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Why Whites, not Chinese, dominated the world despite inventions

guys this kid has lost his mental balance... the whole world knows that Zero is invented by India.

The concept of zero as a number and not merely a symbol for separation is attributed to India, where, by the 9th century CE, practical calculations were carried out using zero, which was treated like any other number, even in case of division.[14][15] The Indian scholar Pingala (circa 5th–2nd century BCE) used binary numbers in the form of short and long syllables (the latter equal in length to two short syllables), making it similar to Morse code.[16][17] He and his contemporary Indian scholars used the Sanskrit word śūnya to refer to zero or void.
In 498 AD, Indian mathematician and astronomer Aryabhata stated that "sthānāt sthānaṁ daśaguņaṁ syāt"[18] i.e. "from place to place each is ten times the preceding,"[18][19] which is the origin of the modern decimal-based place value notation.[20][21]
The oldest known text to use a decimal place-value system, including a zero, is the Jain text from India entitled the Lokavibhâga, dated 458 CE, where shunya ("void" or "empty") was employed for this purpose.[22] The first known use of special glyphs for the decimal digits that includes the indubitable appearance of a symbol for the digit zero, a small circle, appears on a stone inscription found at the Chaturbhuja Temple at Gwalior in India, dated 876 CE.[23][24] There are many documents on copper plates, with the same small o in them, dated back as far as the sixth century CE, but their authenticity may be doubted.[13]

and this is not some hypothesis :wave:

(Hypothesis means ASSUMPTION).


supposition - assumption - conjecture - presumption

You might hypothesize/assume you are a scholar, but it is patently evident you are a clown.

Well, you can say that Indians invent nothing in this case. :)
Many Indians believe that they are white. So all European achievements are their own achievements. They even support white supremacists at their web site. Only to get rejected for obvious reasons. I feel sad for these people.

These people think, the world originated from India ( State created in 1947) , and all the contribution of every other civilization is theirs, which was "stolen", and if they think if some civilization is successful, like the Europeans, then they claim to be their originators. On another thread, there were Indians claiming Mayans to be originally Indians... This is how their messed up mindset works.
I don't know why there are so many conflict between you and the India. Don't you know how much Indians want to be white. They use all these skin whitening creams. They regard themselves as white Aryans and look down upon other race of people. They believe that Hit ler adore them because he adopted swastika

In China, however, pale, white skin is the hallmark of a glamourous woman. This deep-rooted ideal has been the foundation of the skin-whitening business.

"Get white" messages are inescapable in this part of the world. Ghostly, white faces fill the scenes of popular Chinese TV dramas. Pale Chinese models peer from the pages of glossy magazines, pout on billboards and in cinema advertisements. And pamphlets with bleached faces jostle for counter space at local department stores.


Chinese consumers obsessed with white skin bring profits for cosmetics companies - Economic Times
They are all nutcases and we dont need to educate them.

More important to educate our own people some of whom have been taken in by Marxist-liberal theories that has made them adharmis.

We first need to study Vedas ourselves from Authentic sources so that we can dismiss the misinterpretations of these vile Mlechhas with the contempt it deserves.

They are not nutcases but 50 cents propaganda soldiers. Almost ALL chinese posters in pdf are part of their 50 cents army.
I respect most Pakistani more than you in this forum.

:lol: ..... you are a 50 cent soldier .............ever wonder How much respect do you command here ? :azn:

I know for certain Chinese didn't invent anything, but only copy. That is undisputable fact. Can you deny it? :)

They invented "ctr C" :cheesy:

You are on a PAKISTANI Site right now. Are you really this pathetic?

LOL....I am on a pakistani site criticizing pakistan ........so now tell me again...who is more pathetic ? :azn:
In China, however, pale, white skin is the hallmark of a glamourous woman. This deep-rooted ideal has been the foundation of the skin-whitening business.

"Get white" messages are inescapable in this part of the world. Ghostly, white faces fill the scenes of popular Chinese TV dramas. Pale Chinese models peer from the pages of glossy magazines, pout on billboards and in cinema advertisements. And pamphlets with bleached faces jostle for counter space at local department stores.


Chinese consumers obsessed with white skin bring profits for cosmetics companies - Economic Times

We're not obsessed with white skin as you Indian obsessed to make white as slave as India in 2030 :lol:
If you are an American, you must know of Chris Hansen and his special episodes of Dateline he did several years back. There were so many cases of Indians got booked that my wife won't allow my daughters to go play in Indian's houses for the sake of their safety.

I watched that show a few years ago... :lol:

I remember my family would make fun of the Indians turbans and accents... lols
We're not obsessed with white skin as you Indian obsessed to make white as slave as India in 2030 :lol:

you know the growth of the FAIRNESS products in Chinese Market is a mind boggling 100%. 30% of skin products sold in China are Fairness Products. This obsession with being white is specially mind boggling in case of China where the people are already mostly born white. White Chinese obsessed with being even more white :cheesy: and China is the biggest market for fairness products. That's called obsession.

one more thing, see below picture of Chinese Parliament. How meticulously they are copying the White Man's dress.


Every single Chinese is trying to become the next white. :D
Indians were the greatest Mathematians at the time, it's an shame the Gupta (Around the time of the tang dynasty) empire collapsed just before they fully unified India (Bharat)

India was always a religious, cultural and socially unified. That is real unity.

You are talking only about Political geographical unity, but the advantage of being a fortress was, there was no need for such a unity. The impenetrable geography made us into one unit anyway. Geographical unity was always there.
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