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Why We’d Miss Musharraf

How many attacks where taking place on the pak army before bush ordered them into FATA?
Its a really simple question....try answering it

If there were criminals rampant in an area where the police never entered, how many attacks on police do you think would take place? Thats right, none!

The army chose to avoid confrontation with the criminals for a long time, and therefore there were no attacks, but as soon as it went in because the "crime" was getting out of hand, the criminals started attacking the force that would put a stop to their activities.
But let me guess if mushy had been in power in would have been the "great leader" that did everything by himself...

every time a missile has been tested whether Blastc or Cruise he always give the credit to the Scientists who made, giveme one example when he said this test is conducted bcoz of me ??

October 1990, economic and military sanctions were imposed on Pakistan under the Pressler Amendment, a country-specific law that singles out only one nation on the nuclear issue.
there are Sanction on Iran Right now did they effected their economy guess what NO. to economically boost up your country you have to have an economic development enviornament first that both leaders failed to do so.

so did Zia and the other dictators in pakistans history.
So you have accepted that if there is possibal democracy it is bcoz of Army.

The motorway...and if he had sold out totally like mushy he would have got access to credit that could have been used to improve the economy.
for your kind information the work on motorway started on 1985 in the rule of zia, by just inugrating it dosent mean that you have build it.

Mushy has nothing new,just carried on with BB,nawaz economic policies
I wonder which policies they have made, i am a student of commerce but when ever i see in past i dont see any economic policies that is well enough for the economic development of country.

.There was no need to make this people into "martyrs".
Martyrs... go & read the Islam First & see the definition of Martyr. those terrorists are not martyrs who just fight for extremism kidnap people, Threaten people, burn the shops, Kill the Soldiers, etc. etc. etc. etc.

The govt could have straved them out like any other normal govt would have done
Waoo what an Islamic way to starve the little children & women out who have been held hostage by some terrorists.
Take Care

Right, a playboy who achieved success and fame from precisely the kind of behavior and system that he is now condemning. He is just another regressive fool who has defined "morality" in his later years to be an "ultra conservative" society. He was another one opposed to the "Woman's Rights Bill".

Do you have any one reason to make me believe that Imran is corrupt and has looted the money of Pakistanis. I remember once an American Diplomat came to Pakistan and said that "Pakistanis can even sell their Mother for money", So my dear be cerebral and realize that corruption is the biggest threat to Pakistan's Existence as a progressive and prosperous country. Till today i can confidently say that more than half of the ministers in the cabinet are either involved in corruption scandals or assassination cases. One cannot indemnify them just becoz they are with musharraf. The reason Musharraf justified his coup no longer exists as he never held anybody accountable except two former PMs. I tell you i have seen many corrupt officials in the govt. and nothing has been done in that regard by NAB. They are only busy in taking up cases against politicians who are against Musharraf. Is this what we need! ACCOUNTABILITY SHOULD BE ACROSS THE BOARD AND SHOULDN'T BE CONFINED TO PMs, CHIEF JUSTICE. I tell you even in Army there are a lot of corrupt officials who are never uncovered. Admiral Mansoor is just one example who was freed upon so called successful negotiations with him. Is this Justice! Why he wasn't jailed for what he did to be an example for others. Why we put these politicians in "A CLASS JAILS". Are they different from others. Almost half of the GOVT. OFFICERS ARE CORRUPT TODAY!, BUT NO ACTION IS BEING TAKEN. THEY HAVE ACCRUED HUGE WEALTH AND THEIR CHILDREN ARE STUDYING IN USA. WE NEED SOMEBODY WHO IS CLEAN AND WANTS TO BE ACCOMPANIED BY PEOPLE WHO ARE CLEAN UNLIKE MUSHARRAF.
every time a missile has been tested whether Blastc or Cruise he always give the credit to the Scientists who made, giveme one example when he said this test is conducted bcoz of me ??

Dont try changing the question,Nawaaz was under world wide pressure not to test,he was offered all the same goodies that they gave mushy,but for he refused and tested.
A true patriot who put pakistans interests first and was not bought out like mushy.

there are Sanction on Iran Right now did they effected their economy guess what NO. to economically boost up your country you have to have an economic development enviornament first that both leaders failed to do so.

Again you change the question to suit your own logic.
You stated that there where no sanction on pakistan prior to them testing the bomb....i proved you totally wrong.

So you have accepted that if there is possibal democracy it is bcoz of Army..

I was being sarcastic,the "democracy" that zia bought was the kalashnikov,drugs and some weird form of sharia.

for your kind information the work on motorway started on 1985 in the rule of zia, by just inugrating it dosent mean that you have build it...

