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Why the west should listen to Putin on Syria

I am absolutely loving Russia exterminate these Wahabi terrorists straight to hell.
What enabled the terrorists advance so effective (especially across/near Turkey border) was Turkey's self-administered engagement rules.

Can you before all please tell me what the heck does "self administered RoE" mean??

Second of all, as you see nearly all the other side of the borderline is under Kurdish control except for the safe zone as visible below which was the absolute red line given to Kurds for stopping them to form a corridor which in long terms have no relation to cut any and all sort of supply to a third party other than Turkmens.


But with Russian military moving toward that direction (which will eventually happen), Turkey's engagement will be annulled.

Just above the border? Let alone Turkish ADIZ, that would also mean a possibility of violating sovereign NATO airspace in time of another crisis in Eastern Europe is happening.

Do you think NATO is dumb or what?
Just because everytime when Russia stoods up and in this case serves his ops like they fired an atomic bomb to targets....only can drug people in the same mindset of yours. Just like when Soviet Union collapsed, suddenly hundreds of millions have pulled the iron curtain and opened their eyes to reality. Remember the last time when USSR tried to take on US/West as a whole? Collapse!

Just yesterday or before Gen. Breedlove, SACEUR have told that USAF is also deployed at Diyarbakır AFB and possibly Erhaç AB. All three are two major and one normal airbases very close to Syrian border. Diyarbakır AFB once was NATO's Southeastern CAOC. Let's also not forget Patriot batteries. Also bear in mind that US uses other bases in SA, Jordan, Qatar. Why do you think they are deploying forces in all these three bases. Here the air defence radar coverage:


In that case, with effective intelligence, it should not be difficult to inflict heavy damages to terrorists.

No replies to that, no matter how true, technical talk would be off topic.

Keep in mind that these terrorist convoys used to move hundreds of kilometers in open area across the so-called US air campaign. With Russia in the region, this is no more.

So an organization that is famous for assassinating opposite businessmen abroad is gonna do what CIA/DIA couldn't..?

It may take longer than 3-4 months. But,

You're God or what..experts had said the Syrian war wouldn't last more than 2 years at the beginning..

There is no FSA left meaningful enough to put up a fight on the ground, by the way.

They are dormant, holding up few small areas. Most of the higher ups either fled back to Europe or enjoying five-star hotels in Istanbul.


Another interesting note, now that Russia is hitting ISIS and Nusra (mainly), it will eventually hit the border areas that provide logistics to these groups. There is no way ISIS will be defeated if their land connection with Turkey is not cut.

As I said, I think you don't know what you're saying, God forbid you're gonna start World War 3 with that..

Who is going to to do this job?

Probably YPG, which is currently talking to Russia to join the campaign.

And interestingly, the YPG also has US, Russia and Iran's full endorsement.

There's only Assad that you didn't use term 'terrorist"..but YPG is what Turkish police is fighting now in the streets of S.E Turkey. Killing service members, bombing buildings, IED planting..

YPG, PKK, PYD is as dangerous and terrorist as ISIS.

@jhungary I told myself not to write when I saw another guy saying crazy things apparently a think tank..but these are the last days for us isnt it..who gives a f...k then :lol:
Its a far more visible show of Russian support and more useful for Sputnik types I guess.

Okay. Then only thing I see is Russians bolster the troops already on the ground with better intelligence and CAS. And what kind of AA do you think FSA could use apart from MANPAD's. Russian jets could easily fly above them if needed. Decent SAM's could be hard to smuggle and much easier to find.

Well, not gonna comment on whether or not flying Air mission is more visible , that's objective. We can argue whole day about it and without any conclusion, so I decided to skip it.

To the point of AA weapon, do remember heavy weaponry is easy to get, with or without US or SA help. Just look at How Russia arm Ukrainian Rebel. If Russia can pull one out like this, I am sure US and SA, both Richer than Russia and more influential then Russia can.

From my own experience, it don't take much to smuggle sophisticate weaponry to rebel. It really not as difficult as you think. As for how easy to find? Well......finding them does not mean you can eliminate them without any casualty, and when that one SAM done some damage, that's already bought and paid for.

Can you before all please tell me what the heck does "self administered RoE" mean??

Second of all, as you see nearly all the other side of the borderline is under Kurdish control except for the safe zone as visible below which was the absolute red line given to Kurds for stopping them to form a corridor which in long terms have no relation to cut any and all sort of supply to a third party other than Turkmens.


Just above the border? Let alone Turkish ADIZ, that would also mean a possibility of violating sovereign NATO airspace in time of another crisis in Eastern Europe is happening.

Do you think NATO is dumb or what?
Just because everytime when Russia stoods up and in this case serves his ops like they fired an atomic bomb to targets....only can drug people in the same mindset of yours. Just like when Soviet Union collapsed, suddenly hundreds of millions have pulled the iron curtain and opened their eyes to reality. Remember the last time when USSR tried to take on US/West as a whole? Collapse!

