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Why would Pakistanis wish to visit India ?

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A reciprocal 'why would any Indian want to visit Pakistan' would have balanced it better...

Tourism footfall is mostly amongst the region, like in EU and Canada-US, so when we talk about increasing tourism it is very unlikely that lacs and millions of people will visit from EU or US.

India and neighbors need to be targeted for that increase. Or and countries like Iran, Turkey, China, others.
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There can be many reasons, India is quite diverse geographically. Once things normalize hopefully two sides can take trips to each other's countries.
Stupid Pakistanis who are brainwashed have a false conception of bhartis as friendly,might want to go.
for me india afghanistan somalia yemen syria iraq bangladesh uganda haiti will be last places on earth i wanna go . if there is apocalypse and no other place to hide then may be i go there
Haiti is not that bad.
It has been two years since all road, rail, and air links between India and Pakistan have been severed ( Link ) . The only Pakistanis visiting India are minorities from Pakistan on religious pilgrimage. (We are not discussing a reverse flow of Sikh and Hindu pilgrims from India).

There have been longer instances when travel between India and Pakistan have been suspended , such as from 1971 to 1979.
Unlike previous instances it is remarkable that there are no requests from certain quarters in Pakistan to our government to come to terms with India and renew travel links between the countries. The generation of immigrants interested in traveling to meet relatives back in India is dead.

This is the best thing that has happened over the seven odd decades since our nation was founded. It is not evident that the newer generation of Pakistanis have any inclination to visit India as tourists.

But a question to PDF members here .
Who would be interested in visiting India and if so why ?
Historical sites mostly for personal preference.

Was asked to go once to New Delhi and Bangalore for work, but the company intervened saying that with the current state of affairs in India, it is not safe for me to go. Since it is a question of safety, I would not visit at all, and that applies anywhere.
Sania Mirza would be happy if travel is made easier, with her Maayka in India and Sasural in Pakistan.

Also, probably Adnan Sami's brother and son.
Why should a cricketer's wife be allowed to travel to India if the cricketers aren't allowed to play cricket in India?

Hindustan started this pettiness by stopping our sportsmen and cultural ambassadors visiting Pakistan, and even stopping overseas business links between Pakistanis and Indians and even stopping Indians performing in Pakistan.

Pakistan should help you in your endeavours to render Pakistan "untouchable" and build a wall.
Why should a cricketer's wife be allowed to travel to India if the cricketers aren't allowed to play cricket in India?
Sania Mirza is an Indian tennis player she holds an Indian passport and plays under the Indian flag thus no need for your permission to travel.

Cricket is a bilateral affair, and Pakistanis come to play in India (or vice versa), make revenue, if the government decided that Pakistanis shouldn't make revenue off the India-Pak series, then it's our prerogative.
You do know that India requires dual nationality Pakistanis to use their Pakistani passport? Very few Pakistanis give up their Pakistani citizenship if they are allowed to have dual citizenship. It must be a very small number that came to India on a foreign passport.

Per the current position:

No visas are being issued to Pakistanis, regardless of dual
nationality or otherwise. Only
religious pilgrimage visas are being issued to minorities in Pakistan, and that too only to Sikhs and Hindus.

Prior to the visa ban 6 years back, single entry visas for limited single point family visits were only being issued to Pakistanis who were resident in Pakistan on their Pakistani passports from the Indian consulates in Karachi and Islamabad. Dual passport holders were not issued visas from their resident countries ( UK, Canada etc.) , on their Pakistani passports. Single passport holders with Canadian or British passports were issued limited visas ( single city, single entry,) after a 6 month waiting period.
-A place of birth in what is Pakistan after 1971 is the determining status
- Previous nationality. A person
born in India but having
taken Pakistani nationality then migrated to Canada is treated as a Pakistani national.
Children of expat Pakistanis born and raised in countries abroad holding single passports are treated as Pakistanis upto the third generation after Partition as it stands. The fourth generation is too young to travel on their own.

India never issued tourist visas to Pakistani nationals or persons of Pakistani origin ever since the passport and visa protocols went into effect in 1950.
In rare occasions participants in a corporate event, a literary festival or a multinational conference under UN sponsorship would be allowed a limited guided tour to places of interest. Since most of the events are held in Delhi which is in proximity to Agra, that tourist circuit was then permissible.
But we are referring to a bygone era which is never to return.,

Pakistan has identical restrictions on Indian nationals, except that unfortunately there are growing instances of overseas Pakistani men marrying Indian Muslim women which is causing our consulates a headache.
India is clear on this. Once married, neither the Indian Muslim lady or her spouse can visit India again.

