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Why Whites, not Chinese, dominated the world despite inventions

I watched that show a few years ago... :lol:

I remember my family would make fun of the Indians turbans and accents... lols

I reported the trash on this thread which defecated all over this thread as if it was a street in Mumbai. The moderators seem to be sleeping right now. Hopefully they would clean the trash up and kick it out,

India was always a religious, cultural and socially unified. That is real unity.

You are talking only about Political geographical unity, but the advantage of being a fortress was, there was no need for such a unity. The impenetrable geography made us into one unit anyway. Geographical unity was always there.

India, a state created in 1947, by the British. Enough said....

I suspect more gibberish bullpoopoo to come from these people....lol
And I've tried to get this into your turd of a brain.

The ONLY 4 valid theories posit that you dumb people were conquered. I do NOT care what you say, I care what the scientists say.

My f'ing god, and you people think you invented anything, let alone the lame-a## invention of the 'concept' of zero (that wasn't even invented by you).

If at all anybody "conquered" , it was our very own ancestors.If you still do not get it ,go take some basic course in comprehension. You can worry about what scientists say later. Because right now , you are clearly a burden dragging down the white man.
Btw , which theory/hypothesis/wikipedia article do you base your assertion that the number zero was not invented by Indians on?
I reported the trash on this thread which defecated all over this thread as if it was a street in Mumbai. The moderators seem to be sleeping right now. Hopefully they would clean the trash up and kick it out,

India, a state created in 1947, by the British. Enough said....

I suspect more gibberish bullpoopoo to come from these people....lol

LOL.........actually India a.k.a Bharat was created by the Indian National congress when they accepted the partition of British India. You are aware that the British only implemented what was decided by the Indians, right ? :azn:

You cant even get your own history right .............talk about bullpoopoo :lol:
you know the growth of the FAIRNESS products in Chinese Market is a mind boggling 100%. 30% of skin products sold in China are Fairness Products. This obsession with being white is specially mind boggling in case of China where the people are already mostly born white. White Chinese obsessed with being even more white :cheesy: and China is the biggest market for fairness products. That's called obsession.

one more thing, see below picture of Chinese Parliament. How meticulously they are copying the White Man's dress.


Every single Chinese is trying to become the next white. :D

its simply taking what works and is efficient and adding onto it. Whites also took a lot from Chinese - thats just how humans are - we dont re-invent the wheel. Its more presentable going to Russia, USA, Europe, Latin America wearing a suit rather than some Japanese slippers and a samurai outfit. Because Latin Americans, etc are more used to seeing people in suits. It is an international dress.

Just like the Chinese took communism and changed it to fit their unique needs.

Also Chinese are pretty fair skinned to begin with.

Additionally I seldom see a fat Chinese, Korean, people. I see out of shape Indians all the time. from the way they maintain their areas of residence compared to Indians, I assume they care more about how others perceive them.
I know for certain Chinese didn't invent anything, but only copy. That is undisputable fact. Can you deny it? :)

Indians did event zero, so I said Indians invented zip. Its just a joke. take it easy. Don't attack Chinese because of my comment.
If you are an American, you must know of Chris Hansen and his special episodes of Dateline he did several years back. There were so many cases of Indians got booked that my wife won't allow my daughters to go play in Indian's houses for the sake of their safety.

Thank god! We don't want a mleccha spawn as they byproduct of social interactions between your progeny and the innocent Indian children.
I don't know why there are so many conflict between you and the India. Don't you know how much Indians want to be white. They use all these skin whitening creams. They regard themselves as white Aryans and look down upon other race of people. They believe that Hit ler adore them because he adopted swastika

Same goes with Chinese women in China these days buddy !! Don't just diss for the sake of dissing . Look at how many skin whitening brands (international and Chinese) exist in China . I would say the desire to be FAIR (by Indians) and WHITE (Chinese are fairer than Indians but want to be even fairer to a point of white).

I would love to post some youtube ads of Chinese skin whitening ads if you wish to :)
Thank god! We don't want a mleccha spawn as they byproduct of social interactions between your progeny and the innocent Indian children.

Do they have reruns of Chris Hansen in Canada. If you watch enough of it, you won't want your kids around Indian people as well. lol
Do they have reruns of Chris Hansen in Canada. If you watch enough of it, you won't want your kids around Indian people as well. lol

No we don't have Chris Hansen but we do have many news channels. After the melamine incident we haven't bought any child's product made in China. Don't want our children to die. Asians will do anything to make a quick buck.
No we don't have Chris Hansen but we do have many news channels. After the melamine incident we haven't bought any child's product made in China. Don't want our children to die. Asians will do anything to make a quick buck.

well, true. Dateline is an American news magazine and only shows up in America. Chris Hanson did the "to catch a predator" series on adult males looking for sex with under age females played by the group "perverted justice". Many of the adult males showed up as the stars were Indians.

Same goes with Chinese women in China these days buddy !! Don't just diss for the sake of dissing . Look at how many skin whitening brands (international and Chinese) exist in China . I would say the desire to be FAIR (by Indians) and WHITE (Chinese are fairer than Indians but want to be even fairer to a point of white).

I would love to post some youtube ads of Chinese skin whitening ads if you wish to :)

fair enough, both India and Chinese use skin whitening products. But only some Indians believe that they are white and Aryans and try to associate themselves with neo Nazis.
well, true. Dateline is an American news magazine and only shows up in America. Chris Hanson did the "to catch a predator" series on adult males looking for sex with under age females played by the group "perverted justice". Many of the adult males showed up as the stars were Indians.

There must be something in the water in America. Too many pedos not enough bears.

Early people discovered that water was safer to drink if boiled first, and hot water was more palatable with tea leaves in it.

Even the Indians adopted the word "Chai" from "Cha". Forgive my pin ying. :rofl:
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Lol...I've started reading this topic hopping for some interesting theories & knowledge, instead I got India vs China, face whitening and origin of races..:)

Anyway, my opinion is that the mindset makes all the difference - while West civilization is more or less based on the Roman one, which was aggressive, pragmatic and generally looked to expand, the Chinese civilization was and is, to some extent, very inward looking.

Besides that, having exposure with as many civilizations as possible is a good thing, even if you clash with them. China (cause of geography & mindset) didn't.
Inventions mean very little if you don;t make the most of them - gunpowder is a prime example, while the Chinese invented it, it was the Europeans who saw and applied it's potential.
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