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why Turkey support the Muslims Brotherhood

Two choices:

A- democratic party supported by people
B- murderous military dictator massacring his own people

It's easy to see why some countries support choice (A), and other countries support choice (B)
Two choices:

A- democratic party supported by people
B- murderous military dictator massacring his own people

It's easy to see why some countries support choice (A), and other countries support choice (B)

Choice A goes against what has happened on the ground in Egypt.

Choice B a retaliation to the MB terrorist activities against the Army of Egypt.

Outsiders have no right to say anything against Egypt.

Egypt is a sovereign country and don't accept any foreigners dictations.
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Choice A goes against what has happened on the ground in Egypt.

Choice B a retaliation to the MB terrorist activities against the Army of Egypt.

Outsiders have no right to say anything against Egypt.

Egypt is a sovereign country and don't accept any foreigners dictations.


B)You are also an outsider.
English please.

Millions walked the st against the MB which forced the Army to resort law and order in the country.

Yeah we can see that... MB won through the power of votes ... not weapons?

What has that got to do with my Question. Turkey is not part of the Arab League neither you are.

You are not holding a AL confrence either...
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Yeah we can see that... MB won through the power of votes ... but weapons?

Stupidity aside.
Expand your thought, will you?

You are not holding a AL confrence either...

Saudi Arabia is the most influential country in the Arab world. The answer to your question is yes we do.
Why is Turkey supporting the MB? Is Turkey dreaming of establishing another Ottomans Empire after it got defended once again?
Edroghan and i share the same vision.

Virtue Party and AKP are the offshoots of IKHWAN !!!!!
Stupidity aside.
Expand your thought, will you?

Stupidity aside... think democracy..

Saudi Arabia is the most influential country in the Arab world. The answer to your question is yes we do.
This is not saudi arabia .. nor are you tabling a confrence in AL HQ... you asked for peoples opinion ...
I am not a MB supporter, but can someone tell me what happen to democracy? Why did every one suddenly turn a blind eye when a democratically elected government was overthrown? Isn't democracy preached 24/7 from Washington and London? Lol where have all these preachers gone?

And Turkey has recently disappointed me a lot, they haven't said a word about the situation of Tatars in Crimea. I mean, even a strong statement to Russia and Ukraine to protect the interests of the Tatars would have been well received. But it seems Turkey is looking to gain more brownies in the Middle-east.
Stupidity aside... think democracy..

The Egyptian say, we don't want the MB simple as that. How do you response?

This is not saudi arabia .. nor are you tabling a confrence in AL HQ... you asked for peoples opinion ...

Saudi Arabia agrees to what Egypt puts forward.

Saudi Arabian interests and turkish interests will colide in the Future?

Is that a Q or statement?
The Egyptian say, we don't want the MB simple as that. How do you response?

Saudi Arabia agrees to what Egypt puts forward.

Is that a Q or statement?

Which elections results said they didn't want the MB? Or are you saying lets do away with democratic institutions and adopt mob rule? Oh who am I kidding talking about democracy here, you wouldn't know what democracy is even if it hit you right in the face.
Which elections results said they didn't want the MB? Or are you saying lets do away with democratic institutions and adopt mob rule? Oh who am I kidding talking about democracy here, you wouldn't know what democracy is even if it hit you right in the face.

Read post#5
Hmmm why would Turkey an actual democracy

support a party that won 5 democratic elections in a row

as opposed to the same military slime who have ruled Egypt like kings for 50 years

:wacko::wacko::wacko: its a tough one???
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