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Why Whites, not Chinese, dominated the world despite inventions

Please.....:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: This is not stormfront.org

Curry Masta, I was responding to his statement.

I know it's not Stormfront. If it was Stromfront, I'd be confronting a wannabe-White "northern Hindu Brahmin caste blah blah blah", as I'm doing as of this moment.
LOL.....have your heard of Genghis khan, kublai khan ?

Have you heard of attack and take over of Tibet by the Chinese as late as 1950 ? :lol:

Both Mongolian.

And compare Tibet with this and decide for yourself.
Ḥashshāshīn;4541610 said:
Both Mongolian.

And compare Tibet with this and decide for yourself.

The Mongols were nothing compared to us in terms of total land area.

Don't forget that the entirety of Latin America should also be shaded in!
The Mongols were nothing compared to us in terms of total land area.

Don't forget that the entirety of Latin America should also be shaded in!

The Turks and Arabs neglected the sea. Big mistake.
I'm especially proud of Spain. After all those centuries of Arab rule, Spain kept its culture and now Spanish is an international language, while Arabic is a geographic one.

It boils down to 1 word: survival.

Out of Europe to explore the rest of the world was due to the sheer need of survival threatened by fierce competitions amongst many tiny nation states each striving for survival in Europe at a time.

Thta is, whoever goes out for more resources gets better chance of survival. e.g. Poland was not a colonial power so it got swollowed countless times in recent history by its neighbours that were expanding to the outside world for resources. etc.

...whereas China was entirely the opposite: China was a single entity for 2,000 years which demanded less internal competitions for survival, so that no matter China was strong (Han, Tan, Song, Yuan, Ming dynasties) or weak (Q'ing dynasty), China as a whole disencouraged or outright banned any outwards exploration out of both the necessity and political concerns.
Ḥashshāshīn;4541610 said:
Both Mongolian.

And compare Tibet with this and decide for yourself.

Genghis Khan is considered a Chinese emperor and his dynasty is called the Yuan Dynasty in Chinese history. His war making resources were ALL Chinese.

As to TIBET....the world knows and acknowledges that before 1950 Tibet was an INDEPENDENT Buddhist kingdom. Are you really going to sit here and refuse to admit facts ?

It boils down to 1 word: survival.

Out of Europe to explore the rest of the world was due to the sheer need of survival threatened by fierce competitions amongst many tiny nation states each striving for survival in Europe at a time.

Whoever goes out for more resources he gets better chance of survival.

...whereas China was entirely the opposite: China was a single entity for 2,000 years which demanded less internal competitions for survival, so that no matter China was strong (Han, Tan, Song, Yuan, Ming dynasties) or weak (Q'ing dynasty, China as a whole disencouraged or outright banned any outwards exploration out of both the necessity and political concerns.

I agree. Japan is an example of such that also lacked resources and thus was forced to become a major power to survive.
The Turks and Arabs neglected the sea. Big mistake.
I'm especially proud of Spain. After all those centuries of Arab rule, Spain kept its culture and now Spanish is an international language, while Arabic is a geographic one.

Why do you say they neglected the sea?
And how is spanish an international language while Arabic is not, despite more countries adopting it as their official language?
Both Indian and chinese civilisation s were inward looking.

China had more of centralized kings while India had only few periods of centralized kings.

What is common both being full of fertile rivers and lands were subject to continuous external invasions by central asian nomads and then islamic invaders....
Curry Masta, I was responding to his statement.

I know it's not Stormfront. If it was Stromfront, I'd be confronting a wannabe-White "northern Hindu Brahmin caste blah blah blah", as I'm doing as of this moment.

You attempted to show a difference by showing a similarity. Smart guy (sarcasm if you didn't realize). Also, I didn't realize there was a north Hindu and a south Hindu. Please enlighten me as to what they are?
Both Indian and chinese civilisation s were inward looking.

China had more of centralized kings while India had only few periods of centralized kings.

What is common both being full of fertile rivers and lands were subject to continuous external invasions by central asian nomads and then islamic invaders....

Actually you are wrong. The chinese considered themselves as the center of the world (middle kingdome) but were never inward looking. They had the pacific ocean to once side, gobi desert on the other side, Himalaya's below, so the only attack on them could have come from the north i.e Mongolia and that is what happened. This exposure forced them to be outward looking. The Mongols later took their vision outside the gobi and toward europe and asia minor.

India is and was always an fortress. It has the Mighty Himalayas on the top and both sides, and Ocean below and both sides. There were no reason for Indians to look outside as outsiders never came into India. Indians never left India as the land was plentyful, the trees were fruit bearing, meat was plenty, medicinal plants were plenty, water bodies were plenty. In short it was eden.

Its only in the last 1000 years that outsiders started coming into India forcing us to look outside. But Hinduism evolved in such a time and it devised a philosophy of purva paksa or looking at the other to understand their point of view. This made Indians far more tolerant and respectful to other cultures and religions. This philosophy was also protect by mighty kingdomes and armies who were well equipped with superior metal weapons and animals of war.
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