighten us?
That is not a reason for a german spend his time and enegry constant bashing Vietnam and Japan while praising China. Maybe China is biggest trading partner with Germany but China image is not well percieve in Germany. Meanwhile it is Japan that has good image in germany, Vietnam on the hand does not have territory dispute with germany, thus East germany before unify has relative good image of Vietnam. In EU it is German that has better diplomatic tie with Vietnam over british and france.

It does not take a geniou to figure out an imposter.
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Germany is the biggest trade with Vietnam among EU and is one of biggest Vietnamese donor.

Germans are mad that their hard earned taxes are going to an ungrateful, aggressive 3rd world dictatorship. Chinese don't beg for donations.

Vietnam is a sad case of a country with collective delusions. At least Indians deep down know that they need to work harder and that greatness is taken, not given or begged for. Viets just think that if they coast along and get donations from major powers, they'll become a major power themselves.
I don't usually expose bad news about some country but you gave me the perfect opportunity to do it. Why German product is similar to Chinese product.
Why dip so low, Germany.


No need to bash german, gotta is just fake german. Stay calm and cool.

Germans are mad that their hard earned tax dollars are going to an ungrateful, aggressive 3rd world dictatorship. Chinese don't beg for donations.
That is Chinese thoughts not German.
But this is worst. Chinese has no moral and ethics.


"US companies fed them the work and made them rich because of our government's trade policies, now the US has to settle for high unemployment and cheap products."

I don't know why some Chinese here think they are better than the US. The US made them rich in the expense of cheap labor.

There are many more examples. Youtube is your friend to find the truth about China.

I don't usually expose bad news about some country but you gave me the perfect opportunity to do it. Why German product is similar to Chinese product.
Why dip so low, Germany.

Your not a Canadian either don't accuse other member for faking their country of origin.

No nations can't ignore China 11 trillions dollars economy, with or without TPP China will maintain the bilateral trade among nations sign up for TPP.

Worse part of the TPP allow US and Japan to protect their company with can forcefully file the lawsuit against VietNam IP violation in the future. Vietnamese will only allow to slave in the factory owned by the US and Japan but Vietnam start to copy similar product from the US and Japan company, Vietnam will get sue in Vietnam by the US and Japan Corporation.
lol foreign aid for a dictatorship like yours? You are no different than an African country. Even Kenya is more developed than Vietnam is.
speaking about dictatorship, China is most known. Look at Falun Goong, and China internet firewall plus wumao army cpp defenders. More freedom in Vietnam than you thought it is just not up to western standard. They just too conservative, that is all.

Dont you notice Vietnamse can access all western media and social sites? Youtube, Facebook, CNN, BCC...etc. Chinese can only have limited access. Which country is more dictatorship? Does not take genious to answer this question.
"may" this
"will" that
"in 20 years"
"likely to"

meanwhile in china things are happening here and now

"What took 30 years in China is taking 10 years in Vietnam to happen,"

what specific part are they talking about?
"may" this
"will" that
"in 20 years"
"likely to"

meanwhile in china things are happening here and now

"What took 30 years in China is taking 10 years in Vietnam to happen,"

what specific part are they talking about?
read the article, the article is about future prediction, not present. you need to have some kind of vision if you are an investor, idiot. you need to work on your reading comprehend. the article is not about China vs Vietnam, it is about investment opportunity.

i predict your future will be working at buffet or being a wumao, becauss you have no vision neither you can comprehend a simple point made by the article.

forgot to tell you the article written by your chinese fellows.
read the article, the article is about future prediction, not present. you need to have some kind of vision if you are an investor, idiot. you need to work on your reading comprehend. the article is not about China vs Vietnam, it is about investment opportunity.

so exactly the

"may" this
"will" that
"in 20 years"
"likely to"

i already mentioned

i predict your future will be working at buffet or being a wumao, becauss you have no vision neither you can comprehend a simple point made by the article.

forgot to tell you the article written by your chinese fellows.

sadly for you i am already a computer engineer
goodluck vietnam. wish u all the very best for ur bright future.
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