All the talk here of seeing the sunset off the Kerala coast, and visiting the Ajanta caves is just fantasy. A few lucky Pakistanis as part of an international event have had limited travel, and some due to linguistic affinity have violated the terms of stay in India and taken a brief unauthorized trip.... But that was much earlier.

In 2011 there was a brief moment of glory when Pakistanis and Indians traveled on three day visas to attend cricket matches.,

But that's it folks !

In our lifetimes none of us will ever travel to India unless we convert to Sikhs or Hindus and seek a pilgrimage visa.
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Just because a country is big doesn't mean it is beautiful. I have been to China and eastern coastal China is all concrete jungle. Switzerland is a small country and very beautiful.
So far as Pakistanis are concerned the Indian visa, ( in the days they were issued), confines them to two specific cities or locations only, and that too within a 30 km radius within the city limits . They must report to the police stations whenever they enter and report when they leave. Visiting Kerala backwaters or Cold deserts in Ladakh is a fantasy. Pakistanis used to be issued only family visit visas, on in very rare cases a business visa for a corporate event . There is a rare chance of either being there on the beach on the Andaman Islands. Indians when the visas were issued has the same limitations. Now no visas are issued except to Sikh and Hindu pilgrims of either country. Sikhs are limited to visit the four or five Gurdwaras and Hindus are allowed to visit four pilgrimage sites.
So can a Pakistani citizen visit Agra ? NO , unless he has a blood relative in the city. Can an Indian Sikh or Hindu visit Swat or the Neelum Valley ?

But who complains. We love to skii in our very own Naran Valley

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Ofcourse, we are talking about the hypothetical scenario when visa situation becomes normal
But that's it folks !

In our lifetimes none of us will ever travel to India unless we convert to Sikhs or Hindus and seek a pilgrimage visa.

If you desperately want to visit, and behave nice, and apologise for your religious abuse in the past towards Zoroastrianism and Zoroastrians, and say you are a Parsi, I might put in a good word for you.

I might.

I would need to first see if you can pass off as a Parsi of course.

I suspect though that you are a Bihari or Bengali, which might make it really tough.

But still, I feel the pain and angst in all your India and Bangladesh centric posts and want to put you out of your misery and reunite you with your Kumbh ke mele me long lost twin the Barishal Bomber from our side.

Its a serious offer. Think about it. I can pull strings you do not even know exist ...

Cheers, Doc
Why should a cricketer's wife be allowed to travel to India if the cricketers aren't allowed to play cricket in India?
Hehe.. She needs easier travel to Pakistan. She can travel to India easily as she is still an Indian citizen.
If you desperately want to visit, and behave nice, and apologise for your religious abuse in the past towards Zoroastrianism and Zoroastrians, and say you are a Parsi, I might put in a good word for you.

I might.

I would need to first see if you can pass off as a Parsi of course.

I suspect though that you are a Bihari or Bengali, which might make it really tough.

But still, I feel the pain and angst in all your India and Bangladesh centric posts and want to put you out of your misery and reunite you with your Kumbh ke mele me long lost twin the Barishal Bomber from our side.

Its a serious offer. Think about it. I can pull strings you do not even know exist ...

Cheers, Doc

Thanks for your offer. But no
I have an incontinence problem, and I need to be in proximity of clean usable wash rooms.
My next vacation is planned to Crane Lake for good quality fishing.

I was merely giving a reality check to those of my countrymen who have the wrong notion about our enemy country.

I could look into pulling strings for you so that you could visit Dar-e-Meher Agyari here .
Thanks for your offer. But no
I have an incontinence problem, and I need to be in proximity of clean usable wash rooms.
My next vacation is planned to Crane Lake for good quality fishing.

I was merely giving a reality check to those of my countrymen who have the wrong notion about our enemy country.

I could look into pulling strings for you so that you could visit Dar-e-Meher Agyari here .

Very pretty. Is this Karachi or the US?

Must be Karachi. No one in the US can even read Gujarati anymore.

Thank you. But I travel a lot and a Pakistani Visa stamp on my passport is going to really mess with my life.

Maybe once I retire I will look you up and take you up on your offer.

Cheers, Doc
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