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Why the west should listen to Putin on Syria

Bad move for Russia. (I guess only the Chinese PDF Chinese Brigade would see this is a good move.)

Russia do not need this, it's like fighting Chechen rebel in Syria, when they need (not can) fight Chechen Rebel in Chechen. Not to mention the ability for Russia to fight that far away from home. Doing so, will only bring ISIS to Russia, which Islamist extremist did already have a reason to.

This is not a conventional war, you cannot win by sending your own troop and try to battle it out, if Russian were smart, they will look at what the US did to Iraq in 2003 and US did to Afghanistan in 2001 and say "I better avoid that" unless Russia want to dump 10 trillions dollars into doing absolutely nothing, then they should avoid doing what the American do in 2001 and 2003, this is Syria and Middle Eastern problem, Russia are not going to solve it.

I am skeptical of russia bombing ISIS hideouts at all ..
I think US will officiallly support ISIS again if Russia and assad marching forward too easy.I believe that day is coming.
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Russia is targeting all terrorist groups, not just ISIS.

Most of these groups were or have been supported by outside forces, including the US.

Great move by Russia. Now the world sees how it is done just as Mr. Putin did with Chechen terrorists in the Caucasus.

In the meantime, some Western mouthpiece work exposed:


BREAKING: "The first reports on civilian casualties [from Russian airstrikes] emerged before our planes even left the ground," - ‪#‎Putin‬.‪#‎RussiaVsISIL‬ ‪#‎Syria‬

Info on Civilian Casualties Appeared Before Russian Jets in Syrian Airspace
I am skeptical of russia bombing ISIS hideouts at all ..

They would need to, but it will just be 3 out of 50 bomb targeting ISIS.

Do bear in mind Russia is propping up the Assad Regime and ISIS is also a resistance. Just not as great of a threat than FSA
They would need to, but it will just be 3 out of 50 bomb targeting ISIS.

Do bear in mind Russia is propping up the Assad Regime and ISIS is also a resistance. Just not as great of a threat than FSA
Yeah,and FSA angels are complaining that USA have stopped supportting them,LOL.
Yeah,and FSA angels are complaining that USA have stopped supportting them,LOL.

Do you even actually know what happening in Syria beside Russia = Good and USA = Bad?

LOL, the more you talk, the more it shows your idiocy
Do you even actually know what happening in Syria beside Russia = Good and USA = Bad?

LOL, the more you talk, the more it shows your idiocy
I have never said that,It's you China born genius keep repeating that USA = GOOD in daily basis.
Yeah,and FSA angels are complaining that USA have stopped supportting them,LOL.

Yes, FSA is very sore about the US.

But, on the other hand, being trained and equipped by the US for a terrorist in Syria is not a pretty thing because it is literally walking with a bulls-eye hung on one's back.

In Syria, different terrorist factions blame and kill each other for being US/Israeli agents.

That's why the US recently suspended the terrorist training activities in Turkey. Except a few, all trained are either killed or joined other terrorist groups with a slightly different hue.

Russia is targeting all terrorists regardless of slight differences of color. This will be increasingly so as the campaign moves areas near Turkish border.

By the way, to make life a little more difficult for terrorists, I have heard, YPG is also considering joint operation with Russia.

The initial target is Jarablus.
Yes, FSA is very sore about the US.

But, on the other hand, being trained and equipped by the US for a terrorist in Syria is not a pretty thing because it is literally walking with a bulls-eye hung on one's back.

In Syria, different terrorist factions blame and kill each other for being US/Israeli agents.

That's why the US recently suspended the terrorist training activities in Turkey. Except a few, all trained are either killed or joined other terrorist groups with a slightly different hue.
I remember I have saw FSA angels cutted out the heart of a little girl and cut one man's head with saw.I guess that is the typical type of angels in some nuts' head like jhungry the biggest american wannabe.
I remember I have saw FSA angels cutted out the heart of a little girl and cut one man's head with saw.I guess that is the typical type of angels in some nuts' head like jhungry the biggest american wannabe.

These people are talking out of helplessness.

If they were really smart people, they would be able to bring down President Assad (who allegedly lacked peoples' support) long ago.

Their strategies have failed and Russia has intervened just at the right time.

Wait for more bad news for US-trained terrorists after the joint communication center is fully functional, Iraqi Army pushes from the northwest and YPG joins the efforts.
I have never said that,It's you China born genius keep repeating that USA = GOOD in daily basis.

On contrary, I never said US = GOOD, in fact, most of the time, I do believe the US is heading in the wrong direction. But that does not mean you know anything about Syria. And answering a question with an question is not cool, it's stupid. It only show how lack of basic information and understanding on the topic

As I said, do you even know where Syria is?
I remember I have saw FSA angels cutted out the heart of a little girl and cut one man's head with saw.I guess that is the typical type of angels in some nuts' head like jhungry the biggest american wannabe.

Ignore the person who can allegedly locate Syria on the map, if you may. :)

According to the Syrian sources, Egypt is talking to Russia to join the anti-ISIS campaign.

According to Russian Defence Ministry: 12 targets over 24Hours. Russian air strikes destroyed ISIS command & communications centers in Aleppo.
Bad move for Russia. (I guess only the Chinese PDF Chinese Brigade would see this is a good move.)

Russia do not need this, it's like fighting Chechen rebel in Syria, when they need (not can) fight Chechen Rebel in Chechen. Not to mention the ability for Russia to fight that far away from home. Doing so, will only bring ISIS to Russia, which Islamist extremist did already have a reason to.

This is not a conventional war, you cannot win by sending your own troop and try to battle it out, if Russian were smart, they will look at what the US did to Iraq in 2003 and US did to Afghanistan in 2001 and say "I better avoid that" unless Russia want to dump 10 trillions dollars into doing absolutely nothing, then they should avoid doing what the American do in 2001 and 2003, this is Syria and Middle Eastern problem, Russia are not going to solve it.
But they aren't bringing their ground forces are they? Assad should have plenty of that IMO
Russia plans to wrap up the military operations in Syria in 3 to 4 months.

This will likely be a quick, surgical campaign to restore the Syrian government and army control.

New Russian airstrikes on Quraytayn - they have attacked ISIS and Nusra now in Hasakah, Deir Ezzor, Homs, Aleppo, and Raqqa...

Russia plans to wrap up the military operations in Syria in 3 to 4 months.

This will likely be a quick, surgical campaign to restore the Syrian government and army control.

New Russian airstrikes on Quraytayn - they have attacked ISIS and Nusra now in Hasakah, Deir Ezzor, Homs, Aleppo, and Raqqa...


I seriously doubt the timeline of 3-4 months. Its gonna take much longer to take back even some of the territory lost to ISIS and US-Arab backed terrorists. And without effective aerial support it becomes very hard for ground troops to capture territory and then hold it.
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