Just yesterday or before Gen. Breedlove, SACEUR have told that USAF is also deployed at Diyarbakır AFB and possibly Erhaç AB. All three are two major and one normal airbases very close to Syrian border. Diyarbakır AFB once was NATO's Southeastern CAOC. Let's also not forget Patriot batteries. Also bear in mind that US uses other bases in SA, Jordan, Qatar. Why do you think they are deploying forces in all these three bases. Here the air defence radar coverage:


No replies to that, no matter how true, technical talk would be off topic.

So an organization that is famous for assassinating opposite businessmen abroad is gonna do what CIA/DIA couldn't..?

You're God or what..experts had said the Syrian war wouldn't last more than 2 years at the beginning..


As I said, I think you don't know what you're saying, God forbid you're gonna start World War 3 with that..

There's only Assad that you didn't use term 'terrorist"..but YPG is what Turkish police is fighting now in the streets of S.E Turkey. Killing service members, bombing buildings, IED planting..

YPG, PKK, PYD is as dangerous and terrorist as ISIS.

@jhungary I told myself not to write when I saw another guy saying crazy things apparently a think tank..but these are the last days for us isnt it..who gives a f...k then :lol:

lol, was calling you on so people know the truth about Syria, which all of them cheer on without knowing what exactly happen and the geographical distribution of force, and in some case (Like this one) I am pretty sure those people don't even know where Syria or Turkey are...

l Especially like the part when he said "There is no way ISIS will be defeated if their land connection with Turkey is not cut." lol, what he is saying is to suggest an intrusion of Turkish Border to Syria (Which is on the opposite side of Russia/Turkey Border anyway)

That is a good way to start WW3 or he really do expect NATO and Turkey will not do anything but simply roll over??

But then, most of them are like this, they cheer when other people bled to death, they will NEVER know what it is on the front line, or what it is to take someone life, I have been doing that for 7 years and you are about to go thru the same thing I gone thru, and they, the Chino PDF brigade, they become expert by watching one too many TV show... lol
Gulf Country already ruled out a conventional war with Syria because of Russia Backing long before the air strike, that is why SA did not attack Syria themselves. But rather forming FSA to being their role in the first place.

And no, it would not make any different if we bomb any country to hell, bombing without boots on the ground does not do anything, while the question remain. It wasn't like the situation now before Russia is directly involved, no matter how small it is. The question is what changes will made to the region now that Russia is involved, that is the reason why US weren't involved in Syrian Civil war in the first place. that is to gave Russia an excuse to escalate the war, but now, the Russian is doing it, and you don't expect ISIS or FSA to simply lie down now Russia are involved, instead, FSA will ask a lot more from the US and SA for assistance. Well, I don't know what ISIS is going to do,

Well Russia seems to have much needed ground support in Syrian state. Something which US lacked. I think Russia will hit targets indiscriminately.
Head-Chopping Saudi Despots Worried About Human Life in Syria

But no word about the untold thousands killed so far in the war they have been supporting before Russia got involved

The US' most important ally, Saudi Arabia, is highly nervous because of Russia intervention in Syria: Saudi Arabia called on Russia to stop the air strikes immediately.

The government in Riyadh is very concerned over the recent military operations around the towns of Homs and Hama, the Saudi Arabian ambassador Abdalla Al-Muallimi told on Wednesday to the United Nations. The attacks have hit areas, where the extremist militia Islamic State is not even present. According to the Saudi state television, the diplomate said further, that numerous innocent civilians were harmed during the operations. “We are demanding that the strikes be immediately stopped and not be resumed again.”

The diplomat did not provide any evidence for his statement. NATO has attempted to utilize western media to discredit Russia, as early as Wednesday evening. Russia in response, published a video which is documenting the attacks on IS. Not even in this video is it possible to ascertain if the footage is showing the reality as postulated.

The confirmation of the Russian information's correctness, is the stance of Israel: Jerusalem is being kept in the loop by Moscow. It is telling that the Israeli media is publishing only very small reports of the Syrian air attacks. The dominant news, is the statement by the Palestinian leader, about the cancellation of the Oslo Accord.

The Saudis are on a back-room deal spree: they don't want to loose the Americans as an ally, since the US, as still the largest economic power, appeals more then Russia. But the Russian president has made overt moves over the last few month. Moscow's and Riyadh's interests can be brought closer in the current raw materials crisis: both countries are dependent on crude exports and as time goes by, can form a interest base coalition.

The Saudis have yet another interest: supported by the US, they are carrying on an internationally illegal war against Yemen. This week, the UN served Saudi Arabia the certification for this. The Saudis fear, that the reordering of the Middle East at the hands of Russia, may involve their withdrawal from Yemen.

China, which supports Russia's intervention in Syria, demanded a political solution for Syria on Thursday.


Latest: Syrian Arab Army readies for a major offensive in north Homs under the cover of Russian Air Force.

Homs was a major industrial city of Syria. During the war, some of the factories have been looted, dismantled and moved to Turkey.

Further, Russia has been identifying ISIS-Nusra strongholds along the highway east of Damascus, Homs and Hama.

These obstacles are likely to be cleared before a major offensive. In it a cleaning operation in phases.

Sukhoi Su-34 with a KAB-500SE Satellite guided bomb in Syria. Here is your precision strike that the US has never achieved against the ISIS and other terrorist groups.

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