Just like mushy inugrating all these fancy projects and taking the credit.

I wonder which policies they have made, i am a student of commerce but when ever i see in past i dont see any economic policies that is well enough for the economic development of country....

So you see no link with pakistan bending over backwards for the US and "economic progress".
You need study politics also to understand what is going on.

Martyrs... go & read the Islam First & see the definition of Martyr. those terrorists are not martyrs who just fight for extremism kidnap people, Threaten people, burn the shops, Kill the Soldiers, etc. etc. etc. etc.....

Does not matter what you or i think,that is the way the these people are pecieved by the ones fighting the state.
There was no need to make this people into "martyrs".....did you notice the "martyrs".Try understanding what those two little wiggly things over the word mean.

Waoo what an Islamic way to starve the little children & women out who have been held hostage by some terrorists......

So you admit that the pak army killed woman and children?
If you check what islam says,the last action should have been to kill these people before trying all other methods.

:pakistan: :pakistan:
Dont try changing the question,Nawaaz was under world wide pressure not to test,he was offered all the same goodies that they gave mushy,but for he refused and tested.
A true patriot who put pakistans interests first and was not bought out like mushy.

Now plz ! what sort of goddies were offerd to Him ?/ may be you will like to explain bocz i am not awared of it.& i am not changing the topic you are you said if there will be Musharaf then what happen not What was offerd to Musharaf & what to NS. Why did he ran like cowerd to KSA dont have have guts to face like a politition. & the whole world saw how he was welcomed before he came he said there will be 10,000 vehicals & millions of peoples who will welcome him but unfortunately no one cares of him Now.

Again you change the question to suit your own logic.
You stated that there where no sanction on pakistan prior to them testing the bomb....i proved you totally wrong.
you proved me wrong or I proved you wrong lets make a poll & decide, What do you say ?? Accept it ?

was being sarcastic,the "democracy" that zia bought was the kalashnikov,drugs and some weird form of sharia./quote]
Would you like to elaborate this line plz .

Just like mushy inugrating all these fancy projects and taking the credit.
Like ?? give me an example if you have any but guess what i know you dont have any.

So you see no link with pakistan bending over backwards for the US and "economic progress".
You need study politics also to understand what is going on.
may be i know more about politics then you think.

Does not matter what you or i think,that is the way the these people are pecieved by the ones fighting the state.
There was no need to make this people into "martyrs".....did you notice the "martyrs".Try understanding what those two little wiggly things over the word mean.
Again ! i would like you to Elaborate what you said, didn't understand.

So you admit that the pak army killed woman and children?
When the hell did i admit that !it was against your response that we shoud Starve them.

If you check what Islam says,the last action should have been to kill these people before trying all other methods.
Well i think we have been trying these methods from Last Six months , we made them every request, From President to Prime minister From ulma to Imame Kabba, but they didn't listen to any one, so they deserve what they got.

:pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan:

Originally Posted by WILCO
Under him Pakistan has progressed. When he took over Pakistan was on the verge of bankruptcy..

Did it have something to do with sanctions that where placed on pakistan due to the nuclear testing carried out by nawaaz?
Or maybe it was an accumulation of sanctions over the past decade on the civilian government due to them not moving on core issues like the taliban,nuclear weapons,kashmir ect under military/domestic pressure.

dabong, you're hate of Musharraf makes you turn your support to someone who single handedly destroyed Pakistan without nuclear weapons. You're even churning out all the fake anti Musharraf propaganda even though it's been disproved on here.

1) Sanctions did NOT affect Nawaz Sharif's government. The sanctions that affected the economy were placed AFTER the tests in 1998. They did not start until 1999, when Musharraf took over, but anyway they were quickly stopped after Musharraf had taken over anyway.

2) There were NO economic sanctions of Pakistan before 1998. There were MILITARY sanctions only. These affected Pakistan's import of F-16s and so on. But their trade with the US even was not affected under both Bhutto and NS.
you proved me wrong or I proved you wrong lets make a poll & decide, What do you say ?? Accept it ?

Lets have a poll

Where there sanctions on pakistan before the nuclear test ?

was being sarcastic,the "democracy" that zia bought was the kalashnikov,drugs and some weird form of sharia./quote]
Would you like to elaborate this line plz .

Like ?? give me an example if you have any but guess what i know you dont have any.

may be i know more about politics then you think.

Again ! i would like you to Elaborate what you said, didn't understand.

When the hell did i admit that !it was against your response that we shoud Starve them.

Well i think we have been trying these methods from Last Six months , we made them every request, From President to Prime minister From ulma to Imame Kabba, but they didn't listen to any one, so they deserve what they got.

:pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan:

Lets have a poll
Where there sanctions on pakistan before the nuclear test ?

Well as Roadrunner said there were no Econimic sanction on Pakistan before 1998 there were only military Sanctions, so that doesent effect the economy does it.

:pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan:

dabong, you're hate of Musharraf makes you turn your support to someone who single handedly destroyed Pakistan without nuclear weapons. You're even churning out all the fake anti Musharraf propaganda even though it's been disproved on here..

It is people like that have followed every dictator that has left pakistan in the mess it is now.

1) Sanctions did NOT affect Nawaz Sharif's government. The sanctions that affected the economy were placed AFTER the tests in 1998. They did not start until 1999, when Musharraf took over, but anyway they were quickly stopped after Musharraf had taken over anyway

2) There were NO economic sanctions of Pakistan before 1998. There were MILITARY sanctions only. These affected Pakistan's import of F-16s and so on. But their trade with the US even was not affected under both Bhutto and NS.

You fail to reaslize that it is the americans that get you access to large amounts of funds from the World Bank and the IMF .
Indirect sanctions relating to the nuclear issue affected pakistan in all area's.
Do get a deeper understanding of whats going on.

WASHINGTON, SEPT 24: Economic sanctions imposed by the Clinton administration following the May 1998 nuclear tests in South Asia "appear to have had a relatively minimal overall impact on India and a minimal but somewhat more pronounced adverse impact on Pakistan," a US government report has said.
The report, prepared by the US International Trade Commission for the US Congress, says quantitative estimates indicate that economic effects of the Glenn Amendment (under which sanctions were imposed) are likely to be small for all countries involved: the United States, India, and Pakistan. For the United States, the sanctions impose a total cost of $ 161 million. For India and Pakistan, the sanctions impose total costs of $ 320 million and $ 57 million, respectively, the report said.

The figures suggest that while the sanctions were intended to hurt New Delhi to a greater degree, its more robust economy weathered the situation better. Clinton administration officials said openly last year that the sanctionswere being calibrated in such a way as to punish the larger power to a greater degree.

Based on a telephone survey of over 200 American companies and associations, the report found that U.S. companies most affected by the sanctions were those involved in the sale of wheat and certain other agricultural products; industrial machinery; transportation, construction, and mining equipment; electronics products; and infrastructure development services.

Specifically, the report said recent trade data indicate that reimposition of the agricultural component of the sanctions (which was waived recently) most likely would adversely affect U.S. wheat exports to Pakistan, which is an important customer for white wheat grown in the U.S. Pacific Northwest states and which relies on USDA export credits for such purchases. India, which is self sufficient in food, does not buy grain from the U.S.

While the check list hurt Pakistan more, the loss of trade and project finance support from the U.S. Export-Import Bank andthe Overseas Private Insurance Corporation, as required by the Glenn Amendment sanctions, particularly hindered the ability of some U.S. companies to operate in India. The Commission received several reports that this may have contributed to the perception of U.S. companies as unreliable international suppliers, the report said.

The report also said humanitarian activities in India and Pakistan appear minimally affected because the Glenn Amendment sanctions do not apply to the provision of food, humanitarian aid, and medicines and medical equipment. However, for both countries it is difficult to isolate the effects of the U.S. sanctions from other concurrent economic events, such as each country's domestic economic policies or economic sanctions imposed by other countries.

Sanctions lifted as US rewards Pakistan
Sanctions lifted as US rewards Pakistan | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited
Luke Harding and Rory McCarthy in Islamabad
Monday September 24, 2001
The Guardian

Pakistan welcomed a decision yesterday by the United States to lift economic sanctions imposed in 1998 as a punishment for the country's ambitious nuclear programme.
President Bush lifted sanctions against Pakistan over the weekend in apparent recognition of its support in the fight against terrorism.

Did you read the bit that said "economic sanctions"

CNN - Pakistan won't sign treaty until economic sanctions end - December 4, 1998

Pakistan won't sign treaty until economic sanctions end

December 4, 1998
Web posted at: 1:14 a.m. EDT (0114 GMT)
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif says his country will not sign the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) until all remaining economic sanctions imposed on Pakistan are lifted.

Again it mentions "economic sanctions"
And I support you Lahori!

If I come to Pakistan, which Inshallah I will,please show me around.
WASHINGTON, SEPT 24: Economic sanctions imposed by the Clinton administration following the May 1998 nuclear tests in South Asia

Again it mentions "economic sanctions"

Are you blind? It says Economic sanctions imposed following the nuke tests

They were imposed after NS's rule and during the beginning of Musharraf's rule.
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